15 December, 2007

supersari women

is it a bird???is it a plane????NOOOOOOOOOO its superSARI women!!bhahaha okay i've jst had a lil 2 much time on my handz huh..so herez a sum wat quick n brief update on my life n all thse im stuck wif!! :P

*went 2 da beach wif kat,mel,matt,marcus a few wkz ago.had an osum tym,god i luv hangin wif asians!!lol mel,matt n me preti much spnt da whle day runnin after each other,pushin each other in da water n tacklin each other!matt pickd up mel n chuckd her in da water!!bahaha it was 2 crck course melly was out 4 revenge so matt endd up gettin thrashd 2!!lol was 2 funi buh also very cute!endd up feastin on fish n chips n bakin in da sun b4 v went n got ourslvez sum icecream!!den v laxd out by hvin a long stroll on da beach so dat v culd all goss bout da respctive boi's in our lives.overall very laxin,hapi day! (wish u were here dom!!)

*mel n kat preti much live @ my plce nw,well dey kinda hve 2 considrin i hve real trouble gettin outta home!nwyz v decidd 2 do a scrapbuk of our lives!so kat bought all her artsupplies whch is preti much her whle rm ova 2 my plce n v invadd dwnstairs wif our arty wayz!(well kats arty wayz lol).da scrapbuk is gona consist of baby picz,thru 2 childhood,highskool n till nw!so all our anticz r gona b documentd in a big brite YELLOW folder!itz goin gud so far..managed 2 get our skul dayz,da ball,rainbowz end trip,tennis dayz n artsfest pgs done!lukin hot 2!!cn't w8 2 c da finishin product!!

*hit hendo westcity wif kat n mel so dat us 3 culd actually hang outside of my house!got chris bhai 2 drop us off..aww dn't u jst luv our asian bros!!lol mel n me kept pickin out ugly tops n dresses 4 each other 2 try on whle kat managed 2 stay outta our evil" i dare u" games n try on reali preti lukin clthes!spnt da whle day crckin up @ me coz i was hvin truble adjstin 2 life outside my house!!yes dom,dat does me i was confused by brite lites,mvin stairs n da many ppl!!bahaha im sure thse 2 were embrssd of me (mure dne usual nwyz) lol :D.all in all a crckd up day! ooo btw chris spraind his ankle by stndin on his bed!ahah finally sum1 even mure retardd den me!!WOOOOOOP WOOP!

*went 2 my auntz farewell party wea i met my luk alike!!!im srs,dude da whle dur r 7 ppl in da wrld dat luk lyk u fing is tru i fink!!!hsntly!my luk alyk's name is breethi,shez lankan n my age,she goes 2 A.U 2!!itz freaky!!v luk soo freakin smiliar.same huge,crzy litebulb smile!!!same glasses,same hairstyle!!da onli diff is shez taller den me n a lil skinner!!n has amazing clear skin (btch!!LOL).buh yea evry1 freakd out @ da party n her bro kpt askin his rnts if dur was sumfing dey had 2 tell breethi or me!!bahaha was a very intrstin nite as u can tell.OOO btw v finally got da lankanz 2 join in on our westside stylz dodgy picz!!yipee!

*lastly on dis quick newz bulletin is my superSARI women xplaination!as v all knw my rntz hve been preti srs bout da whle proposal fing so i've had sari blouses tailord 4 da sari's dad bought bck 4m london 4 me!so i thort i wuld kinda get in2 dis whle sari wearin fing whch was a gud idea until my mum had planz bout sendin sari-wearin picz ovaseas!!!freakin hell..im not kiddin!!!so i guess i kinda underestim8d dur srs-nss bout dis whle fing ae!lol so yea da last few dayz hve consistd of gettin in2 sari's n gettin picz taken whle i scwl @ da person bhind da camera!kat came ova 2 help me in da orange sari n laughd hystrcly @ me whle i got my pic taken a million tymz!buh yest it was anthr stry mel was over bring ova 4 me baked goods 2 cheer me up (choc chip cookies yippeee lol),n i voluntrly got in a sari n v strtd takin real crackd up picz (yes dodgy westside picz incldd).outta da blue vaish poppd by n joind in whch meant cute,ladylyk picz n den priti poppd by whch resultd in a lot of R18 tlk n picz!!bahaha way 2 funi man!all i need was devil,kat n dom ova 2 cmplte da nuttyness dat was goin on!den i kinda trippd up in da sari whle runnin/hobblin round outside in my jandals!!dat wsn't 2 funi,xcpt 4 da fact evry1 else thort so lol.nwyz most of da picz dat rn't 2 damagin 2 bebo hve been put up on my profile!hpeful a future groom dsn't c it!bhahaha

nwyz datz preti much all da intrstin fingz dat hve been goin on!nufin much else 2 report on!!if i've missd sumfing feel free 2 comment guyz!so 4m superSARI women:
"2 lankan,india..infinty n beyond" bahahaha :D


Blogger JumpingBean said...

aww...chris-chris sprained his ankle??? wish him well 4 me~

dang... cant believe i missed a whole day of fun at a beach T.T makin me sad, bud

scrapbk thing, i wuld'v soooooooooo contributed a pic. i can't b sure bt i think i hv an old one of kat. hell, i still hv da bananas in pjs invitation she gave me 4 b-day~

wuld'v so loved 2 go hendo wif u guys. dude, shopping's awesome~!!

thanx 4 updating, readin my blog, etc

16/12/07 8:53 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

lol... yea you volunteered to dress up in a sari and had to show your mum.. lol.. it's understandable, we needed to check if it was right but it meant sacrificin our fun to take serious/mature pics to send over... sigh.. lol.. next time we'll just stay in your room ay and just think we've done it right

24/12/07 7:24 pm  

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