30 July, 2006

p.d.s *hahaha devil click*

well dis wkend was totally shit...went 2 da temple on fri n yes i did c p.d.s (i fink onli devil memberz dis haha) n yes it was totally n utterly weird.1st tym i've seen him since he askd me 2 marry him......whoooooooaaaaaaa culd it hve been nemure weird,culd feel his eyez follwin me.did i mention hw creepy dat is??lol but i admit da guy is swt i mean hw many other guyz do u knw dat wuld rite a list 2 convince u 2 fall 4 a m8 of theirz???w8 i hvn't tld ne1 xcept devil bout dis..so let me fill da rst of uz in..oh n ara if u readin i suggst u stop readin lol..dn't say i ddn't warn u ae!!
newyz a few wkendz bck p.d.s told me dat he was k wif me not luvin him bck (not dat he had a choice lol) n den he was like:"newyz hw can u luv me wen u alrdy hve sum1 else in ur heart?"lol
MAN was i totally lost,so i was like huz in my heart???lol n in reply 2 dis i get dis txt:ur bf ara..duh!!
i clickd bout da whle lil act i've got goin on *yes i knw wayyy 2 many actz 2 keep up wif* n i was like HELL NOOOO..i dn't luv him..*mite i add dat i nearly chokd on my v whle i read dis txt*
dis got p.d.s strtd on a list of y i shuld fall 4 butch...i wn't go in2 detailz but letz jst say whoaaaa mayb dey shuld bth fall 4 each other!!!LMAO!!!!!!
but i gota admit i was totally n utterly surprisd by p.d.s i mean wat kind of guy convincez da gurl he luvz *n wantz 2 marry* 2 fall 4 a m8 of his????hu da hell does dat???srsly!!!lol it kinda mkez me sad thou coz hez a g8 guy but datz all he is 2 me,jst a guy,a plain old guy.i feel like Meredith , i mean she dsn't even c george xactly hw i dn't c p.d.s. y is it dat gurlz never c da star dat is willin 2 shine 4 dem 4ever?*btw totally stole dat off a 4ward lol* v gurlz alwyz want wat v cn't hve...y is dat????p.d.s jst ain't my version of mcdreamy i guess...hmmmmm 4 sum reason dat jst remindd me of ice cream lol...n yes dharzi i knw wat u wuld say rite nw:"ur mcdreamy is out dere sumwea"...n devil u wuld say:"dam poor guy,shuld warn him" bth of u shutup lol..rite nw ice cream is enuf haha

26 July, 2006


i win,i win, i win, i win, i win....i KICKD MAJOR BUTT!!! well it wsn't a comp but i still declare i won!!***doin da pankz dance***lol newyz i shuld fill u all in...
yesterday i actually considered tellin mcdreamy *gag gag puke* dat i was sowi..xcept 4 da fact i wsn't soooo devil was like y dn't u jst say hi n c wat hppns 4m there on.i weighd up da proz n conz wif lea n realisd dat i onli had a tiny,lil bit of pride 2 looosssseeee....so i thort y not,i mean it wuldn't kill me 2 say hi. i go online @ 6.30pm finking dat derez no way in hell he wuld b on but guess hu popz up 10minz l8r..i was sittin dere contemplatin if i culd afford 2 loooosssseeee dat lil bit of pride *i knw i knw my ego is bigger den da wrld lol* n i mde up my mind dat even dat lil bit of pride was reali imprtnt 2 me!!hahaha so i jst sat there tlkin 2 devil hu was like ooo hez on...
5minz goes past n he actually sayz hi 2 me whch i gota say surprisd me, coz well nxt 2 a leo a scorpio has da nxt biggst pride..dis is wat he said:

ara:mc dreamy in da house
ara: lol
ara: sory
ara: sory 4 accusin u of not valuin ur life...

n as u can all tell i ddn't say nefing until he said sowi!!!hahahahaha N b4 u all ask i ddn' t say sowi coz tech. i wsn't n i wsn't wrng...newyz 1 prblm dwn onli a million mure 2 go!!lol
OH n did i mention dat devil finkz i shuld mke pankz pay 4 watever-ing me...jst coz devil ddn't get awy wif it she wantz pankz 2 b punishd 2 lol!!! FRNDZ ae???lol hmmm shuld i?shuldn't i?shuld i? shuldn't i??hmmmm...man finkin in mrning class is reali hard!!!!!!

