26 June, 2006

ball n our version of a afterball

well sat was our ball!!!went 2 katz n got ready wif kat,mel,devil n pankz..spent lke 3 hourz gettin dem all ready.then in da lst 30minz i got ready..runnin round puttin everyfing on @ da same tym.i jst slap mkeup on my face,yankd on my dress,shoved on my shoes n got my hair done in da lst 10minz n lastly put my wingz on!v all jst jump in da car n take off 2 da venue.i get in 1st n strt chatin 2 da dj n stuff wen steven cumz up n give me a hug n a kiss on da cheek..so v went n stood by da door 2 welcum every1.man i swear i hve never been hugd or kissd(on my cheek lol) so much in my life..by my gurlz n da guyz i knw *n sum i ddn't knw ahem..*after awhle moka joinz us n v get bored n wnder off.kat cumz runnin dwn da stairz n is like v shuld strt dancin coz no1 was dancing yet..so kat,mel,pankz,devil n tinaye *wrng spellin* strt dancin up a storm!!!n i requestd da punjabi remix so v all strt doin da pankz dance...she goez freakin pale n startz chasin me round da dance floor yellin IM GONA KILL U NEESH!!! newyz v spent like all nite dancin up a storm..it was sooo crck coz devil,tinaye n me totally hoochied all nite man.mary,aggy,cafey n da rst of da gurlz were like YO NEESH GET OFF DA FLOOR U SKANK!!whch jst made me go harder lol..i ended up slow dancin wif nat,it was reali crck coz i jst reachd his chest hahah * i wsn't wearin my heelz by da way,i was all NATURALLLL haha.den i endd up hooching wif ash in like 3 diff dancez *mstly pussycat dollz songz..so ahem u cn jst imagin wat it lukd like ae..yea den i danced wif jamez,jonty n stephenson whch by da way wsn't da bst fing 2 do..he endd up tkin of his shirt n getin in my face goin GET SUM OF DIS BABY..i was laughin but i was also reali creepd out so i strt tuggin on mokaz tux coz he was dancin bhind me..n moka shvez him off me n den randumly dey strt goin @ it...ewwwww boiz man haha.n whle stephenson was distrctd wif moka ash jumpz in n is like v will jst dance over here so v move awy..on da last song *ole ole ole..feelin hot hot hot* i got shvd in2 a circle full of guyz wif helen n dey totally surround us so im like wat da heck n strt brkin out my scandelous movez..ahem..nwyz wen im bout 2 leave i accidntly bumbed in2 stephenson,i ddn't notice hu it was until i said sori n turnd round.EWWWWWWWW dis is da rply i get back:U CAN DO DAT 2 ME NE TYM BABE...ewwwwwwwwww i sprintd out 2 da entrance so fast!!lol ..i get out dere n all da teacherz r like NEESH V ALL SAW U DANCING..smirkz on their facez..ahem.den katz dad pikd us up n v had 2 wlk pst every1 whch gain rsltd in alt of hugz n kissez *katz dad must fink im a skank lol*..n v went 2 sleep over @ her house xcept 4 pankz.reali wsn't a sleep over coz no1 reali slept,styd up till lke 5.30am tkin randum picz.dat was our version of a after ball..haha..
man did i hve a g8 tym dancin wif my gurlz..n even da idiotz 4m kelston boiz..but letz jst say dat my rep definlty got a WHLEEEEEEEEEE LOT WORSE!!lol..but i dn't care..i had fun!!a whle lota fun not includin da pankz incidnt whch ruind my hangover *not on alcohol* period on sun..oh n i managed 2 screw wif my ex wifout even tryin.oh n he turnd up by himslf haha n da whle ash n me dance got 2 him so he left early hahahah..MAN WAS DAT DA G8ST DAY OF MY LIFE..now all i gota do is convince ppl dat im not a skank..not dat im even tryin hahaha


Blogger Food Leader said...

lol yea sure.. lets see you convince people dat you aint no skank lol.. its kind of hard especially with pics and the memory of those who saw you.. esp da teachers lol.. and ppl exaggerating somethings lol hahahaha this will be a memorable thing forever and ever and ever lol.. but it was da gr8est night ever man.. it was soooo cool

26/6/06 11:09 pm  

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