23 July, 2006

Dear God

Its funi how long it takes 4 a person 2 learn da meaning of life..sum can live a whle lifetym n still not figure it out. It took me 1sec 2 realise wat da meanin of my life was but it took less den dat tym 4 my innocence to shatter.how is it i can have mure den da average person n still feel like im missin da most imprtnt fing in life???? i dn't even knw wat it is dat i feel im missing out on,all i knw is dat sumtymz it hurts so much dat itz hard 2 breathe...
I am fankful 4 da wonderful fingz i hve in life esp my luvin bunch of frnds n i guess my family..but even dey cn't mke dis hole go away..watever hole it is im on bout...
There was a tym wen I blieved God, there was a tym wen i knw dat u were up there lukin after me and dat u wuld protect me..but sumwea inbtwn i lost u God n i dn't knw hw 2 find my way bck 2 u..wen i was lil my fav biblical story was the 1 bout da lost sheep wea da sheppard leaves da herd 2 find it, i luvd it coz i blieved dat if i ever lost my way u wuld find me...but nw dat i've grwn up im not so sure. i mean yea i go 2 da temple and 2 church but its not da same...sumwea life got in da way,it made me in2 sum1 i ddn't want 2 b but i had no choice if i wantd 2 survive. I dn't understnd hw so much can happn 2 jst 1 persn in such a short tym..y is it dat those hu r bad get everyfing in life n those hu strive for good r da 1z hu r stood on??? my sunday skool teacher alwyz told me dat it was never 2 l8 2 mke ur way bck 2 da lite but hw can u mke ur way bck wen u dn't even knw wea 2 strt??? all i wantd as a innocent child was 2 prtect my family,luv my frnds and mke da wrld a better plce but sumwea alng lifez journey all i wantd was 2 survive,no matter wat i had 2 do or say 2 get 2 da end...i guess if i do blieve dis meanz im goin 2 hell but wat does it mean if i dn't blieve???God,is there reali a pot of gold @ da end of da rainbow?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was goin along the motorway n there was this cool rainbow n i saw the end of it! there was just water...but dont get me wrong its cool water it was like bluey green water mayb the pot of gold was under the water!

23/7/06 11:52 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

so mr or miss anonymous do i knw u??lol oh n mayb da pot of gold was there..hu knwz rite lol

24/7/06 2:56 pm  

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