24 July, 2006

dn't watever me...EVER!!!!!

i ain't got no attitude..i ain't pissd off n i certainly dn't need 2 calm dwn so dn't even try an tell me 2 coz im darn well gona lose it @ u n if u value *usin a certain $#@* wrd* ur life dn't mention ne of da above fingz!!!
ahhh all freakin wkend ppl freakin goin @ me..frstly my rnts yellin @ me 4 everyfng dat has gone wrng in their miserable lifez, GOD EXCUSE ME 4 BREATHIN!!2nd lea bein all IM HUNGARY, AN'Z IM HUNGARY, IM THIRSTY,wtf do i luk like, her mother????ahhhhhh...3rdly fukin patty cakez*code, u beta all click* goin on bout da luv dat he has 4 me,fuk hw many braincellz does it tke 2 get it thru ur thick head dat NOOOO meanz NOOOO???i swear if he tellz me hw dam sexy my smile is gain im not gona b held responsible 4 my actions..i will srsly plead insanity!!!!ahhhh..nxt my freakin weird as host studnt 4m japan,srsly man all she does is stare @ me,itz reali creepy n wen u wlk past her rm shez like talkin 2 herslf!!itz kinda scary..but i guess itz not her fault shez weird!!?? nxt fukin mcyucky*code gain* finkin dat hez da shit n tellin me dat i dn't value my life,seatd way up there in his freakin pedestal!!GOD BITE ME!!!!!!!hu da hell does he fink he is 2 judge me???jst coz u fink u knw me dsn't mean u do so dn't even try 2 understnd me coz u dn't n u cn't!!!sure man ignore me a whole day coz ur pissd,im sure dat wil solve everyfing!!!!FUKIN HELL Y DID GOD MKE GUYZ???? lastly is pankz..fukin hell does my mistkez in life reali hve 2 b da topic of every convo v hve. yea a guy askz u out,u either do it or not,u dn't hve 2 analysis it so u dn't turn out like me(as in da whle nuke guyz fing)!!!fukin hell do i luk like a social xperiment???n u shuld defintly knw better den 2 watever me pankz...ur jst lucky i was 2 wastd 2 yell @ u coz v all knw wat hppnd 2 devil wen she watever-d me..jst dn't watever me or tell me 2 calm dwn n i will get over dis mood a lot faster...n yes dis is gona b like dat wk wen big bird n me weren't frnds so peepz i suggest u stay outa my way ae!

23 July, 2006

Dear God

Its funi how long it takes 4 a person 2 learn da meaning of life..sum can live a whle lifetym n still not figure it out. It took me 1sec 2 realise wat da meanin of my life was but it took less den dat tym 4 my innocence to shatter.how is it i can have mure den da average person n still feel like im missin da most imprtnt fing in life???? i dn't even knw wat it is dat i feel im missing out on,all i knw is dat sumtymz it hurts so much dat itz hard 2 breathe...
I am fankful 4 da wonderful fingz i hve in life esp my luvin bunch of frnds n i guess my family..but even dey cn't mke dis hole go away..watever hole it is im on bout...
There was a tym wen I blieved God, there was a tym wen i knw dat u were up there lukin after me and dat u wuld protect me..but sumwea inbtwn i lost u God n i dn't knw hw 2 find my way bck 2 u..wen i was lil my fav biblical story was the 1 bout da lost sheep wea da sheppard leaves da herd 2 find it, i luvd it coz i blieved dat if i ever lost my way u wuld find me...but nw dat i've grwn up im not so sure. i mean yea i go 2 da temple and 2 church but its not da same...sumwea life got in da way,it made me in2 sum1 i ddn't want 2 b but i had no choice if i wantd 2 survive. I dn't understnd hw so much can happn 2 jst 1 persn in such a short tym..y is it dat those hu r bad get everyfing in life n those hu strive for good r da 1z hu r stood on??? my sunday skool teacher alwyz told me dat it was never 2 l8 2 mke ur way bck 2 da lite but hw can u mke ur way bck wen u dn't even knw wea 2 strt??? all i wantd as a innocent child was 2 prtect my family,luv my frnds and mke da wrld a better plce but sumwea alng lifez journey all i wantd was 2 survive,no matter wat i had 2 do or say 2 get 2 da end...i guess if i do blieve dis meanz im goin 2 hell but wat does it mean if i dn't blieve???God,is there reali a pot of gold @ da end of da rainbow?

