29 August, 2006

auck uni day

sat was auck uni open day,met kat n mel on da bus @ 8am!!freakin hell!newyz v get dur n go 2 katz artz lec, well mel n kat go inside whle vaish n me bum round outside!!my xcuse 4 dat bein i culdn't eat in da lecture haha. me n vaish meanwhle meet tinaye n crew hu v chat 2 4 awhle,den v ran in2 devil n nat hu tried 2 get me 2 go 2 a lec wif dem but fank god mel n kat came out den..den v rushd 2 da lib 2 c da law lec, v wlkd in2 da wrng freakin rm n got tld da law was full so v left. kat,mel n me wlkd dwn 2 queen st wea calum met us,endd up goin 2 wendyz wea kat n me grabbd a fed.calum left 2 meet his m8z,man i hve never met a guy hu is SOOO nervous,itz adorable thou but dude v r jst a bunch of gurlz lol..den v got sidetrckd n endd up in supre` n den had 2 leave coz i got a txt 4m brana n dharsi. v r power wlkin up da hill in2 da park wen i run in2 shammy,v r tlkin n huggin wen kat is like neesh,so i turn round 2 c brana n dharsi wlkin 2wardz us. i run up n hug dharsi n say hi 2 b.b.shammy endd up leavin sayin dat she had sumfing 2 tlk 2 me bout l8r n wuld txt me.newyz i intro my 2 diff grpz 2 each other in btwn thrwin a hug on b.b lol hu was like wtf?went 2 my bcom lec wea i wntd 2 kill da dude coz every 2nd wrd was ACCOUNTIN..i was like gettin txtz 4m all my m8z in dat lec tellin me 2 stnd up n strngle him!meet chitz after da lec hu askd me if b.b n me were 2getha..fuk man mure crap 2 deal wif..lol
after dat kat,dharsi,b.b n me went in2 town n dharsi n me had a fite soo v stpdd tlkin 4 awhle.oh n met up wif mary,aggy n lexi hu preti much eyed up b.b 2 c if he was wrth my tym..gain may i state v r jst m8z!!!!newyz v grabbd a frap @ starbuckz wea mel met up wif us gain. den kat n mel left n dharsi n me made fun of b.b..oooo n dhars chuckd coffee @ him, he put sugar all over my shoes n i ripd open 3sugar packz n put it all over him!lol v left such a mess but ddn't get kickd out lol..den v met up wif devil n crew soo devil n dhars culd meet.den v went 2 pumpkin patch. b.b was thrwin a lil tantty coz i stole his hat n was wearin it,was payback 4 mkin me trip n stppin on my shoes!!immature!!nwyz v were chilaxin (sowi kat n devil jst had 2 say it) wen i dared dharsi 2 pour all her water in her bottle on b.b coz he was asleep..haha da egg actually does it..i endd up feelin stink n wipin b.b dwn wif my jacket lol..den dey wlkd me bck 2 uni n dharsi left..den b.b wlkd me 2 my bus coz i was lost as on whch bus was mine..mary n dem r txtin me tellin me all da buses hve arrivd.i end up seein dese gurlz wif like 50ballnz n i jst knw it was mary n dem..so b.b drpz me off n sayz bi 2 dem n me.da whle klstn crew den meet by mary n me assumin dat da head gurl n dep knw wat 2 do HAHAHA v wlkd round 4 agez until v finally found our bus,n srsly it seemd dat kelston was da onli lost skool dur haha.kat n mel stayd in town 2 shop n dis randum guy on da bus hit on me..eww da whle bus was filld wif my m8z hu culdn't stp laughin @ me..ahhh..n den lexi sexy walkd me home..yup i had a very intrestin n informative day...ahem..

