01 August, 2006

marriage,kidz,life n fitez..

anothr bitch fite @ skool 2day,gain i steppd in but @least dis tym it was dne wif 1 punch n tearz...but srsly,juniorz these dayz r stupid wif a captial S!kat,mel n me ask dem watz goin on wen v reach da fite n dere like ohhh she fell over *pointin @ da gurl datz cryin* or wat bout da 1 i heard..nah,nah miss dey r onli huggin *me:so datz wat u call it these dayz (rollin eyez)*..newyz dn't knw wat da fite was bout yet will hear bout it 2mo i guess..oh n kat n me overheard sum other STUPID juniorz tlkin bout a gurl getin jumpd after skool so v went n told mrs martin,dep assistnt principle bout it!i knw snitchez but ohhh hu carez,v mite of saved a life..ahem!
newyz on2 da rest of my title...da other day kat,mel n me were paintin da canvas 4 art'z festival wen v strtd tlkin bout da future!!*I KNW* lol v strtd discussin hw v wuld so not b like our parentz wif our kids.tke 4 e.g me,i was like im gona listen 2 my kidz n actually let dem hve a life!kat:im gona tlk 2 my kidz like a frnd mure den a mother,mel:im actually gona b part of my kidz livez n actually go 2 prnt teacher intrviewz lol....it was a scry subjct coz v r like holy shit wat if v turn out like our prntz n our kidz tlk like dis (well like me) bout us???oooo ahhhh,datz a freaky thort!!but den v realisd dat it also depndz on da guy v marry..whch obviously lead 2 da hey neesh wen u gettin marrid convo haha..kat n mel were laughin @ hw short,skinny n geeky (HO!) my kidz were gona b.so l8r on dat day wen i was tlkin 2 devil i decidd dat marriage is bout geneticz*hence my msn name*.devil n me decidd dat im gona marry a guy totally opposite 4m me so my (poor) kidz @least hve a chance of not bein pikd on @ skool n can @least try out 4 da all blckz wifout endin up dead..
so WANTD tall,medium build,high IQ,sexy smile male hu h8z long wlkz on da beach n isn't a virgo hahaha BUT den gain u must play tennis,watch or play rugby n luv kidz..
im sure dat narrwz it dwn 2 lke onli quarter of da male kind!lol..oh n devil dn't u dare even say hu ur finkin of!!!NOOO n dn't even commnt on it!!!!devil im warnin u n u 2 mel!!!hahaha...da rst of u keep ur eyez out 4 my mcdreamy ae hahahahahaha LMAO


Blogger Food Leader said...

firstly whoa... 8 comments all from devil lol thought dere would least b like some1 else...and about ur smile.. well it cud be like a tubelight or more like the ring she got given.. remember dat.. da thing that was so shiny dat it cud of had it's own neon light pointin at it saying look at me lol...... i can't remember how we started that conversation now lol.. but i can hardly see me wif kids and if i do i can't see me wif my "husband" lol.. so i can only see one or da other lol.. dats saying something huh lol... ohhh and hehehe i've think i hav da person in mind dat u told me 2 not mention... but den...hmmm.... yea more 2wards dat one.. u no which one but den dere's da other one..and da other one and da other one and da other one... etc lol... nah...i'll stick 2 my first choice.

1/8/06 9:33 pm  
Blogger Food Leader said...

lol oh yea and also ...if ur children ever write about u in a blog like u are now... whinging and moaning bout life.. u can always do wat u did 2 find kat's blog... lmao.. google urself.. or ur nicknames ur kids give u jst incase dey use code right.. lol..see.. so you'll pretty much not b out of da loop unless u can't find it.. but dat won't happen will it?? lol

1/8/06 9:38 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

whoaaaaaa mel read my mind dude..srsly creepy sumtymz hw v do dat!!!haha newyz devil u gota get a life!!!srlsy gurl go join da chess team or sumfing LMFAO

1/8/06 9:47 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

n oh yea ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww bout da anatomy fing...ewwwwwwwwwwwww ewwwwwww..but hey y do u gota wnder wen u can jst ask 4 shoe size like tinaye n dem!!!LMFAO hahahahahahahAHAHAHAH

1/8/06 9:49 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

fruit pikin..oh god not dat gain.hmmm wat if i dn't like ne of da fruit i've got????

1/8/06 9:53 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

oh u mean da rst of da seasonz in my life..coz well all standardz need 2 b met b4 i even consider marriage haha

1/8/06 9:58 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

ummm..ewww...ew...ew...im 2 innocnt..dn't pollute my inncnt mind...

1/8/06 10:05 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

hey!oi!!dat dsn't count it was tinye controllin my mind...

1/8/06 10:10 pm  
Blogger Food Leader said...

lmao.. yea you can always do dat.. asking bout da shoe size.. has dat been proven though??? lol.. u no since evry1 seems 2 rely on dat theory lol... and i dnt no how we do dat.. jst spending 2 much time round each other ay... making us think almost alike shesh lol.. man gotta stop it lol.. jst weird. i wud say like sat.. but dats not da same.. cuz dat day u asked 4 ur fone n i already saw it in da kitchen so i knew u wud say it wud b in da kitchen after already askin me 2 get it.

1/8/06 10:13 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

yea agree bout da sat fing..but member da mail box devil fing???dude dat was scary..n yea i wnder if da shoe size theory actually wrkz ae???hmmmm

1/8/06 10:16 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

hey da mac fing was a 1 off..i hve never dne nefing like dat b4 not includin da pizza hut incidnt lol

1/8/06 10:18 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

OMG I TOOK OFF MY JERSY HW DA HELL IS DAT STRIPPIN..den i did take off my skool shirt but i had another tshirt on..hw da hel is dat strippin i was HOTTTTTTTTT!!dammit!!

1/8/06 10:24 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

i ddn't mean dat hot..ahhhhhhh...i was feelin da harsh heat 4m da sun whch was absorbd by my dark colourd clothin..so i decidd 2 take dem off to wear my lite colour clothin which reflctz da sun rayz..

1/8/06 10:32 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

watever..i knw da truth n datz all dat matterz..ahhhh ahhh..u all sux!!!!stand up 4 me sum1,any1..bob???

1/8/06 10:37 pm  
Blogger Squishyalien said...

freaakkkyyy...i saw the same ad for women seeking men in the connections part in da newspaper...except the woman was 35

2/8/06 1:59 pm  
Blogger Squishyalien said...

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2/8/06 2:04 pm  
Blogger Squishyalien said...

STRIPPING!? heeyy dat reminds me of that raunchy tennis pic of u neshee clinging to the fence in a strippery way

2/8/06 2:06 pm  
Blogger Kat said...

The things Petal does to get a McDreamy... tsk tsk...

2/8/06 6:52 pm  
Blogger Kat said...

Just adding in:


McDreamy reminds me of ice cream too!
I dont know why but especially the fifty cent cones from mc's :)


2/8/06 6:58 pm  
Blogger Food Leader said...

lol i agree wif kat, mcdreamy does sound like it's an ice cream from mc d's..hehe mmmmmm ice cream

2/8/06 8:01 pm  
Blogger hapi feet said...

OMG datz it devil..datz totally wat it rmindz me of!!!BINGOOO

2/8/06 9:47 pm  

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