21 July, 2006

i found dis on dis randum personz blog..thort it was totally crck so i put it on mine 2 entertain u all 2!!lol tell me wat u fink..oh n my fav 1 is da humor 1!!GOD dis is totally crck so here it is:

Motherly Advice:
My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE - "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning!"
My mother taught me RELIGION - "You better pray that will come out of the carpet."
My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL - "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"
My mother taught me LOGIC - "Because I said so, that's why."
My Mother taught me more LOGIC - "If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me."
My mother taught me FORESIGHT - "Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."
My mother taught me IRONY - "Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about."
My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS - "Shut your mouth and eat your supper!"
My mother taught me about CONTORTIONIST - "Will you "look" at the dirt on the back of your neck!"
My mother taught me about STAMINA - "You'll sit there 'till all that spinach is finished."
My mother taught me about WEATHER - "It looks as if a tornado swept through your room."
My mother taught me how to solve PHYSICS PROBLEMS - "If I yelled because I saw a meteor coming toward you; would you listen THEN?"
My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY - "If I've told you once, I've told you a million times - Don't Exaggerate!!!"
My mother taught me THE CIRCLE OF LIFE - "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."
My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION - "Stop acting like your father!"
My mother taught me about ENVY - "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do!"
My Mother taught me about ANTICIPATION - "Just wait until we get home."
My Mother taught me about RECEIVING - "You are going to get it when we get home!"
My Mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE - "If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that way."
My Mother taught me to THINK AHEAD - "If you don't pass your spelling test, you'll never get a good job."
My Mother taught me ESP - "Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you're cold?"
My mother taught me HUMOR - "When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."
My mother taught me how to BECOME AN ADULT - "If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."
My Mother taught me about GENETICS - "You're just like your father."
My Mother taught me about my ROOTS - "Do you think you were born in a barn?"
My Mother taught me about WISDOM OF AGE - "When you get to be my age, you will understand."
And my all time favorite... JUSTICE - "One day you'll have kids ... and I hope they turn out just like you!"

17 July, 2006

top 10 stupid fingz extraz

well it seemz dat my frnds r not hapi wif my top 10 list and hve told me bout sum other fingz i hve dne in my life whch r wayyyyyyyyyyyyy stupidr!!! if dat is possible but den gain v r tlkin bout me!!!so here is sum of da fingz dey mentiond:
kat n mel fink dat stealing da RABBIT shuld b #1 on my list coz frankly dat was da stupidst fing i hve ever done in my life...i mean v culdn't b normal teenage gurlz n steal red underwear or sumfing*btw itz a line off Miss Congeniality lol* nooooo v had 2 b our usual crazy,weird selves n steal johnny boi(da name of da rabbit suppsdly),man,dat resultd in my rnts strtin up da blck list whch im sure all my m8z r on ae coz suppsdly they r a bad influence on me.btw dis was b4 my rnts figured out dat i was da EVIL 1 in da crew,but i swear i will never steal a rabbit gain n as 4 red underwear hmmmm..jury out hahaha
next fing mel finkz shuld b on da list is da whle tryin 2 stab moka wif scissorz in inter. w8888 b4 u all freak out i had a dam gud reason 4 tryin 2 kill him..ahem..u c v were decorating da hall 4 da last social 4 da yr8z n i askd moka 2 give me da masking tape.dat dumbass chucks da roll 2 me wen im not lukin,itz hurtling 2wardz me wen he members 2 call out my name,yellz out YO AN'Z..TAPE!!i turn round jst in tym 4 da *BRAND new roll of maskin tape* 2 smack me in da nose!!!ooooo i was sooo pissd off coz my nose immediatly startz swellin up!!!so i grabbd da closest fing 2 a weapon bsidz me (scissorz) n strt runnin after him screamin dat im gona kill him wen our principle wlkz in..yep dat rsltd in alota shit as u cn guess....ahem..c i tld u it was a dam gud reasn!!!
da other fing i ddn't mention dat devil said shuld b includd is da pillow-incidnt!!whch frankly i fink was outa my control coz external forces had control of da pillow!@ da sleepover @ katz house after da ball i got up da last outa every1,dey were all up tlkin n stuff.dey strtd tickling n harrassin me tryin 2 get a pic of me frst fing in da mrning.after dey left me alone i went 2 put my head down on my pillow...my heads heading *hahaha* strait 4 da pillow..like total bullseye wen i totally miss it n smack my gainst da hard wooden floor!!!!dn't ask me hw i missd man...i dn't knw but i swear dere were external forces *hu h8 me btw* @ wrk tryin 2 mke me luk stupid(not dat i need ne help in dat area lol) in frnt of my m8z, hu btw culdn't stop crckin up @ me coz i lukd like a total fool!!i lukdz so surprisd coz i srsly thort dat sum1 movd da pillow b4 i reachd it n boi oh boi did i hve da meanst headache!!!!i still deny dat it was jst plain stupidness dat made me miss da pillow!!i swear evil..w8 gud had a hand in dere sumwea!!lol
newyz i hpe dis is all da stupid fingz u guyz member..but den gain i reali wuldn't b surprisd if u all cme up wif mure coz well it is me...oh n i do agree wif u guyz i fink i shuld stop smiling,xplain dis statmnt in my nxt entry!!lol

