03 July, 2006

ahhhh brain overload..

OMG OMG OMG...fizzzzzzz fizzzzz fizzzz *hair blowz up n steam strtz pourin outa my earz* dramatic i knw but dis is hw i felt @ my 1st day on da job!!! OMG culd i feel ne mure blonde????n b4 u all ask no...i ddn't fall,trip,slide or slip newea n no i ddn't fall off my chair~sowi 2 b such a disappntmnt!!lol..newyz i get 2 wrk in usually neshia stylez whch meanz 15minz l8 wif a reali outgoin scarf n beanie on,i wlk in n stratit awy peter(boss) putz me 2 wrk filing!!! oh u culd jst c da joy on my face wen i realisd dat my fav all tym hobby was bck in my life *WTF???lol* so i spend 8ish am to 1.30ish filing...I KNW!!i thought i was a freakin smartass wen i figured out hw da filing clippy-prongy fingz wrk,man stupid plastic lil bitz whch attch 2 sumfing whch den attch 2 other sumfing whch u den gota fold kinda knot 2 close..ahhhhhh.i did it till i finshd n i ddn't even tke a break!!tell me bout it,was i hardout in2 it or wat...nah i jst wantd 2 prove a point *dn't ask wat it was coz i sooo dn't member..ahem* finally go 2 lunch 2 realise dat i left my wallet @ home,so i tear thru da bag n finally find $5,boi neva has edmund hillary lukd so gud hahah.
so after my very xcitin lunch wif my sis v head bck 2 wrk...N GUESS wat..YEP MURE FILING..i swear 2 god my head nearly XPLODEDDDDD!! but i got on wif it,gain 2 prove a point whch i dn't member...n finally Yoshika cumz in(bossez wife/sec),she den begins 2 gve out all these orderz bout AFA,MYOB,0800-sumfing n IRD CODE,yes i did hve dat whle blnk-wtf-dude huh-luk on my face.so dis endz up wif me learnin everyfing in 1 go,boi oh boi oh boi total brain overload..it not onli fizzd but it went in2 mechanical failure,n den had 2 b overridden by pride hahaha.i held out thou..ddn't let ne1 c hw lost n blonde i felt!!!brain meltdwn stppd after she left me alone 2 figure fingz out myslf whch was gud coz boi did i need da space...FINALLY 5.30 pm hit yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HOME TYM!!!! i xpectd 2 run outa dere as fast as i can but i maintnd my modest pose` until i got out of da actual building..MAN OH MAN OH MAN..wat da hell hve i got myslf in2?????


Blogger Food Leader said...

lol... sounds like fun... if it wasn't bad enough you had to do dat at ur last job but ur new one too... ooooo gonna be a stressful but annoying holidays for you lol man good luck ay .. might need it to withstand the mountains of paper you gotta file lol

4/7/06 9:16 pm  

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