24 August, 2006

cultural day n bitch fite

got dressd up 4 cultural day 2day..went 2 skool in a salwaar kameez but den ditchd 1st n 2nd period wif vaish coz she wantd 2 go home n chnge in2 a sari.so v got melz keyz n ran outa skool,drove 2 vaishz house wea i lied my head off 2 her mum lol n den drove 2 mine wea i also lied my head off bout hvin 2 do dis fashion shw....haha newyz mum spendz 4ever helpin vaish get in her sari den she pulls out dis half sari 4 me n spndz like 2minz gettin me ready so im like swtttttt den v got all our crap 2getha n drove bck 2 skool!hahaha i hve never waggd in my life n all of a sudden v wag skool 2 change in2 sariz wtf??LMFAO
newyz v finally set up da hall,da gym n da food stallz...FINALLY tym 4 da fashion shw!!da gurlz lukd soo awesum!!it endd up finshin early so vaish,priti n me got askd 2 tke up tym..ahem..LMFAO.newyz i strut up on stage doin dis reali high powered model wlk whch turnz in2 goofy fobstr/gangstr wlk..wif my whle shouldr eyez pose *watever devil meant by dat haha* vaish cumz on doin her lil gurly wlk n priti walkz on all lost n wtf like..den v w8 4 da music whch dsn't turn on so i start singin da music bit 2 da punjbi rmix hahah n us 3 break out in2 da pankz dance whch turnz in2 da grease lightnin movez whch turnz in2 da freakin can-can..HAHA all da whle me singin da punjbi rmix fing LMFAO v den strut off stage crckin up!! da gurlz were screamin synergy wat??neesh wat?? da whle tym whch mde me crck up even mure ..im surprisd i ddn't need my puffer after all dat laughin..
it was lunch tym so v wlkd across 2 macz..yep in our sariz n stuff OH N I WAS IN TOES da whle day coz i culdn't wlk round in vaishz heelz lolz newyz in mac i got in2 a bitch fite wif farah.she cumz up 2 me n is like i dn't wanna do da music so on n so forth, i got fukd off coz she put her name dwn 4 da freakin committee but ddn't do jack shit!n u knw if u get in my face or in da face of ppl i luv im gona get u BUT priti n pankz stppd in b4 i jabbd her fank god!farah den stormd after her boi hu basically wlkd away da min i got in her face hahah wat a guy!!lol newyz all da indian k.b.h.s boiz were wtchin n smirkin dere headz off @ me coz im stndin dere in toes n in a sari fing in her face lol..newyz after v went bck 2 skool n wtchd da talent shw. N NOPE v ddn't do nefing stpid dis tym, v were gona but ahem i was like nah dude i was 2 pissd off @ farah 2 smile..
den instd of hvin 2 wlk home in our sariz n me in toes,mel gve us a lift..v put all da windwz dwn n screamd hi 2 ppl all da way dwn da rd haha. FREAKIN HELL IT FELT AWESUM 2 SMILE AFTER AGEZ n yep u all guessd rite farah is gona pay 4 getin in my face!!hmm preti intrstin ideaz bout wat im gona do 2 her..till den over n out peepz

Amazin race n crap..