15 July, 2006

top 10 stupid fingz..

i made frndz wif da bossz daughtr Aiya..shez onli 10 but boi does dat gurl got a mouth man!!!hve reali intrstin convoz wif her n shez da 1 datz keepin me updatd on home n away cnsidring im still @ wrk wen dat strtz lol.newyz she askd me a reali intrstin question da other day..she was lke:
"wat is da top ten stupid fingz u hve dne in ur life???"
she was reali curious 2 knw ae *kidz these dayz lol* but i gota say she mde me wnder..wat is da top ten list of stupid fingz i hve dne in my life???????hmmmm so i thort i'd rite or try 2 rite a top ten list* whch by da way shuldn't b hard 4 me rite lol* n if i cn't do all ten,im sure u all wuldn't mind fillin in da spaces *frndz rite..ahem* NEWYZ 10 is da least stupidst n 1 is da stupidst so here i go:

10.ritin a top 10 stupid list hahaha..sowi onli 1 dat cme 2 my mind.dis is stupid thou!
9.askin out a few randum n not so randum ppl wen i was high..whch i l8r regrettd!!!
8.faintin @ xmas mass 2yrz in a row,faintin @ my netball finals wen i was 8yrs old,faintin @ anzac day cermony b4 i did my speech and faintin whle brushin me teeth!!!..lol ahem not my flashst momnts
7.slappin my cuz nishant in da face wen i was 10yrz old..it was stupid but he dsrvd it!!
6.punchin my cuz sisqo in da face*12yrz old* coz he put cream on my face..dis was jst plain stupid!!!!
5.accndtly snding my m8 2 da hosp wen i kinda went all out on self defnce..dfntly STUPID!
4.da pic of me n tusi on da net fencing...hahahaha dfntly stupid wif a capital SSSSS!!!
3.punchin my older sis in da face wen she pissd me off majorly..not 1 of my brightst ideas!

2.sayin yes 2 my ex wen he askd me out..bet ur all surprisd dis isn't #1!!!lol
and finallllllly #1...drum rollllllll plssssssssssssssssssss......n #1 is....
1.fallin 4 my bst guy m8...defntly da stupidst fing i hve done in my whle entire life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so yep datz my top ten list...w8 i feel like i've left out plenty of stupider fingz,lil naggin feelin bout missin out sumfing imprtnt BUT im sure u all wn't hesitate 2 add in commnts bout dem so i guess itz all sweeeeeeet lol...newyz skool soooon n b4 u all ask no i hvn't finshd my histry but dn't wori u knw me n tym managemnt (ahem..tym managemnt,wat???)lol..not stressin,no pressure,i mean it onli concernz like 10crdtz n da rst of my life!!!!ahhhhhhhhhh..hpefully dis dsn't get added 2 da list!!!

