30 June, 2006

ball aftermath...

u wuld assume dat ppl wuld get over wat hppnd @ da ball after a wk or so..but noooooooooooo it seemz dat nite is gona haunt me 4ever!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhhh im not kidding srsssssslyyyyyy!!whoa did i not blieve it wen mel tld me no1 was gona get over da whle ash n me dance....i reali shuld of taken her word 4 it ae???lol
OH n i 4got 2 mention hu queen,bella n so on were in my entry bout da ball so here it is..
QUEEN: Leva *hell yea...jst wish jess.r wsn't in da ball commt. coz dAM gurl!!*
BELLA: Lolo..man did dis chick luk dam fine, n does she have da biggst heart!!!
KING:sum randum dude v ddn't even knw but hu carez...
PRINCE:was da deaf guy in da wheel chair!!*haha yes da guy hu gve me his #..ahem...
BEST COUPLE: Jyoti n Sunil...awwwwww did dey luk cute *dn't judge da cover thou!!ahem..*
BEST DANCER: Ali Sio...hahahaha if u can call it dancing..ummmm???
so yea datz all v culd do coz v culdn't afford nemure prizez hahaha...oh n did i mention da fud was utter SHITTTTTT!!!SRSLY!!! hw hard is it 2 mke butter chicken???ahhh n dude roast beef not burnt,stiff beef...DUMBSHITTTZZZ..freakin hell i shuld of jst cookd!!! n v totally 4got bout dessert cnsidring v were 2 busy dancin n da main course put us off everyfing....
nwyz v got our fotoz dne,pankz whle roll ddn't turn out dn't knw y but dat does save me hvin 2 burn da picz of dat FREAKIN CREEPY RAT LUKIN PIECE OF SHITTTT..i wuld of enjyd dat thou..ahem...but yea mure dodgy picz came out of ash n me so im dead.BUT not onli is it da gurlz mkin fun of me,itz also da teacherz!!AHHHH itz all: neesh did u knw da guy???neesh..wow u sure u remember his name??? oh n da worsest has 2 b MRS HARVEY:"neesh,i must say u r very..umm..co-ordinated..ahem!!!"*in her pompous english,strict accent*
ahhhhhhhhhhhh will dis ever disappear????pls tell me it does...ahhhh...da picz jst keep gettin worse n worse*if dat is possible..* but @least i hvn't seen ash all wk...PHEWWWW datz a load of my shoulder,now hpefully 2wkz will erase all 4m dat nite.....