on sat v went 2 skool @ 8.30am 2 do zeal leadershp trainin..my group consistd of courtz,cafey,anna n jess hu ddn't cum. V endd up callin our group da SYNEGY OF NATIONZ..v dressed up like superheros from our countries and wore captain planet rings *yep totally my idea hahah i mean captain planet rockz my wrld*
da race strtd wif my group runnin across our skool field n cuttin thru da deaf skool,v let tone'z group pass us coz v ddn't want dem 2 follow our shortcut.. i mean cafey knw everysingle dodgy shortcut in kelston!!hmmm mkes u wonder y ae..newyz v got 2 avondale racecourse wea cafey had 2 do da 'wit' challenge whch was da puzzle! v finshd in 7minz n den v got given our nxt clue fing..v had 2 mke ourslvez 4m avondale race course 2 les mills newlynn..ahhh so v strtd jumpin everysingle fence whch me da shortst persn in da crw got over b4 ne1 else..v finally got 2 da bus stp wen v realisd v had missd it..so v strtd wlkin dwn da rd wen v saw a taxi..me n cafey jst jumpd on da rd n strtd sprintin after it,dere was alrdy a persn in it but she got out wen v tld her v were part of da "amazing race"..v convincd da driver 2 tke us 2 les mills, v got dere 2nd n anna did da 'strength' challenge whle i bribd her 2 keep goin wif chocol8!! den v ran over 2 newlynn n caught a taxi 2 da cemetry...v got 2 da cemetry n got tld dat v had 2 search 4 dis specific headstne n copy dwn half of wat it said.us bein smart grabbd a map n ran off..got dwn 2 da rite plce n saw melz grp dere..so v strtd runnin round dey found it 1st n left den i had 2 run round n rite it dwn..whle i was ritin it dwn my crew was distractin other grps 4m seein wea i was.newyz i finsh i i crawl away 4m da grave n den jumpd in2 da bush 2 hide,i missd da bush went flyin..got up den trippd dwn da slop whle screamin lol..ahem katz grp totally ddn't knw wea 2 luk. den v got bck n tried 2 steal dere taxi..i pulld out $40 n was like 2 da drive:"I WILL GIVE U ALL OF DIS 4 A $5 RIDE" hez like yep k...but den mel.b came runnin n got in my face tlkin bout "da rite fing 2 do" so da driver was like nah sowi.so v ran all da way 2 our nxt destination whle i was mumblin bout da stupid driver havin stupid moralz hahaha...newyz v endd up bein da last team 2 arrive coz every1 had taxiz..courtz did da last challenge @ da library wea she had 2 member dis biblical verse. den v w8 @ da bus stp wen v saw a taxi parkd..cafey n me gain sprintd 2 it wen dis randum guy got in it..i jst went up 2 da guy n did my whle flirting smile/smirk fing oh n i pulld out $40 ,so da drive was like i prmise i wil cum bck in 3mins..he came bck in 5 n gve us a ride bck 2 skool..our team wlkd in dancin n singin lol..yup it seemd dat karma cme n bit us in da ass 4 tryin 2 steal a taxi..haha but i had da bst tym..den v went got a feed,i spraind my ankle wen i had my un-co momnt so v ddn't go 2 dez'z 18th party instead kat n mel came over 2 my house n bummd round...yup im totally not competitve ahem HAHAHA im like rob nw jst gota find my amber hahaha

17 August, 2006

fuk da whle god dam wrld!

sowi bout insultin god in my title kat but srsly fuk da whle wrld n every1 *well mostly every1* in it!!! Fuk was 2day 1 bloody rough day..boi oh boi was it utter shit! I spent interval snappin a huge bunch of yr9z hu had waggd n were smokin,freakin idiotz,den spent da rest of interval tellin off a yr13 chick hu was wif dem also had 2 threatn her bout losin her badge n privilgz!!god im soo sick of my freakin dutiez. Lunchtym was spent makin sure da ppl(da juniorz) in da victory club comp/concert behved n ddn't shw kelston attitude!! Half of 2day i spent wif da deputy principle or da deans hving 2 deal wif studntz i have snappd or hve had 2 tell off N if i wsn't actually wif da freakin teacherz i was emailin dem bout duties, my article 4 da skool mag n other gurlz i hve snappd n need teacherz permissionz 2 deal wif!!FREAKIN HELL im sooo sick of skool...if dat isn't enuf Mr O'Brien pikz dis tym 2 open his suitcase n give me every single scholarshp under da freakin sun!!!so i hve onli a Ltd amount of tym 2 fill dem all in n get a freakin leta 4m Mrs Fox.Stupid gurlz in mrning class drivin me insane,i swear im gona throttle 1 of dem BUT im sure no1 in mrning class will blame me..
NEWYZ bck 2 2day..after skool our van was parkd outside da med centre n i freakd coz my mumz still not better.so i lookd bth wayz n crossd da rd..n dis fukin piece of shit bckz in2 me!!fuk i was soo pissd off!freakin dumbass he freakin came outa no freakin wea n bckd in2 me..missd my toez by a freakin inch!!fukin idiot!!yup im fine n newyz i ddn't give a shit dat i was in my unifrm n had my 50gazzillion badgez on,i gve him a piece of my mind whle lea draggd me awy.B4 u all ask mumz k jst had 2 get all these bld tst done coz da docz dn't reckon is fud poisonin..fukin docz never knw jack fukin shit (let alone his fam haha devil u get it??)
newyz writin everyfing dat has been fukin me off ddn't mke me feel ne better QUTE 2 DA CONTRARY..i feel even mure fukd off nw den b4 so b4 i smash da comp gain over n out