12 July, 2006


man i swear it is bettr 2 get yelld @!!u c @ wrk i finally gota do sum proper accounting...dey made me code all da bank statemntz 4 dis client den post it 2 da general ledger dis took me 5hrz coz i had mure den 1000 2 do lol whch by da way seemz 2 b da shortst tym a beginner has dne it in..hmmmm..nwyz dis endd up wif me gettin in shit coz of Jayne hu is 2nd in charge.da boss tld me 2 chck all my codes wif her b4 i did it on MYOB n wen i tld her 2 chck it she said she was 2 busy 2 do it n dat she had faith in me so i shuld jst go n do it on MYOB..so i strt doin it on MYOB n wen it cumz 2 da review *wen im dne dey hve 2 sign off my wrk* da boss strtz calmly n quietly tellin me off!!!i swear it was sooo much better wen rusty use 2 yell @ me,itz less scary!!!itz freaky wen peter*boss* quietly n calmly tellz me off!!dn't ask y..it jst is..it actually got me reali freakd out!!newyz i finally finshd da job n FINALLY got 2 charge a client 4 sumfing!!YEA YEA HU DA wo(MAN)??lol..itz so funi coz in da 2yrz i wrkd 4 rusty i onli gota charge 15minz 2 a client n in da 1day i charged mure den 5hrz 2 1client hahahah..life...
newyz bck track a lil 2 leaz bday..'she' came n man oh man culd it of been nemure awkard???srsly...my rntz basically left her alne n so did all my auntiez..da gurlz all were nice n frndly 2 her n well mel was mel lol...me n mel had gone 2 c piratez 2 so i dn't knw wat hppnd wen she actually arrivd*b.t.w fukin g8 movie lol*.v all endd up watchin mr n mrs smith*yes i wtchd it gain lol* n coach carter *reali inspirational movie!!*
nwyz i shuld reali b hitin da bookz n finshin my histry assessmnt so over n out till nxt tym..OH N peepz fankz alot 4 da bookz u all got me,i hve enuf 2 strt my own library nw lol..awww ur all sooooo sweeeeeet *gain da lack of sleep lol*

09 July, 2006

sumtymz life suxz..

u knw sumtymz it hitz me hw much life suxz..4 sum reason it likez pickin on me!!!i guess im ready 2 tlk bout wat has been pissin me off since da ball n y i hve been sooo weirdish (mure den usual).da whle pankz incidnt reali got 2 me..i guess sum of u mite not knw wat da pankz incidnt is so let me fill u in:
@ da ball dis guy cme n askd her 2 dance,v thort dat was reali swt so v tld her 2 dance wif him.dey dancd 2 a few sngz whle v all kept a close eye on pankz,v turnd awy 4 a few minz 2 tke a pic wen she disapprd.i got worid n went searchin 4 her..i jst reachd da stairs off da dance floor wen i saw dat creep n her wlkin awy wif his handz round her waist,i swear my heart nearly stoppd.i went up 2 her n askd her wat she thort she was doin..n wat does she do???tellz me 2 basically mind my own business n tellz me dat she cn handle herslf, so i wlk bck 2 da dance floor 2 grab reinforcmntz...by da tym v get 2 da stairz she is gone,like gone gone,no sign of her wat so ever.i had dat puking feeling,da 1 wea ur stomach feelz like itz in ur throat...so v all split up in 3 diff groupz n start lukin 4 her on da 3 diff floorz..i run up 2 da 2nd floor n ask da dudez servin drnkz if dey saw her, dey r like yea v saw dis dude push her round da corner....i swear wen dey sed dat i nearly faintd,i was sooo scard..i sprint round da corner where i c kat n priti draggin pankz 2wardz me,she cumz up 2 me n is like I NEED 2 TLK 2 U!!! she dragz me round da corner n is like i had it coverd,i can luk after myslf.OOOOOOOOOOO was dat da wrng fing 2 say 2 me @ dat tym..i jst wlkd awy..it jst wsn't worth it.aftr dat da dude kept harrassin her all nite until me n kat *da 2 shortiez out of da crw* warnd him off.
i guess im pissd off @ pankz as much as i am pissd @ myslf...nw i bet ur all wnderin y im pissd @ myslf.after da whle 'a' fing i prmisd myslf dat i wuld prtct all da ppl i luvd,i wuldn't let nefing like dat ever happn 2 ne1 i luvd, i mean im da gurl hu got self defence classez introducd 2 our intermdiate 2 help prtct da gurlz i luvd...but im pissd @ myslf coz i feel like i faild pankz @ da ball,i knw she shuld of had mure sense but i shuld of kept a closer eye on her..sooo kat,mel n devil dis is y i was cryin on sun mrning on da fone,i knw u guyz wantd 2 ask me wat was wrng but were 2 scard 2 lol..i knw it took me agez 2 tell uz but im stil not ready 2 tlk bout it..da whle incidnt was a total blast 4m da past,im not over it yet so dn't even try n tlk 2 me yet....lol