26 June, 2006

ball n our version of a afterball

well sat was our ball!!!went 2 katz n got ready wif kat,mel,devil n pankz..spent lke 3 hourz gettin dem all ready.then in da lst 30minz i got ready..runnin round puttin everyfing on @ da same tym.i jst slap mkeup on my face,yankd on my dress,shoved on my shoes n got my hair done in da lst 10minz n lastly put my wingz on!v all jst jump in da car n take off 2 da venue.i get in 1st n strt chatin 2 da dj n stuff wen steven cumz up n give me a hug n a kiss on da cheek..so v went n stood by da door 2 welcum every1.man i swear i hve never been hugd or kissd(on my cheek lol) so much in my life..by my gurlz n da guyz i knw *n sum i ddn't knw ahem..*after awhle moka joinz us n v get bored n wnder off.kat cumz runnin dwn da stairz n is like v shuld strt dancin coz no1 was dancing yet..so kat,mel,pankz,devil n tinaye *wrng spellin* strt dancin up a storm!!!n i requestd da punjabi remix so v all strt doin da pankz dance...she goez freakin pale n startz chasin me round da dance floor yellin IM GONA KILL U NEESH!!! newyz v spent like all nite dancin up a storm..it was sooo crck coz devil,tinaye n me totally hoochied all nite man.mary,aggy,cafey n da rst of da gurlz were like YO NEESH GET OFF DA FLOOR U SKANK!!whch jst made me go harder lol..i ended up slow dancin wif nat,it was reali crck coz i jst reachd his chest hahah * i wsn't wearin my heelz by da way,i was all NATURALLLL haha.den i endd up hooching wif ash in like 3 diff dancez *mstly pussycat dollz songz..so ahem u cn jst imagin wat it lukd like ae..yea den i danced wif jamez,jonty n stephenson whch by da way wsn't da bst fing 2 do..he endd up tkin of his shirt n getin in my face goin GET SUM OF DIS BABY..i was laughin but i was also reali creepd out so i strt tuggin on mokaz tux coz he was dancin bhind me..n moka shvez him off me n den randumly dey strt goin @ it...ewwwww boiz man haha.n whle stephenson was distrctd wif moka ash jumpz in n is like v will jst dance over here so v move awy..on da last song *ole ole ole..feelin hot hot hot* i got shvd in2 a circle full of guyz wif helen n dey totally surround us so im like wat da heck n strt brkin out my scandelous movez..ahem..nwyz wen im bout 2 leave i accidntly bumbed in2 stephenson,i ddn't notice hu it was until i said sori n turnd round.EWWWWWWWW dis is da rply i get back:U CAN DO DAT 2 ME NE TYM BABE...ewwwwwwwwww i sprintd out 2 da entrance so fast!!lol ..i get out dere n all da teacherz r like NEESH V ALL SAW U DANCING..smirkz on their facez..ahem.den katz dad pikd us up n v had 2 wlk pst every1 whch gain rsltd in alt of hugz n kissez *katz dad must fink im a skank lol*..n v went 2 sleep over @ her house xcept 4 pankz.reali wsn't a sleep over coz no1 reali slept,styd up till lke 5.30am tkin randum picz.dat was our version of a after ball..haha..
man did i hve a g8 tym dancin wif my gurlz..n even da idiotz 4m kelston boiz..but letz jst say dat my rep definlty got a WHLEEEEEEEEEE LOT WORSE!!lol..but i dn't care..i had fun!!a whle lota fun not includin da pankz incidnt whch ruind my hangover *not on alcohol* period on sun..oh n i managed 2 screw wif my ex wifout even tryin.oh n he turnd up by himslf haha n da whle ash n me dance got 2 him so he left early hahahah..MAN WAS DAT DA G8ST DAY OF MY LIFE..now all i gota do is convince ppl dat im not a skank..not dat im even tryin hahaha

20 June, 2006

wel rite nw im soooo xcited not just coz da ballz cumin up, i knw can u blieve dat im actually xcited 4 a whle other reasn???lol
yesssss i will get 2 da point haha..i got a JOB *shutup kat itz onli my 5oth 1 lol* im soooo xcited coz itz @ a chartered accoutantz firm!!!itz my 2nd job in a accountantz office,my 1st job wif da bean counters suxd like hell n i culdn't wait 2 get outa dere...hopefully i wn't feel like killin da boss @ da new job 2!!lol...but yea i strt work in da term2 holz,itz full tym 8am-6pm every wkday so peepz im sowi but u gota hve a life wifout me 4 2wkz...i knw i knw itz hard but guyz i wn't b dere 2 hold ur hand nxt yr hahaha *yes i knw luk huz tlkin lol*
oooooo oooo ooo yeaaaaaaaa da ball is cumin up sooooooonnnn im xcited..wow culd dat sound nemure forced.i mean im xcited but unlike sum chick n dudez i knw im not losin sleep over it or dreamin bout it @ all..is dat weird..newyz peepz im xcited bout my bean counter job so datz all dat countz..rite???lol

