11 August, 2006

blah blah blah

kinda been caught up in lifez crap..wayyy 2 busy 2 update dis n jst plain lazy 2!!lol i guess nufin much has hppnd,been a bit pissd off l8ly not dat uz wuld knw coz itz bout crap i hvn't tlkd 2 u all bout.if u all wnderin y itz coz i dn't wanna wori u all n im sick of hvin 2 lean on uz,like u dn't all got ur own shit goin on..
went 2 da artzfest yest,had da CRCKST tym ever man!!kat n me bought matchin red hatz n wnt gainst da theme by wearin blck n red 2getha wif devil,nat n mel!!haha yup dam rebellious!!da prmmge suxd xcept 4 bring it on hu rockd da house!!!!IT WAS SOO CRCK coz all da gurlz overallz fell off n dey were dancin in dere boxez!!LMFAO n den da gurlz kept slippin on dem but it made da dance bettr!!*i fink haha* den i got caught in a randum bitch fite btwn da barbiez n mel.b n jess.r ahhh god gurlz can b srsly catty!!!but i had a CRCK as tym n i got 2 dress like carmen *dam 4get her last name brana haha*..oh n letz not 4get hw dam sexy kat lukd as MINI MOUSE!!
lifez been preti up n dwn l8ly but im in 1 of my i dn't give a fuk moodz so everyfng passes me by n im jst plain numb n dn't reali care!!been wrkin my butt off l8ly, MAN im not even 18,legal yet n im alrdy worin bout payin da mortgage,wen da nxt pay chck will arrive n hw v r goin 2 pay dis monthz billz..fukin hell can u blieve i hve a whle life tym of dis 2 go????ahhh itz beginnin 2 get 2 me nw,sumtymz i wish i culd jst disappr 4m all of dis n strt gain,afresh,sumwea far awy 4m here...mmm leave dis all bhind BUT u all knw me 2 well 2 knw dat dis is jst a phase n dat im WAYYYY 2 much of a fightr 2 jst let it all go (hpfully)...n if ur wnderin dis is onli a small part of y im pissd off n no not even dharzi or ara knw so devil dn't fink itz onli u i hvn't spilld 2 wen v chat on da fone!!lol i guess i will get over dis soon esp considring xamz r cumin up n i @least hve 2 give a shit bout dem so yup till i feel like givin a fuk over n out....n devil keshia does hve a lil 2 do wif it!


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