07 July, 2006

welcum 2 a borin acctg firm.

wow i dn't fink i've ever answrd da fone sooooo much in my life or said da same fing sooooooooo many tymz in my life....NEESH SPKIN,HW MAY I HLP U???? im soooo sick of sayin dat,ahhhh im gona kill da nxt person hu askz me 4 help!!!!!!!! srsly man,even rusty in dat way was better coz he never let me touch da fone coz frankly he thght i was 222222 rude!!ho!!!i knw! me rude????but yea im enjyin wrk..well kinda,itz way mure intersting den da othr plce. OMG I actually gota do dis debtors report da other day!!!!!! i was sooooo xcited,i got 2 use MYOB lol *dude jst realisd hw pathetic dat soundd* lol N N N I got all da figurez n everyfing rite!!! boi oh boi did dat rock my wrld...ahem...newyz on2 mure interstin fingz..
sooooo yea..i may luk like a flower but i sting like motherfukin bee so dn't fuk me off dese holz....

03 July, 2006

ahhhh brain overload..

OMG OMG OMG...fizzzzzzz fizzzzz fizzzz *hair blowz up n steam strtz pourin outa my earz* dramatic i knw but dis is hw i felt @ my 1st day on da job!!! OMG culd i feel ne mure blonde????n b4 u all ask no...i ddn't fall,trip,slide or slip newea n no i ddn't fall off my chair~sowi 2 b such a disappntmnt!!lol..newyz i get 2 wrk in usually neshia stylez whch meanz 15minz l8 wif a reali outgoin scarf n beanie on,i wlk in n stratit awy peter(boss) putz me 2 wrk filing!!! oh u culd jst c da joy on my face wen i realisd dat my fav all tym hobby was bck in my life *WTF???lol* so i spend 8ish am to 1.30ish filing...I KNW!!i thought i was a freakin smartass wen i figured out hw da filing clippy-prongy fingz wrk,man stupid plastic lil bitz whch attch 2 sumfing whch den attch 2 other sumfing whch u den gota fold kinda knot 2 close..ahhhhhh.i did it till i finshd n i ddn't even tke a break!!tell me bout it,was i hardout in2 it or wat...nah i jst wantd 2 prove a point *dn't ask wat it was coz i sooo dn't member..ahem* finally go 2 lunch 2 realise dat i left my wallet @ home,so i tear thru da bag n finally find $5,boi neva has edmund hillary lukd so gud hahah.
so after my very xcitin lunch wif my sis v head bck 2 wrk...N GUESS wat..YEP MURE FILING..i swear 2 god my head nearly XPLODEDDDDD!! but i got on wif it,gain 2 prove a point whch i dn't member...n finally Yoshika cumz in(bossez wife/sec),she den begins 2 gve out all these orderz bout AFA,MYOB,0800-sumfing n IRD CODE,yes i did hve dat whle blnk-wtf-dude huh-luk on my face.so dis endz up wif me learnin everyfing in 1 go,boi oh boi oh boi total brain overload..it not onli fizzd but it went in2 mechanical failure,n den had 2 b overridden by pride hahaha.i held out thou..ddn't let ne1 c hw lost n blonde i felt!!!brain meltdwn stppd after she left me alone 2 figure fingz out myslf whch was gud coz boi did i need da space...FINALLY 5.30 pm hit yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HOME TYM!!!! i xpectd 2 run outa dere as fast as i can but i maintnd my modest pose` until i got out of da actual building..MAN OH MAN OH MAN..wat da hell hve i got myslf in2?????