05 September, 2007

hey baby!

wass up wass up ya all???lol as u can tell im in a gr8 mood,nw letz all jst hpe dis stickz round 4 awhle ae.jst got bck home 4m uni, u all knw hw hard ive been stdyin n all!hehe k,letz admit it those of u dat actually knw me wuld've guessd by nw all da anticz ive been up 2 lol.hmmm in btwn all da srs stdyin i hve 4 real been doin ive managed 2 get up 2 sum stuff.last sat i helpd da kiwi asian club out wif settin up 4 da ball,den v went 2 dani'z plce so i culd help kat n mel get ready!it was kinda lyk old tymz xcpt 4 da fact dat i wsn't goin n dat bettina was treatin dani lyk her personal man slave!!lmfao had a crck tym wif seein ppl doin singstar kinda tipsy n drunk n den hvin shotz n other weird concoctions.man can i not b a hardout asian these dayz!!:D (obviously doin da peace sign lyk a tru asian whle smilin lol).endd up racin bck 4m epsom coz my rntz unxpctdly decidd 2 cum pik me up 4m uni!so mark had 2 do sum major asian drivin 2 get me bck 2 uni on tym so i ddn't get killd*did i mention dat my rntz thort i was stdyin in da lib all day lol*endd up sprintin thru uni n jst gttin 2 da engrning blck wif my 2sisz (hu btw got up 2 shit of dur own) jst as my rntz pulld up.wat gud daughterz my rntz r blssd wif huh???so v all endd up bckin each other up wif our suppsd studyin in da lib stries so rntz were all hapi wif us whch dsn't happen very often ae.on mon i endd up spndin da whle day bummin wif vaish,v spent day tlkin bout da (indian/lankan) male species in relation 2 (indian/lankan) gurlz n came up wif sum theories :
*men will pretnd 2 find luv in evry single gurl dey wanna sleep wif, luv ain't bout hu da gurl is.
*a man onli truly luvz 1 women b4 marriage n dat women is dur mother!
*men fall in luv wif dur wives coz da wives treat dem lyk dur kid-luvz,protectz n babiez dem!lol (remindz dem of dur mother,not in a creepy way lol)
*da onli women a man can cmpltly n utterly luv (dat isn't rel8d by blood) is da mother of dur child.
*wen a women tellz a man dat she luvz him, it cumz 4m da depthz of her soul n she is reali sayin dat she will luv him wif evry breath she has left, protect him wif evry bone in her body and take care of him wif evry ounce of blood/tearz/sweat she has.

so yea datz wat v endd up cumin up wif,it mite not mke sense 2 alt of u buh i fink sum of uz will mst prbbly get wea vaish n me were cumin 4m.den tues i got a few spes visters..1stly brana came 2 visit me n v endd up goin 4 a wlk whch led 2 me bummin or rather runnin in2 my 2nd spes visitor arad'z (total shrek n fiona mo ae lol), da 3 of us endd up hvin sum reali crck convo buh no1 reali knwz wat it was bout coz arad'z kept confusin us n herslf.den my 3rd visitor of da day was aggy hu came 2 hang out wif me jst coz she culd..feelin so luvd l8ly!den dat avo got a call 4m sleepy hu i hvn't spken 2 since tonez bday n shez mst prbbly cumin 2 karaoke wif us on sat!yipeee n den my nxt fone callz were wif jess.h n devil bth ppl hu i hvn't spken 2 in awhle..O DA LUV DA LUV!:D
nwyz bck 2 2day..did my usual few hrz of stdyin den randumly decidd wif dom dat v wantd 2 go c a mvie.i had been told my all my indian gurlz 2 wtch dis hindi mvie calld 'hey baby' so i askd dom if she wuld c it wif me.after chckin it has subtitles dom n me sat dwn in our comfy seatz in da cinema, jst her,me n sum randum white guy!!thruout da whle mvie i kept pointin @ da screen n hystrically laughin out loud whle dom joind in on da bitz dat she got..n evrytym a song came on i kept dancin in my seat whle dom laughd @ me n @ da melodrama on da screen.sumwea in btwn all of dis da randum whte guy left n dom n me got even louder coz v had da whle rm 2 ourslvz!n wen da crdtz rolld i stood up n strtd dancin 2 da music n dom joind me whle obviously hystriclly laughin @ hw typically indian v were bein!lol (pat da dog n scrw da litebulb rite dom lmfao).after dat v dancd,sang,hystriclly laughd,pattd da dog n scrwd da litebulb our way bck 2 uni 2 meet up wif kat so v culd head home.caught up wif kat on her avo n den headd home 2 'stdy'..as u can tell i've gotten so much done!dharis jst calld n informd me dat my bday was on sun,kinda funi hw i kp 4gettin dat my bday is soon even tho sum1 askz me bout it evryday!all i gotta say is hey baby hey baby...HEY BABY!btw dat mvie jst confirmd all prior notions: boiz r dogz, dey do jst want 1 fing, o n in regrdz 2 our theories stated above-da mvie prvd vaish n me compltly correct!lol btw peepz karaoke sat aitey..yes i've finally made bday planz or rather in da process of mkin planz..hehe


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