15 August, 2006

hve a lil faith 4 me..

im outa of faith so i guess nw u guyz r goin 2 hve faith 4 me dat everyfing will turn out okay!!i jst cn't hold on2 faith nemure,i dn't hve enuf strngth 2 hld on2 dat 2!!!yup mind readerz fingz did actually get worse..i knw u ddn't c dat cumin *rollin eyez*
dis mrning my dad cumz screamin,kinda cryin-ish in2 our room @ 2am,hez said sumfing i ddn't even understnd but i knw sumfing was REALI REALI REALI WRNG..i got dat feelin i get,u knw da 1 wea i can feel da pain sum1 else is feelin,literally!!i dn't even knw hw i got outa my bed n 2 da bathroom..i srsly dn't member gettin outa bed n i dfntly dn't member runnin 2 my mum!all of uz xcept for mel,kat,devil n brana r lost so let me bcktrack!!
my mum hdn't been feelin so well yest,pukin n stuff,i told her dat she prbbly had fud poisonin 4 da lunch she wnt 2 on sun!!tld her 2 drink heapz n gve her toast wif tea...2 in da mrning my dad had cum screamin in2 our room coz my mum had faintd outside da bathrm!!!lea got there b4 me n wen i got there shez sittin dere wif mumz head on her lap wif dis panic-ish,an'z do sumfing luk on her face..n dad was stndin dere lukin @ me like dude do sumfing ur da 1 hu did all da safety courses!!so im stndin dere tryin not 2 shw dem dat i've cmpltly 4gottn everyfing,i mean dude im da 1 hu usually faintz!!!den i memberd wat da ambo dudez tld me n liftd mumz legz so da blood circulation can flow dwn,dn't ask lol!n it wrkd coz she got up BUT dude i undrstood y dey all freakd out wen i was outa it 4 45minz 1 tym..it was freaky enuf her bein out 4 like a few secndz!!after dat v got her settld in bed n she went 2 da docz l8r on in da day BUT dat does mean im gona hve a few sleepless nitez..she tellz me not 2 wori but i cn't help it.N b4 u all ask im fine n yup im lyin but i dn't wanna tlk bout dis yet..so all u can all do is hve faith 4 me coz i guess datz all i need rite nw!


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