15 August, 2006

hve a lil faith 4 me..

im outa of faith so i guess nw u guyz r goin 2 hve faith 4 me dat everyfing will turn out okay!!i jst cn't hold on2 faith nemure,i dn't hve enuf strngth 2 hld on2 dat 2!!!yup mind readerz fingz did actually get worse..i knw u ddn't c dat cumin *rollin eyez*
dis mrning my dad cumz screamin,kinda cryin-ish in2 our room @ 2am,hez said sumfing i ddn't even understnd but i knw sumfing was REALI REALI REALI WRNG..i got dat feelin i get,u knw da 1 wea i can feel da pain sum1 else is feelin,literally!!i dn't even knw hw i got outa my bed n 2 da bathroom..i srsly dn't member gettin outa bed n i dfntly dn't member runnin 2 my mum!all of uz xcept for mel,kat,devil n brana r lost so let me bcktrack!!
my mum hdn't been feelin so well yest,pukin n stuff,i told her dat she prbbly had fud poisonin 4 da lunch she wnt 2 on sun!!tld her 2 drink heapz n gve her toast wif tea...2 in da mrning my dad had cum screamin in2 our room coz my mum had faintd outside da bathrm!!!lea got there b4 me n wen i got there shez sittin dere wif mumz head on her lap wif dis panic-ish,an'z do sumfing luk on her face..n dad was stndin dere lukin @ me like dude do sumfing ur da 1 hu did all da safety courses!!so im stndin dere tryin not 2 shw dem dat i've cmpltly 4gottn everyfing,i mean dude im da 1 hu usually faintz!!!den i memberd wat da ambo dudez tld me n liftd mumz legz so da blood circulation can flow dwn,dn't ask lol!n it wrkd coz she got up BUT dude i undrstood y dey all freakd out wen i was outa it 4 45minz 1 tym..it was freaky enuf her bein out 4 like a few secndz!!after dat v got her settld in bed n she went 2 da docz l8r on in da day BUT dat does mean im gona hve a few sleepless nitez..she tellz me not 2 wori but i cn't help it.N b4 u all ask im fine n yup im lyin but i dn't wanna tlk bout dis yet..so all u can all do is hve faith 4 me coz i guess datz all i need rite nw!