15 June, 2006

chocol8,kat,eng,secret planz n emailz
man is chocol8 reali not gud 4 me (no i ddn't ask ne1)...n itz defintly not gud 4 KAT!!!did she go nutz 2day...well it wsn't onli her as u all prbbly knw.in eng i got chocl8 4m aggy hu bought it 4 me coz im her *free* stationary store (dn't ask) n i was sittin nxt 2 kat so v shared it.......n like 5minz l8r v were both hysterical!!!!nufing was funi but v culdn't stop laughin N da whle class was starin @ us,well @ me coz i culdn't breathe n i culdn't stop laughin!!!whereas kat still managed 2 luk (a tad) sophisticatd whle laughin like an idiot but den gain hu culdn't luk sophisticatd nxt 2 me???*god i h8 her!!* aggy,cafey n dez r like dude wat an xample u r neesh,totally mature!!*ahem*..so datz watz wif da 1st half of da title...NXT
well da secret plan i cn't xactly fill u in..obvious reasnz,DUH lol..i jst like doin dis coz i knw u all esp mel,devil n pankz r gona go crzy bout it!!haha esp pankz coz kat n me (da plan creatorz) kept tlkin bout it in a reali vague way in frnt of her n tlkin bout it as if it was da biggst goss in our skool!! n pankz was goin all nutz 2 figure it out haha..soooo im hopin da hppnz 2 u *YEA U MEL*!!
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ooooooooo oooo oooo ooo guess wat??wat??wat??? v is got email in our skool nw!!!yea yea!!i knw 4 those of u dat go 2 rich skoolz datz not a big deal but 2 kelston itz da bst fing since..since..since..sliced bread!!!(dn't ask haha!!) newyz was teachin kat hw 2 use it coz itz not like msn or microsft office n n n n den v figured out hw 2 change our font,colours n add signaturez 2 all our emailz lol!!n i was soooooo giddy (dn't ask lol) bout us figuring it out dat i snt nearly all da yr13z an imprtnt email 4m da dep head gurl...haha u cn just imagine wat i wrote ae??? in all da emailz i was like:"heyyyyyyyyy gurlz jst wanna say hi n shw off my cool font,colour n MY WICKD signature!!so ha take dat!!! lotz of luff lil foot!!"...it was jst soooo imprtnt!!!lol ....wow..wow..wow dis is sooooo sad..da email was da highlite of my day well xcept 4 lst period eng wen kat n me got high..i jst hpe dat da skool dsn't track our emailz coz dey r offically gona declare me insane (n take my badge waaaa) wen dey read da rain dance emailz 2 aggy...blieve defintly dn't ask!!hahaha

14 June, 2006

do i got a rep????
reali worid nw!! do i got a rep??? not da rep a gurl wntz 2 hve ae..well itz not dat bad but still..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! hld up let me bck up 4 all u lost ppl whch is every1 xcept mel!!
mel,tonez(tonkia) n me had 2 help out @ dis intermediate high skool promotion fing..nwyz v r dere lukin dam fine in our sexy unifrm n dam fine skool blazerz.so v r bein all nice,frndly n sugarcoaty bout our skool wen callum*hwever u spell it* n co wlk up 2 our table.so me bein me introduce myself n den guess wat hppnz????
me:hi,im neesh,katz frnd.
him:ur da gurl dat all da guyz r crazy bout???
me:umm..ahem..i guess so (confusd but hyper luk on my face whle mel n tonez laugh dere headz off)
him:hi itz nice 2 finally meet u..so is it u??
me:hi (click 2 katz blog entriez) yep itz da 1 n onli me!(putin on my smirky face)
so v end up chatin n i wlk out wif his #!! dn't ask me hw dude lol
newyz it mkez me wnder if i gota rep or sumfing..coz hyun *dat rite?* also askd if i was da gurl dat all da guyz were after n i culdn't even say no coz mel n tonez were like pointin n laughin @ me!!!soooooooooooo hmm wat da???lol..
OH N mrs martin (dep principle in my skool) totally thought dat i was gettin chattd up n tried 2 usher me out da door lol..but i wsn't gettin chatd up *i dnt' fink i was lol*haha kiddin (??) n den mel n tonez were like man even here u gota get ur # askd 4!!! n yep dat does mean it has hppnd 2 me in other weird plcez e.g leadership training seminarz!! ohhhhh crap i gota rep!!wait do i??is dis a gud fing or bad??im kinda lost on dat ae..so peepz help me out...OH N AGGY shutup i knw ur finkin SLUT!!WATEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

