06 August, 2006


love,wat is it??ppl all over da wrld,of all agez,race n relignz search 4 this 1 fing their whle livez BUT srsly wat da hell is love???n y da hell do v humanz fink v need it 2 mke us feel whle???
suppsdly luv is bout sweaty palmz,racing heartz n spinnin stomachz wen u c sum1 but isn't there mure 2 it???i mean dn't ppl get dat feelin wen dey meet a cute strnger??so hw do u knw if da real fing has hit u in da face???man oh man..so many questionz r invlvd wif dis luv fing dat i jst dn't understnd hw ppl can tke such a big risk wifout hvin these questionz answrd!!!
BUT den gain mayb i feel like dis coz im completly gainst da concept of luv,i mean hw can sum1 luv sum1 else so much dat dey wuld die 4 dem???*contridictory i knw coz i wuld die 4 ne1 of uz but datz diff* ppl hve alwyz tld me dat wen u meet "THE ONE" u will knw..but srsly dn't ppl fink dey hve met da 1 every single day???hmmmmmm i knw wat u guyz r finkin:NEESH y do u gota b such a downr on da whle romatic conception of luv??" n 2 b truthfully i guess i dn't blieve in it coz im surroundd by arrngd marriagez n a strict cultural notion of NO LUV!!
n dharzi i knw ur finkin:HUN u will find it 1 day n den luk bck n fink hw u culd ever b gainst sumfing sooo wnderful..
hmm mayb 1 day i will find it but srsly hw can u find sumfing dat prbbly dsn't exist???n i guess if i do find it i will tke all of dis bck *mayb haha* SUM wise persn tried xplainin luv 2 me n dis iw wat dey said:
Does your heart ache and break when
they are sad?

Do you cry for their pain, even when they
are strong?

Do their eyes see your true heart and
touch your soul so deeply that it hurts?

Do you stay because a blinding, incomprehensible
mix of pain and relation pulls you close
and hold you there?

Do you accept their faults because they're
a part of who they are?THEN IT'S LOVE

Are you attracted to others, but stay with
them faithfully without regret?

Would you allow them to leave you, not because
they want to but because they have to?

Would you give them your heart, your life,
your death?

is it reali worth all dis pain??is da gain srsly bigger den all u culd loose??hmm leave u all wnderin bout dis 1..


Blogger Food Leader said...

why are you analysing this.. lol.. dere has got 2 b something dat triggered it lol...

7/8/06 3:32 pm  
Blogger Kat said...

Hm...why is lil foot analysing love..?

Is she FEELING something? Something close to love? Does she have someone in mind specifically to be talking ahout shit like this? The great strong petal? Could it be....??

Omigosh, my lil petal is all grown up! *sniff*

9/8/06 5:56 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

OH HELL NO!!! u all knw im not capable of luv!! so dat leavez dat question out haha..im analysing coz i got nufin bettr 2 do den fink bout wat ppl say or dn't say 2 me lol

9/8/06 7:16 pm  

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