09 July, 2007

dance,leaz swt 16th n other crap

okay,itz been ages n i hve so much 2 ctch u all up on..wea o wea 2 strt,guess da beginnin wuld b helpful ae!lol so here it is:
firstly my dance boiz,boi o boi did dey hve me worid dur 4 awhle!!i honstly blieved dat dey were gona scrw up lyk hell,i knw i shuld of had mure faith in dem buh blieve me if u all had seen da way dey prctisd u wuld of had ur doubtz 2!rite b4 dey were due on stage rubez (ruben) strtz hvin dis break dwn...hez all-"acca i cn't do dis, u go on..omg im gona puke",i swear 2 god he was shakin so i jst pulld him in2 a bear hug n tld da boiz dat i luvd dem n dat i was proud of dem n dat it wuldn't matter if dey scrwd up (smilin of course).n mr negative (abbi) tkez dis tym 2 point out dat i had threatn 2 beat da crap outta dem if dey scrwd up!it made da boiz crck up @least!dey went on stage n RIPPD IT UP DUDEZ!!I hve never in my lyf been so proud!i sat on da ground rite up front in my skirt n shuffld along wif da mves!da crwd went so nutz!rite as it endd i sprintd off bck stge (in my heelz!lol) n jumpd up n dwn wif da boiz,it lukd lyk a mini mosh pit wif all da mumz n siblingz joinin in 2!lol mr crck up (keru) n mr smart ass (keeran) den tuk dis tym 2 ask me wen v were strtin prctise 4 dur nxt dance!hahahah dharsi n sum of da uni gurlz turnd up n it was sooo osum coz dey got 2 c wat kelston is made of!!HA!nigga pls,buh yea evry1 else is w8in 4 our nxt creation so i guess v did aite ae!hehe o n v kickd nirupaz dance!!wooop wooooopp!!dam str8 nigganese!!hahaha not dat it was a competition or nefing lol
on2 da nxt fing,it was leaz swt 16th dis wkend,v had a mean as bash @ our place.her nigganese m8z turnd up n ate all da fud!haha nah,it was crck v wtchd a whle dam lot of mvies n ate a whle heap of JUNK FUD 2 da point wea sum of us were sick!yes me lol..den v went 4 a wlk 2 fudtwn 2 get sum mure junk n tuk reali randum picz on da way,invlvin bushes,trees n sign post of course,usual kelston stylz!hehe dharsi came n v danced up a storm dwnstairz wif da disco litez on!it was crck coz da lil 1z were so inncnt until dey saw dharsi,acca n me pull out our clubbin mves!!haha mel tuk picz 2 prve da dodgyness lol!poor lil creaturez got scared outta dur mindz i fink lol,scard 4 lyf 4 sure!lol da party carried on in2 da nite n all wkend basically.2day da lankan gurlz (n guy) came over..endd up wtchin da rest of da mvies n mum made a whle heap of fud whch she kept loadin on2 our platez!poor brin,she tried 2 gap it 2 da bin n got snppd majorly n endd up gettin her 3rd fill up ae!!hahaha it was 2 crck coz sajeev was tryna cry 2 get outta it!ddn't end up pullin it off thou n got his plate filld 2, n thuli tried da whle tamil spkin-"aunty ur a gr8 cuk n i luvd ur fud buh im full fing" whch also ddn't wrk!hahaha n str8 after it mum made us hve dessrt coz dey had 2 go soon n v all strtd moanin our headz off n logi was lyk i fink i gotta go puke n ran off 2 da bathrm!yes,datz hw much my mum made her eat!lol buh yea v endd up eatin all of da dessrt n den plyd caarum whch endd up wif logi kickin our buttz!n dat gurl actually refusd 2 play @ da strt sayin she had no aim wat-so-ever!liar!!all in all it was a crck tym n thuli finally gve me da letter shez b meanin 2 give me ever since da shw,dat gurlz crckd in da head buh tlkin 2 her bout watz been goin on in my lyf has actually made me feel better!shez a lot lyk me,esp da whle bitchynss n i cn't w8 2 ctch up wif her 4 our drink up!hahaha
apart 4m these major eventz i've gone 2 c transformers wif mel,her lil bro n lea!itz a mint mvie!!absolutly luvd it!!!cn't w8 till it cumz out on dvd so gona buy it!lol devil had a lil get 2getha @ her plce whch i went 2 whle i was kinda groundd n got snppd majorly n endd up even mure groundd den b4 (if datz poss lol) so i wsn't allwd 2 c her b4 she went but it seemz dat shez aite after her drnkup lol!da rest of my rsltz r due out soon..argh nervous as hell buh @least i got dat drink up wif thuli,hahaha n dat gurlz lyk 14 or 15 ae,not even legal yet n shez askin me 2 go out wif her!bahaha dam our generation is doomd lol!lyfz aite-ish rite nw..nufng mure or less 2 say.. :)


Blogger JumpingBean said...

glad ur hvin gr8 holz n dat u'v finally posted since i can't evn send a damn txt 2 c hw y'all r doin!
can't wait til uni starts so i can c u agen!

11/7/07 2:43 pm  

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