21 June, 2007

sing da hapi hapi hapi hapi song..

been a long tym since i've smiled n meant it but 2day i had a blast!fankz u guyz,it reali helpd 2 hve u guyz round!well 2day v had melz bday party @ my plce..kat,devil,pankz (newly named pAmeLAAA),dom,mel*duhh* came over 2 wtch mvies n eat utter junk fud wif me!v wtchd saw3 1st whch obviously scared da crap outta pankz hu spent da whle tym cowering (nxt 2 mel) on da ground bhind a pillow.btw did i mention dat dis gurl wantz 2 b a doc n she dsn't lyk lukin @ gruesum stuff, i mean da gurl preti much scrmd out EWWWWWWW PUKKKKEEE (wavin handz bout lyk a sissy) wen jigsaw puked!hahaha v all crackd up imagnin her future bedside manner,boi is she gona mke a gr8 doc!lol ooooo n thruout da mvie mel ddn't laugh,i mean usually mel laughz lyk a loony @ demntd mvies but boi was she quiet BUT devil 4 sure made up 4 melz silence wif her high pitchd evil laugh whle tryin 2 plait my hair!dat idiot freakin made me luk lyk bob marley crossd wif a lite bulb (da big,brite smile lol),n im sure i lost a few brain cellz wen she kept tuggin @ my hair 2 mke it behave!meanwhle da mvies playin on in da bckground n melz sneakily tkin picz of us..
v finally got round 2 cuttin da cake after wtchin blood diamond,da bday song went retrdd as usual n mel blew da candlez out @ da wrng tym,pankz endd up feedin mel da cake in an attmpt 2 get sum on her face..i went nxt n managed 2 get sum in her hair whle she tried 2 threatn evry1 else wif da knife obviously whle laughn lyk an idiot!hahah v all strtd attckin da cake rite dur wif our forkz whle lea tuk picz, n wen she got 2 bck 2 eat dur was onli crumbz left.so lea bein lea n mel bein mel decidd 2 hve a crumb eatin comp.kat grabd da cam n i grabd my fone whle da comp began..da 2 idiotz strtd basically shovelin da cake bitz in2 dur mouthz,lea snortin lyk a pig n mel chokin after each silent laugh!hahaha freakin funi wtchin a 19yr old n a nearly 16yr old behve even mure immature den me!as usual mel won n lea ran off 2 da bathrm..i went after her worid n kat follwd wif da cam,lea cumz bargin out n kat askd da million dollar question-"how do u feel"..lea bein da islndr she is rplies-"nigga im still hungry"hahaha v all crckd up mkin ourslvz bck 2 da couchz,ready 4 anther mvie.so 2 pls pankz v wtchd mr n mrs smith (4 only da 100th tym 4 mel,lea n me).by da tym dat finshd it was 7.30ish n evry1 realisd dat dey had spnt a whle day in da bunker wifout even realisin.i went n drppd pankz off,dom caught da taxi 2 wrk n mel left wif her mum whle kat w8d 4 me 2 return so she culd leave lol.in dis tym she helpd my rntz wif dur dodgy plan whle gettin implicated in my fam crap!*sowi dude* i came bck jst in tym 2 rescue her n den she left obviously after cleanin up!hehe *fankz dude lol*
i was da hapist i hve been in a long tym,well da effectz of it ddn't last 2 long after kat left coz evryfng blew up @ home but itz k,ive got dis 2 hold on2 4 awhle.evrytym i seem 2 fall,i alwyz find uz pickin me up wifout even realisin dat uz r doin it!i dn't knw hw 2 ever shw u hw much it meanz,all i got 4 nw is a THANK YOU ALL!but netym dat u need me jst holla n i will b dur no matter da day,tym or weather coz itz da least i culd do!i luv u all n im sure i voice dat enuf but sumtymz i wonder if u all knw hw much i mean it!so here it is guyz- u guyz nxt 2 lea r da reasn im alive,u r da reasn im hapi, u r da reasn im holdin on n u guyz r da bst reasnz 4 me 2 do all i do!wrdz rn't enuf 2 xprss wat i mean but datz all i got 4 nw..v weren't frndz 4m da cradle but v sure as hell r frndz till da grave!


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