12 June, 2006

devil,big bird,heelz n crap..
sat went shppin wif devil n her rnts.man oh man did dat tst my back tlkin nature!!boi did i hve 2 keep my mouth shut n it turnz out dat it is possible 4 me 2 do dat (I KNW I KNW)......u c v found dis dress,actually it was DA DRESS..u knw da 1 u spend 4ever lukin 4 even thou u hve no idea wat it shuld luk like but u knw itz DA 1 wen u try it on,da dress dat u r willin 2 spend watever da cost on etc.well v found dat dress BUT it turnz out dat devilz rnts H8D IT!!dey preferrd dis PUKE GREEN dress dat v put on hold b4,so dis turnd in2 a battle of da agez-prntz vs kidz,oldiez vs youngiez (i knw itz not a wrd mel shutup) n so on...it was a tedious battle but GOOD won!!wait itz devil n me im tlkin bout soooo EVIL won lol..n v got da dress!!n boi is devil gona turn a few headz..competiton gurlyz hahaha
nwyz bout big bird,been awhle since i've mentiond him i knw..newyz i kinda got high on a whle KINGGGG SIZEEEE chocl8 bar on fri n tld him my blog url ( i knw i knw i shuldn't b allwd near nefing swt) n yep fingz kinda wnt dwn hill 4m dere *well 4 me lol* it turnz out dat he read onli da blogz bout him so yep..so i get a txt on sat asking y i call him big bird n im like AHHHHHH fuk he actually was bord enuf 2 go dwn dat far (so much 4 ara tellin me he wuldn't do dat..fankz!)...n boi did i hve sum xplainin 2 do not dat i did much lol....but hey @least i dn't gota c him face 2 face 4 AGEZZZZZ!!so i will live (dat is if ara dsn't kill me slowly wif all his big bird jkez!!)
sat nite after shppin i wnt 2 a tamil shw,i thought i wuld tke dat tym 2 wear-in my ball shoes..u knw da HEELZZZ..boi oh boi was dat a mistke!!!i put dem on..u knw me totally confident dat i can b like those modelz *ahem ^^* wlk dwn da driveway n u knw hw it slopez dwn well i kinda slippd hahaha well i ddn't reali fall coz lea caught me b4 i hit da ground..n all dis tym my aunty n uncle r sittin in da car crckin up @ me!!den v get 2 da shw n i had 2 shuffle around so if i wntd 2 go sumwea i had 2 shuffle/tip toe,it was a weird combination of da 2..dn't ask!!n boi did i luk like a complete idiot BUT i was SOOO lucky dat ara or ne1 of uz weren't dere 2 crck up @ me coz i h8 2 admit it but i lukd drunk!!all hope was not lost thou coz wen v got bck hme lea ran awy n left me on da reali dark,creeeeepy rd by myslf sooo i had 2 run hme...ahhh i was pissin myslf,i wsn't scared of sum creep jumpin out 2 get me,i was mure scared dat i was gona break my heelz or fall over in dog crap or sumfing (i ddn't) BUT i did it...I RAN IN HEELZ!!!yipeeeee!!nw all i gota do is master da art of wlkin in dem lol but i culd alwyz do da shuffle all nite @ da ball hahahaha