11 August, 2006

blah blah blah

kinda been caught up in lifez crap..wayyy 2 busy 2 update dis n jst plain lazy 2!!lol i guess nufin much has hppnd,been a bit pissd off l8ly not dat uz wuld knw coz itz bout crap i hvn't tlkd 2 u all bout.if u all wnderin y itz coz i dn't wanna wori u all n im sick of hvin 2 lean on uz,like u dn't all got ur own shit goin on..
went 2 da artzfest yest,had da CRCKST tym ever man!!kat n me bought matchin red hatz n wnt gainst da theme by wearin blck n red 2getha wif devil,nat n mel!!haha yup dam rebellious!!da prmmge suxd xcept 4 bring it on hu rockd da house!!!!IT WAS SOO CRCK coz all da gurlz overallz fell off n dey were dancin in dere boxez!!LMFAO n den da gurlz kept slippin on dem but it made da dance bettr!!*i fink haha* den i got caught in a randum bitch fite btwn da barbiez n mel.b n jess.r ahhh god gurlz can b srsly catty!!!but i had a CRCK as tym n i got 2 dress like carmen *dam 4get her last name brana haha*..oh n letz not 4get hw dam sexy kat lukd as MINI MOUSE!!
lifez been preti up n dwn l8ly but im in 1 of my i dn't give a fuk moodz so everyfng passes me by n im jst plain numb n dn't reali care!!been wrkin my butt off l8ly, MAN im not even 18,legal yet n im alrdy worin bout payin da mortgage,wen da nxt pay chck will arrive n hw v r goin 2 pay dis monthz billz..fukin hell can u blieve i hve a whle life tym of dis 2 go????ahhh itz beginnin 2 get 2 me nw,sumtymz i wish i culd jst disappr 4m all of dis n strt gain,afresh,sumwea far awy 4m here...mmm leave dis all bhind BUT u all knw me 2 well 2 knw dat dis is jst a phase n dat im WAYYYY 2 much of a fightr 2 jst let it all go (hpfully)...n if ur wnderin dis is onli a small part of y im pissd off n no not even dharzi or ara knw so devil dn't fink itz onli u i hvn't spilld 2 wen v chat on da fone!!lol i guess i will get over dis soon esp considring xamz r cumin up n i @least hve 2 give a shit bout dem so yup till i feel like givin a fuk over n out....n devil keshia does hve a lil 2 do wif it!

06 August, 2006


love,wat is it??ppl all over da wrld,of all agez,race n relignz search 4 this 1 fing their whle livez BUT srsly wat da hell is love???n y da hell do v humanz fink v need it 2 mke us feel whle???
suppsdly luv is bout sweaty palmz,racing heartz n spinnin stomachz wen u c sum1 but isn't there mure 2 it???i mean dn't ppl get dat feelin wen dey meet a cute strnger??so hw do u knw if da real fing has hit u in da face???man oh man..so many questionz r invlvd wif dis luv fing dat i jst dn't understnd hw ppl can tke such a big risk wifout hvin these questionz answrd!!!
BUT den gain mayb i feel like dis coz im completly gainst da concept of luv,i mean hw can sum1 luv sum1 else so much dat dey wuld die 4 dem???*contridictory i knw coz i wuld die 4 ne1 of uz but datz diff* ppl hve alwyz tld me dat wen u meet "THE ONE" u will knw..but srsly dn't ppl fink dey hve met da 1 every single day???hmmmmmm i knw wat u guyz r finkin:NEESH y do u gota b such a downr on da whle romatic conception of luv??" n 2 b truthfully i guess i dn't blieve in it coz im surroundd by arrngd marriagez n a strict cultural notion of NO LUV!!
n dharzi i knw ur finkin:HUN u will find it 1 day n den luk bck n fink hw u culd ever b gainst sumfing sooo wnderful..
hmm mayb 1 day i will find it but srsly hw can u find sumfing dat prbbly dsn't exist???n i guess if i do find it i will tke all of dis bck *mayb haha* SUM wise persn tried xplainin luv 2 me n dis iw wat dey said:
Does your heart ache and break when
they are sad?

Do you cry for their pain, even when they
are strong?

Do their eyes see your true heart and
touch your soul so deeply that it hurts?

Do you stay because a blinding, incomprehensible
mix of pain and relation pulls you close
and hold you there?

Do you accept their faults because they're
a part of who they are?THEN IT'S LOVE

Are you attracted to others, but stay with
them faithfully without regret?

Would you allow them to leave you, not because
they want to but because they have to?

Would you give them your heart, your life,
your death?

is it reali worth all dis pain??is da gain srsly bigger den all u culd loose??hmm leave u all wnderin bout dis 1..

