23 September, 2007

bday wkend n other crap

dam anthr yr closer 2 death!!da big 1 ..9!!!wooop wooop offically near marriage tym, or so my rnts seem 2 fink!had an osum bday wkend!v had xamz n assgnmentz due in lyk usual buh stil v managed 2 hve cmpltly crzy tym.on sat kat,mel,dom,dharsi,aradhna,deepa,lea,priti,eva,chris n katie came out 4 a picnic @ albert park n den 2 karaoke. v all turnd up wif a whle heap of fud, it seemz u can tke da gurl outta kelston buh u cn't tke da kelston outta da gurl (fud wise lol).lucky me i got 2 cakes!!v endd up muckin round w8in 4 da pizza 2 arrive, so lea n mel put on a fightin skit fing!whch was actually preti crack n den v endd up tkin our usual crck as picz!!!pizza finally arrived n v endd up hvin our feed!dis drunk guy turnd up n strtd rantin bout hw da land belongd 2 da maori so v gappd it bck 2 da uni quad 2 finsh da feed!got dur n da whle gang strtd singin @ da top of dur lungz hapi bday n evrybdy was starin @ us so i thort i wuld join in wif da singin!!haha so priti strtd pointin hardout 2 me n screamin "HAPI BDAY 2 HER"!!!v got a lota attention dat day!so after da cake n finshin off da pizza n sayin bye 2 dharsi, v headd off 2 karaoke!omg it was sooo freakin osum!!v danced,screamd our lungz out,moshd,all of us sang,er buh kat was da onli 1 dur hu countz as actually singing,otherz im sowi!! :p hahahaha most of us jst screamd in2 da mic in da hpe dat v wuld score sum pointz 4 gettin all da wrds rite!!!hehehe OOOOooooOOO n i 4gt 2 mention our air guitar stylz.lea,prit n me hardout jst pulld dem out in da darkenss-fing calld luv song.it was sooo freakin osum xcpt 4 da part wea i trippd ova da (real) wires buh hey i ddnt hit da ground so allz gud!!!all of us got up on da couchz n danced obviously whle kat,mel or chris had dur cameras out on video mode!!dam man!!soo freakin crackd ae!!den chris n katie left 2 go get my presnt 4m dur car whle da rest of dem (apart 4m lea,prit n me lol) tried 2 lax out dur throats.OMG U WN'T BLIEVE WAT DEY GOT ME!!hahaha it was 2 crckd!!!i got dodgy chocl8!!yes dur is such a fing!!i got chocl8 calld oral pleasure n other randum totally crazy shit lyk dat!!hahaha i culdn"t help buh laugh,wsn't da mst sensible gift 4 a bro 2 get a sis buh chris n me hve a twistd sibling relationshp so it was crck!!!da singing or rather screamin continued..wif me hvin a teary moment durin avrils-wen ur gone song.funi ain't it 1 hug,1 b'day n 1 yr all nearly scrwed me up 4 a lyf tym!!!buh all was gud coz melly got up n cuddled me whle singin along..awwwwww da luv!!:D da day endd wif me doin my solo of flyin wif out wingz dedic8d 2 all my luvin peepz,by dat tym i had barely ne voice left soooo it was a OSUM endin lol(coz u culdn't hear my shit voice hehe).dat nite i went home,had a pre-bday meat dinner wif fam n den wtchd da rugby!!woop woop go all blckz.my bday strted wif temple pooja n den a trip 2 uni 2 visit my other m8z.endd up helpin arad'z get her "stolen" car bck (lng shit funi stry,shuld ask me sumtym lol) wif da help of chris n den a visit 2 da mall wif my kelstonion m8z endd da day.all in all my bday wkend rockd lyk hell!!fankz uz all 4 mkin me feel luvd 2 da max n keepin my mind of da past yr n 9mnthz!uz totally rock.
nw let me sum up da past few wkz:
bad stuff:usual fam stuff,xamz r cumin up,shit fingz hve hppnd 2 clse m8z,o n dey hve found a potential groom 4 me!!arghhhhhh..dn't knw whch is worse in dat list ae lol
gud stuff:im goin 2 linkin park concert wif a dis osum m8,mel n kat n me hve bcum even tighter if datz possible!lol dharsi is lyk me other half rite nw..melz hapi as wif her other half.dn't knw if i can say dis buh meh,katz got another half!yipeee (funi ain't it wen i was taken dey were all single n nw im onli da lonely buh im absltly luvin it!hehe) OOOOoooooOOO n uni is drawin 2 a end!yipeee.went 2 anther kiwiasian event,had a compltly crck tym, alot of memories ima treasure 4eva ae!hehe n i finally am ova my addiction wif CAFFINEEEEEEE!!!yes i did jst say OVER!hehe (n my liver is on da healin path woooppp wooooppp)
nwyz lyfz still a rollercoaster ride,alota diff upz n dwnz...itz all gud thou coz im finally able 2 handle all of dis crazyness wifout ne alchl or v!!i knw i is rock :D...i've realised alot ova da last couple of wkz n all i got is 1 quote 2 sum it all up : "happiness is not da destination,it is the way of travel."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn u sound serious all of a sudden, at d end!!! u beta nt tell me u'r gunna start trippin up nw! new month's arrived, n i jst saw kat n mel (wif their respective halves) n found dat u ran in2 a car (or is it d other way round??!?!) n screwed ur knee.

4/10/07 5:50 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

lol.. who's that above? lol.. must know them if they know what we looked like..

anyway it's all good.. the whole purpose was not to make you hate your birthday, to not want to not celebrate it but to enjoy it with all those that you care about and that care about you. not for you to be reminded of the bad things to forget about the bad things for one day, just one day and just go all psycho on us as you would normally lol..

8/10/07 10:57 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

hahaha dam str8 melly!!lyfz lyf rite,wat mure can b said or done ae...nwyz luvvz ya all 4 mkin dat wkend osum!!!

9/10/07 8:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, dude, it's dom. i culdnt b bothered 2 signin :P

15/10/07 8:14 am  

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