24 August, 2006

Amazin race n crap..

on sat v went 2 skool @ 8.30am 2 do zeal leadershp trainin..my group consistd of courtz,cafey,anna n jess hu ddn't cum. V endd up callin our group da SYNEGY OF NATIONZ..v dressed up like superheros from our countries and wore captain planet rings *yep totally my idea hahah i mean captain planet rockz my wrld*
da race strtd wif my group runnin across our skool field n cuttin thru da deaf skool,v let tone'z group pass us coz v ddn't want dem 2 follow our shortcut.. i mean cafey knw everysingle dodgy shortcut in kelston!!hmmm mkes u wonder y ae..newyz v got 2 avondale racecourse wea cafey had 2 do da 'wit' challenge whch was da puzzle! v finshd in 7minz n den v got given our nxt clue fing..v had 2 mke ourslvez 4m avondale race course 2 les mills newlynn..ahhh so v strtd jumpin everysingle fence whch me da shortst persn in da crw got over b4 ne1 else..v finally got 2 da bus stp wen v realisd v had missd it..so v strtd wlkin dwn da rd wen v saw a taxi..me n cafey jst jumpd on da rd n strtd sprintin after it,dere was alrdy a persn in it but she got out wen v tld her v were part of da "amazing race"..v convincd da driver 2 tke us 2 les mills, v got dere 2nd n anna did da 'strength' challenge whle i bribd her 2 keep goin wif chocol8!! den v ran over 2 newlynn n caught a taxi 2 da cemetry...v got 2 da cemetry n got tld dat v had 2 search 4 dis specific headstne n copy dwn half of wat it said.us bein smart grabbd a map n ran off..got dwn 2 da rite plce n saw melz grp dere..so v strtd runnin round dey found it 1st n left den i had 2 run round n rite it dwn..whle i was ritin it dwn my crew was distractin other grps 4m seein wea i was.newyz i finsh i i crawl away 4m da grave n den jumpd in2 da bush 2 hide,i missd da bush went flyin..got up den trippd dwn da slop whle screamin lol..ahem katz grp totally ddn't knw wea 2 luk. den v got bck n tried 2 steal dere taxi..i pulld out $40 n was like 2 da drive:"I WILL GIVE U ALL OF DIS 4 A $5 RIDE" hez like yep k...but den mel.b came runnin n got in my face tlkin bout "da rite fing 2 do" so da driver was like nah sowi.so v ran all da way 2 our nxt destination whle i was mumblin bout da stupid driver havin stupid moralz hahaha...newyz v endd up bein da last team 2 arrive coz every1 had taxiz..courtz did da last challenge @ da library wea she had 2 member dis biblical verse. den v w8 @ da bus stp wen v saw a taxi parkd..cafey n me gain sprintd 2 it wen dis randum guy got in it..i jst went up 2 da guy n did my whle flirting smile/smirk fing oh n i pulld out $40 ,so da drive was like i prmise i wil cum bck in 3mins..he came bck in 5 n gve us a ride bck 2 skool..our team wlkd in dancin n singin lol..yup it seemd dat karma cme n bit us in da ass 4 tryin 2 steal a taxi..haha but i had da bst tym..den v went got a feed,i spraind my ankle wen i had my un-co momnt so v ddn't go 2 dez'z 18th party instead kat n mel came over 2 my house n bummd round...yup im totally not competitve ahem HAHAHA im like rob nw jst gota find my amber hahaha


Blogger Kat said...

excuses moi!

Our group knew exactly which road, which section and which rows to look in so there! :P

24/8/06 6:35 pm  

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