08 June, 2006

i is nearly looooooose my face 2day!!!
fukin hell was 2day like da scarest day ever...man if i was da kinda gurl 2 freak out in shit like dis i wuld of pissd my pantz,but me being me found it actually quite xcitin n it made me miss da old dayz..hmm u all must b lost so let me fill u in on my adventurz 4 2day lol
well after skool kat n me r wlkin out 2 da frnt gate like usual n lea n her m8 r way bhind us..v r tlkin n laughin n all of a suddn i realise dat dere is dis HUUUUUGGGEEEE bunch of gurlz stndin around n lukin @ sumfing.'derez a fite' smell was in da air..but wen v wlkd past nufin much was goin on..im bout 2 put my feet outa skool groundz (sooo dam close) n dey jst strt shoutin n punchin each other.i luk dwn @ hw close i am 2 leavin skool grndz,i turn 2 kat n im like shuld v??n kat 4 once was like nah!!so i walk up 2 da gurlz fightin n im like FUKIN STOP IT!!n i ddn't realise but i was in da middle of da 2 gurlz punchin each other,like in da middle MIDDLE!!da bigger out of da 2 (n yep both were islnderz,a few thousnd kiloz bigger den me) swung a right hook @ me (n yes i was wearin my glasses) n i was like FUKKKK n duckd on tym..by da way all dat tym i was finkin $320,$320,$320 (datz hw much my glasses cost me hahaha) n wen i tld jess dis she was like fukin accountnt hahaha...den outa nowea came cafey,freakin life saver pushz da gurl awy 4m me n brkz it up wif da help of dis other guy n me..
da gurlz wlk awy onli 2 l8r strt dis fite 3 mure tymz dwn da rd..all 3 tymz cafey n me jumpd in..but da 3 n final tym was nasty n endd up wif me nearly gettin jabbd!! me n cafey jumpd in like usual,she grabd da bigger of da 2 n i grbbd da smallr 1 whoz bleedin 4m her right cheek.she strt tryin 2 hit me 2 let go of her n her m8 pullz my hair whch was out..i turn round 2 give dem a piece of my mind wen i c a fist cumin 2wardz my face i duckd wif a millisec 2 spare..den outa nowea mrs rasheed turnz up..n dat basically endz it all.so by den katz bck 4m alertin all da teachrz n v head 2 da main office 2 tlk 2 mrs martin our dep principle.she tkez statemntz 4m bth of us..n den bascially tellz kat n me not 2 cum outa her office until she sayz,it turnz out she ddn't want us 2 b identified coz v culd get jumpd on our way home coz da fightrz had been caught!!!so i clckd 2 dis n tell kat,v kinda joke bout it but reali v r like pissin our pantz (deeeep inside lol) but v endd up wlkin home newyz n im still alive so yep..skoolz gona b shit scary 2mo thou,i mean da old dayz wen i was da 1 thrwin da punchez r wayyyyy gone n i fink i need a bodyguard 2 prtct me (cn't blieve i jst said dis) coz i jst realisd hw small n frail i am so yep..help prtct dis small frail body of mine...hahaha oh pls i cn hld my own *ahem*

07 June, 2006

r all da indian motherz on strike???
hahaha man was 2day a mixd up day...it strtd off wif me getin snappd in wrng unifrm by mrs harvey!!!ahhhhhhhhhhhh man was she pissd off!!dis endd up in me goin 2 da principle n pullin off my 'class A act of poor lil me'..dis is da convo wif mrs fox:
me:mrs fox i did not mean 2 undermine our skoolz rulez by wearin incorrect uniform,i acknwldge dat i hve done wrng but i want 2 xplain da reasnz 4 my actionz.
mrs fox:of course i want 2 hear ur side..i knw ur a gud girl n u do our skool proud!
me:y fankz miss,i do my bst 2 make u proud (hahaha laughin inside lol)...u c miss i hve mrning class n itz very cold esp coz i hve 2 walk 2 skool in da mrning (sowi mel i had 2 lie lol) oh n u c i had 2 put on my (multi-colourd)beanie 2 keep me warm n da (bright black)scarf wsn't 4 fashion either miss...miss im an asthmtic n da doc has told me 2 keep warm esp dis winter!! soooo as u c miss i ddn't mean 2 undermine ur authority n abuse my postion i was jst tryin 2 follow da docz orderz!!
mrs fox:i reali understnd dat but y dn't u wear da skool scarf n skoolz warm jacket??
me:(holy fuk..fink..must fink) u c miss not many ppl knw but my fam is in financial difficulty @ da momnt n im tryin not 2 spnd moni 2 help my fam....(tearz well up in my eyez n my bottom lip quiverz)..so if it meanz dat i walk 2 skool cold miss dat is wat i will do (1 single tear rollz dwn my cheek)
so yep wif dat i got my confiscatd gear bak hahaha..n whle sayin sori 2 mrs harvey i pulld out da same stunt...i knw hu da WOMAN???hahaha BUT im still not allwd my funky winter gear!
newyz bck 2 my title..@ lunch mel,kat n me wlk in2 mac n fuk did v get da surprise of our livez!dude it was like totally fulll wif indianz..i wlk in 1st n am like "wtf wen did mac bcum an indian bazaar???" kat n mel laugh on cue..den v got our feed n left.whle wlkin across da rd katz like dude watz wif all da indianz @ mac?? n im like"mayb all da indian mumz went on strike!!"lol
kat n mel laugh ...n den im like WAIT WAIT I KNW I KNW Y!!! n im like petrol pricez mite of drppd!!HAHAHAHAHA n at dis v all crck up laughin in da middle of da busiest rd!!yep i knw very mean n racist but itz a jke in our skool dat indianz r cheapskatez so yeaaaaaaaa...OH N i went bak n tld all my indian m8z hahaha...i knw gutsy!!lol but dude i was on a ROOOOOLL n i jst wntd 2 share wif every1 dat da old,crack up,comedian neshia was bck in da HOUSE!!!

