05 April, 2009


i really want to write this all down, so without a diary right now im left to resort back to blogs.
im not sure when this happened. i honestly don't know what to say or think about this.
i don't seem to remember life before them, and its not just me but my besties too.
it is the most wanted feeling in the world, the most needed feeling in the world. it defines our very existance.
one simple word.
nothing at all simple about it.
how does it end up so complicated when it truly seemed so easy to be happy. im not sure when they, the other species, became so important.i never really believed in love at first sight or happily ever after.it always just seemed to be too good to be true. i still don't believe in any of that but i do think love exists.
what the hell is it anyway?
so many people have an opinion on it so i thought i would give it a crack too.
i don't think you have to be stary eyed, or infact fall head over heels. yes, its true, there is a point in which you do feel like that but thats not the reality of love. well, true love i think is what comes after the stary eyed, bollywood love song scene.
its reality.
its the scenes they cut out.
its the facts people don't share.
its the stories people don't tell.
i think thats where love begins and where it continues to grow.indefinitly.nothing can ever win over the power of love when the reality scene is on repeat.
its not the sweaty palms or the thudding heart, or even the smile you wear when you see them.its not the makeout sessions, or the hot monkey sex. it doesn't have to do with how hot they look in that moment or how much they weigh. its not that feeling of dread when you feel like you have lost them nor is it the words said to get them back.
i don't believe its any of these things.
its all the bits in between.
the bits that you didn't think were important.
the bits you don't agonise over and analyse.
its the moment you see their true colours and question the world. in that moment you realise everything you will ever need to know. its then you know what stuff you are made of and what stuff you may need. its in a single sec, even before you know it yourself, you have already decided to stay or go.that moment is true love. that single decision you mull over for the next few days has already been made.that in between moment, that bit you didn't see or realise you had, that bit you didn't analyse is what makes up love.
it in fact is simple.
as simple as a yes or a no.
a yes i will stay does not always mean you love them, and a no does not mean that you don't love them. it is all a matter of what you see or want to see.
it doesn't mean giving up who you are or who you want to be, not completely. its a matter of finding if you can achieve both of those things with that person in your life.its a matter of exploring all aspects of their character and yours to see if you can somehow work like a well-oiled machine.it should be about losing yourself in them but finding everything you were and everything you want to be in them too.
it doesn't mean that you should be together always.in some cases it may mean that you can't be together in the end. whatever it may be, it doesn't mean that your love wasn't real.
sometimes the best journey's in life are the ones shared apart.

i don't know what you think, and in fact don't care.
all i know is that love is not a fullstop, no matter what happens or where it leads, it is but a comma in your life


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