04 August, 2006

1 punch of cup

haha..kat n me weren't drunk if mel n devil N of course devil'z dad r wndering!!LMFAO..
jst got bck home 4m anna'z 18th bday party!!OMG did i hve da crckst tym...n boi oh boi did v get up 2 dodgy fingz.v did dis striptease dance 4 anna,i endd up tyin her up 2 a chair den v put cream all over her,a g-strng on her head,matchin bra on her head as well..den v fed her strawberriez!!haha MAN am i dead coz im da 1 hu rubbd all da cream thru her hair n shvd da strawberriz in her hair!!LMFAO!!n every1 was tkin fotoz n videoz on their fonez 2 put up on bebo!!but anna'z wrdz r hauntin me ae,she was like REVENGE IS SWT sooo huz b'dayz nxt!!mite i mention dat itz mineeeeeee...ahhhhhhhhhh...im hidin out on my bday man..no party,no1z even gona c me dude!!!den v had a feed,n den da party reali strtd wen v all strtd dancin!!man was it crck coz tonez n me were bein dickz,dancin like cmplete spastic cases!!den i tld cafey dat v had da camera so v went outside n found a pole..v as in mel,kat,devil,cafey,dani n courtz!v were like all on da pole..but those guyz were like YO NEESH UR LIKE TOTALLY XPERINCED IN DIS AE???coz i was like hangin off da pole upside dwn haha..den v like posed on da side of buildingz on carz n stuff!!BUT IT GETZ WORSE..v were runnin dwn da road wen v all saw da round about!!!HAHAHA..it had heapz of bushez n stuff so v all jumpd in n strtd doin SOS video clip stylez.btw did i mention itz like 10.30pm,dark st n us actin like slutz in da bushz haha...den v run across da st 2 da pole dat has da GIVE AWY sign on it...so gain v all hop on da pole wen tonez jumpz in so v r like hoochin da pole n OMG guess hu pullz up???DEVILZ DAD..omg i was like shit!!fuk!!dam!!haha so v go bck inside grab our stuff n head off..in da car v r all takin randum picz.v pull in2 devilz rd n im like hw da hell did v get here??n katz like yea???n melz like dude r u drunk??n im like no i onli had 1 cup of punch...n katz like yeaaaaa she onli had one punch of cup!!LMFAO..dude i culdn't stp laughin..not da normal kinda laughin da kind i do wen im like high on a lot of stuff mixd 2getha!!n kat strtd crckin 2..den v realisd dat devilz dad must b finkin dude my daughtr is NEVER EVER HANGIN wif these gurlz gain!!!v all got out n crckd up inside melz car...hu den drpd me off home,not b4 i had tym 2 calm dwn n @least stand a chance of not bein jumpd by my rntz 4 bein totally l8..haha melz sndin me da picz nw..man oh man r dey gona b dodgy..fink devilz gona b movin housez n skoolz ae??haha dam man 2 dam funi!!crck crck crck crck!!LMFAO

03 August, 2006

hu am i???