06 June, 2006

am i da devils spawn??
hmmm dey say dat 666 is da worst day 4 ppl...but i gota say it was like da BST DAY 4 me!!!i knw i knw u all knw dat i was da devilz spawn but i jst clickd so let me get a grip k hahaha..
i mean culd dis day get any better (im hopin dat sayin dis will hve 'dat effct', u knw wen u say culd dis day get any worse n it does xcept i want it 2 get bettr lol)
2day 1st period *nt mornin class* i got my history xam rsltz bak n gues WAT???i is pass!! i got an 'A' 4 resourcez but hu gvez a shit bout dat!!da fing im on a high bout is da EXCELLENCE i got 4 my 1000wrd essay!!I KNW I KNW!! hu da (wo)man???hahaha man considrin itz da 1st essay i've ritn 4 his. im feelin like i won da lotto (richer in wisdom lol)....n it getz bettr 2nd period in accounting.i got a 'A' 4 1paper but watever...BUT 4 da other 2 i got EXCELLENCE!!!yea yea...huz da bomb??lol..feelin gud i mean da 2 xamz i actually crashd 4 i PASSSSSD!!! den 3rd period english i find out da i passd all my paperz,i mean onli wif 'A' not my usual 'M' or 'EX' but hey i was totally convincd i faild all da eng. paperz!! wait 4 it wait 4 it..yep it does get bettr!!!hahahahahaha 4th period statz...i ACTUALLY PASSD!! i knw dis cumin 4m da gurl hu has been lost all yr,dsn't understnd jack shit n jst took da subjct so she culd get xtra crdz!!!but it getz bettr it seemz dat i was da onli persn hu passd in da class..well i was da onli prsn hu passd both paperz in my statz class!! yep it was onli wif 'A' but hu givez a shit hahaha da amazing fing is i PASSSSD!!!srsly dude yea yea!!OH n mrs ram admittd dat i mite b da onli HOPE in her class...wooooooow 2 much 2 tke in 1day haha fink i mite need a early nite 2nite coz dis is 2 much xcitemnt 4 sum1 of my age hahaha................
N GUESS WAT IT ONLI GETZ BETTER!!! 2day i found out da kat n me won da ticket designin comp goin on!!FUK YEA!!!!!!!!!4 those of u lost let me fill u in: our skool had a ticket designin comp 4 da ball ticketz,winner getz a FREEEEEE ticket!!kat n me were goin 2 design a ticket 4 her coz i alrdy get a free ticket but den v did a ticket 4 julieeee coz she culdn't afford 2 go 2 da ball..so it was a surprise 4 her n all....n 2day v found out dat kat n me took out da comp!!!man do v rule!!!man did 2day rule!!!
N I DDN'T EVEN HAVE 2 RIG DA VOTEZ HAHAHA...nw datz da life!!!
but yea i gota say im a lil hapi...wait hu am i kiddin im a lot happier den last tym!!!!!dude i wishd it was da 6th of da 6th of da 6th every day!!!ROCK ON 4M DA DEVILZ SPAWN loooooool