hmm da question of a life tym...hu da hell am i????nw i bet ur all confusd,wnderin hw i cn't knw hu i am..well im jst confusd. i mean i alwyz thort i was me,da tuff-kick ass,ice queen,bitch gurl BUT it turnz out dat im petal,twig,lil foot,lil panda n of course hw can i 4get my fav 1 SKANK!!lol..i alwyz thort dat i was dis intense kinda scary persn 2 knw,da gurl u knw but never reali knw. i mean yea im dat gurl but i alwyz assumd dat i kept my m8z awy @ a armz distance..BUT nooo it seemz dat my m8z hve a cmpletly diff opinion of da gurl i am.dey all seem 2 fink dat im a nice,open-book,love filld kinda gurl..so hu da hell am i????ahhhhhhhhhh...lol crisis..crisis crisis..do i hve a split persnality???or is it jst da face i let dem c??whch 1 is it???w8 if i dn't knw hw da hell wuld ne of u knw!lol but den gain u all do say u knw me much better den i knw myslf....so tell me o' wise 1z...im hvin watz calld a persnality crisis i fink.
OH n i alwyz thort myslf 2 b reali generous,i alwyz assumd i had a givin nature wifout xpectin nefing bck but i gota say i was kinda hurt wen my m8z went on bout me buyin dem all chocol8 like i've never dne it b4!!! i alwyz share no matter wat i got..but dem goin on bout me buyin dem chocol8 like it was a freakin blue moon actually made me question myslf.AM I A STNGY prsn???i mean i never thort i was b4 dis,i alwyz share wen i buy mac,chocol8,lolliez n nefing else i hve.wen my m8z or ne1 i knw dn't got lunch i buy dem lunch or give dem watever i hve on me (moni or fud) but i gota say dis all went outa my mind wen my m8z actd like dey had seen a blue moon wen i tld dem i bought dem all chocol8....as u can c i hve wayyy 2 much tym on my handz 2 fink,whch i dn't get coz i hve no tym 2 do all da fingz i hve 2 do in a day so hw da hell do i find tym 2 analysis everyfing sum1 sayz or dsn't say 2 me???lol as u can also tell im reali bored even thou i hve a whle heap of hmwk 2 do n im chattin 2 like 5diff ppl n wtchin tv whle doin dis...newyz jst rabblin 2 tke up space coz it feelz like 4ever since i bloggd whch it hsn't been so over n out ..

01 August, 2006

marriage,kidz,life n fitez..

anothr bitch fite @ skool 2day,gain i steppd in but @least dis tym it was dne wif 1 punch n tearz...but srsly,juniorz these dayz r stupid wif a captial S!kat,mel n me ask dem watz goin on wen v reach da fite n dere like ohhh she fell over *pointin @ da gurl datz cryin* or wat bout da 1 i heard..nah,nah miss dey r onli huggin *me:so datz wat u call it these dayz (rollin eyez)*..newyz dn't knw wat da fite was bout yet will hear bout it 2mo i guess..oh n kat n me overheard sum other STUPID juniorz tlkin bout a gurl getin jumpd after skool so v went n told mrs martin,dep assistnt principle bout it!i knw snitchez but ohhh hu carez,v mite of saved a life..ahem!
newyz on2 da rest of my title...da other day kat,mel n me were paintin da canvas 4 art'z festival wen v strtd tlkin bout da future!!*I KNW* lol v strtd discussin hw v wuld so not b like our parentz wif our kids.tke 4 e.g me,i was like im gona listen 2 my kidz n actually let dem hve a life!kat:im gona tlk 2 my kidz like a frnd mure den a mother,mel:im actually gona b part of my kidz livez n actually go 2 prnt teacher intrviewz lol....it was a scry subjct coz v r like holy shit wat if v turn out like our prntz n our kidz tlk like dis (well like me) bout us???oooo ahhhh,datz a freaky thort!!but den v realisd dat it also depndz on da guy v marry..whch obviously lead 2 da hey neesh wen u gettin marrid convo haha..kat n mel were laughin @ hw short,skinny n geeky (HO!) my kidz were gona b.so l8r on dat day wen i was tlkin 2 devil i decidd dat marriage is bout geneticz*hence my msn name*.devil n me decidd dat im gona marry a guy totally opposite 4m me so my (poor) kidz @least hve a chance of not bein pikd on @ skool n can @least try out 4 da all blckz wifout endin up dead..
so WANTD tall,medium build,high IQ,sexy smile male hu h8z long wlkz on da beach n isn't a virgo hahaha BUT den gain u must play tennis,watch or play rugby n luv kidz..
im sure dat narrwz it dwn 2 lke onli quarter of da male kind!lol..oh n devil dn't u dare even say hu ur finkin of!!!NOOO n dn't even commnt on it!!!!devil im warnin u n u 2 mel!!!hahaha...da rst of u keep ur eyez out 4 my mcdreamy ae hahahahahaha LMAO