04 June, 2006

yep im pissd off..n 4 once i hve no idea y xactly im pissd off!!i knw i knw nw datz fukd 2 lol..but srsly everyfing n nefing fukin pissz da shit outa me!! i hve no idea y but no1 can say or do nefing rite round me...n well itz ur funeral if u wanna try 2 get me 2 tlk bout 'hw im feelin' coz if u cn't tell im FUKD OFF!!!! dsn't da whle shrt txtz,email,no existant convoz tell u dis...wait im preti gud @ covering up jst hw fukd off i am so most of u peepz prbbly hve no idea! so jst incase u missd let me state it again...I AM FUKIN FUKD OFF!!ahhhh dn't ask..hmm i dn't get it,i hvn't been dis pissd of since i was like 11yrz old...
mayb i shuld break it dwn 2 a few reasnz 2 y i mite b dis fukd off:
1. my fam is utterly insane..
2.dey r drivin me insane..
3.my lil sis is da weak link whch meanz i hve 2 cover her ass 24/7 n wori bout wat she mite tell my rnts wen im not hme!!'
4.therez so much pressure 2 not turn out lke her dat i hve 2 fite myslf not 2 do dat jst 2 spite dem..
5.skool is a royal pain in da ass coz of freakin xamz whch i culdn't stdy 4 coz my fam is fukd up!
6.my m8z try dere bst 2 keep me hapi but i dn't fink dey realise dat sumtymz i wanna knock 1 of dem out..coz frankly datz da onli fing dat will help me feel bettr!!n NO I DN'T NEED 2 RLAX SO DN'T FREAKIN TELL ME 2!!!
7.da fukin yr7 reunion..i hve 2 go coz i was freakin class councillor n guess huz gona b dere???well 1st is 'a' n 2nd is otto onli da guy hu tried 2 kill me!!
8.i hvn't been 2 da beach in mnthz..datz da onli plce wea i am calm n cn fink!! i need da beach or sumfing close 2 dat coz im gona blow..
9.i hvn't heard 4m my bestie in mnthz n datz fukin me off 2..
10.did i mention dat my fam is nutz n is fukin me off???
welll ritin dis is fukin me off mure so yea watever..

02 June, 2006

xamz,hair,car-platez n guyz
hmm a wk of xamz has left me totally n utterly wastd!!man i soooooo dn't fink i passd ne of my subz xcept mayb 4 accountin n histry if im lucky (wait me lucky..wtf?lol) but yea totally knw faild statz n eng!!ahhhhhhhhhhhh my rnts n my crazy fam distractin me 4m EVERYFING!!
well 2day went 2 katz..mel got her hair curld or was it spiral-d??lol watever it lukd curly,she lukd so preti!!n she was sayin dat she jst wntd 2 go wif her strait as-no life-hair 2 da ball!! den kat straitnd my hair....man do i luk like a class A bitch!! oh n guess wat lea sayz wen i get home,shez like: hey u luk like da lead singer of da pussycat dollz....OOOO i alwyz knw u were a slut!!....yep da nicest fing 2 hear 4m ur lil sis!!but i gota say i luk like a major bitch wif my hair like dis!!
now xplainin bout da car-platez..well mel,kat n me were @ lynnmall n sum reason talkin bout dis dream i had were i got engaged 2 dis guy. v had been promisd 2 each other wen i was like 5yrz old.i was 19yrz old in da dream,v were set 2 marry in 2yrz but i was worrin coz i was like wat if i dn't like him in 2yrz???my rnts were like 2 dam bad (soundz like dem dn't u fink???lol).newyz i tld my m8z n dey were jst laughin @ it,den sumhw dis turnd in2 1 of dem bringin up ara n sayin i wuldn't hve 2 wori bout not likin da guy in 2yrz if it was him or sumfing like dat (wAtEvEr!!).den v stood up 2 wlk across da road n mel is pointin 2 da side yellin ara..n im like WTF???n shez like luk @ dis carz # plate it sayz ara.so kat n me turn around n guess wat it sayz ARA...n den those 2 idiots go on bout hw itz a sign 4m God or sumfing n im like bullshit n den wlkd awy.....WATEVER srsly!!
newyz da other day wen mel n me were wlkin past kelston boiz this bunch of boiz sung 2 us haha i knw i knw!! v were jst wlkin past laughin n stuff..u knw da usual mel n me!!n da guyz r across da rd n dey strt singin da strt of im in luv wif a stripper!! u knw da part: shez got da body of a goddess etc...
i was like WTF n v jst wlkd 2 da takeawy store n stayd in dere..den i had 2 wlk past dem by myslf..n da guyz like hey ddn't v jst sing 2 her??? i strtd power wlkin home...lol
so my wkz been preti gud xcept 4 da fam stff but datz wat i got uz 4 rite..overz n outz