29 July, 2007

first wkz bck

holy crap,neva thort i culd h8 a plce so much!buh hnstly i h8 uni,not coz of da wrkload either!well i wuld b lyin if i said dat dsn't cum in2 play..buh i h8 uni mure coz of all da crap dat goes dwn dur!itz da plce wea frndshpz break,relationshpz end,tearz start n da pain continues or growz!argh..k mayb im bein a tad dramatic!lol buh hnstly da 1st 2wks bck in uni hve been so freakin bollywud mvie dat i fink a lil bit of melodrama is calld 4 in my blog!:D (yes guyz,datz rite wen has my blog ever been melodramatic rite???hehe)nwyz bck on2 da point of dis blog post...da 1st wk of uni endd up wif me in tearz!surprise surprise *rollz eyez* even mure surprising is da person hu left me in tearz!*drum roll plssssss* da great GENTLE giant left me in tearz yet gain!he dsn't knw obviously,after our 1st meetin i ran off in tearz n left u guyz wndrin wea i was n wat da hell went dwn!buh yea i went 2 kickboxin ova da wkend n wrkd my butt off so i culd buy da rest of my txtbukz n jst avoidd tlkin 2 ne1 in general bout wat had hppnd btwn him n me!by da tym mon came round i was bck 2 normal n fngz were preti swt as 4 me,dfntly da calm b4 da storm huh???nwyz on 2nd wk;tues aftrnoon i met up wif pagal 2 get sum info on his frnd priv hu lykz farah, i jst was doin da whle chckin out his bckground fing lol..dn't xctly knw hw dat endd up wif me hvin a fracturd wrist!nwyz i prmisd pagal dat i wuld tell him hu da gurl was after he tld me all i wantd 2 knw..yes,duh i was cmpltly lyin thru my teeth lol!by da tym he figured dis out it was 2 l8 n he got pissd wen i bckd outta my wrd!so he throt he wuld b mature n steal my wallet n da letaz/poems dat were in my bag!he tuk off runnin n laughin @ me round da science centre n den dwn da stairs 2 da undrground parkin plce!da whle tym im swearin n punchin tryna get my crap bck!whle in da carpark area i punchd n kickd him a few tymz n he grabbd my hand n twistd it bhind my bck(u knw hw copz do 2 robberz in da mvies),i strtd screamin dat it hurt buh he thort i was pullin his leg lyk i use 2 do wen v use 2 play fite!buh nah i wsn't kiddin..after dis he ran off in2 da boiz toilets n left me outside huffin n puffin!god was i fukd off!he was behvin so immature n i h8d 2 admit it but he was beginnin 2 melt my heart all ova gain!so after lyk a few minz he cumz out n gve me bck my stuff n i strmd off n went home!dat nite i realisd my arm was swellin n txtd dat idiot 2 tell him dat he was a bully.da nxt mrnin i got up n it was even worse so i went 2 da uni nurse hu tld me dat my wrist miteb spraind..i was l8 2 class so i ddn't reali pay much attntion 2 her warningz.i got aradhna 2 bandage up my wrist while xplain hw da playfightin btwn ara n me had gone sooo wrng!all thru da day i ran in2 m8z hu flippd out @ da site of my hand cmpltly bandaged!i wsn't reali worid thou buh dat nite i went 2 my doc uncle n got a x-ray n datz wen he told me dat my wrist was "NEARLY BROKEN" (he was tryna mke me c da srsness of da whle situation i fink..hehe)2 put it in his termz,it was a fracture n he tld me dat i had 2 hve my arm in a sling n mst prbbly a cast!i refusd both sayin dat i hdn't even tld my rntz bout dis yet n dat i wuld cum bck,gain lyin thru my teeth lol!(o n kat he culdn't force me 2 do it coz itz gainst da law,legally i can refuse treatmnt if i want :D o da joyz of bein legal!hehe)i hve been leavin home freakin early n goin home freakin l8 jst so i can hide dis whle fng 4m my rntz,dur gona flip n i hve no idea wat im gona say 2 dem!nwyz on thurs mrning i tld aradhna wat da doc said n she txtd ara all pissd off,wifout my knwldge course!whle v r sittin in da comp labz lukin up sumfing he cumz up 2 me n startz goin off!da wrdz i did pay attention 2 were:''BULLSHIT,I DDN'T DO DIS 2 U,WAT DA HELLZ WRNG WIF IT NEWAY,U PRBBLY FELL DWN DA STAIRZ OR SUMFING,BULLSHIT I DDN'T DO DIS 2 U".thruout his freakout i kept my mouth shut n aradhna got fukd off @ da way he was speakin 2 me so she told him 2 fuk off!i tld her 2 bck off n b4 i knw it dey startd goin @ each other!i stood up n tld her 2 shutup n den turnd 2 him n askd in tamil 4 him 2 bck off!he replyz wif dn't tell me,tell her n i turnd round 2 rad'z n tld her 2 fuk up n sit dwn,she spitz out fuk off 2 him n den obeyz my commandz.he turnz round n sayz hu knwz wat n stormd off!i got in a shit n ran off..i ran into da boiz hu tried 2 calm me dwn by buyin me a v bottle!sahil wlkz me bck in n i wrkd up da nerve 2 ask ara if i culd speak 2 him 4 5minz,he fully slammd me ae!i got even mure fukd n told sahil bhaiya 2 tke my stuff n dat i wuld cum bk 4 it l8r!i wlkd off in a shit n rad'z came aftr me wndrin if i was k (hahaha) i tld her dat i wuld lyk her 2 say sowi n she refused n i tld sahil dat ara n her culd bth get fukd!i ran in2 samira hu was so freakin confusd on wat she had jst stubbld cross buh i ddn't even stick round 2 xplain!i tuk off 2 elam 2 c kat so dat i culd tlk 2 rosh!da 5min tlk i wntd wif rosh turnd in2 well..agez n i had 2 xplain da romeo n juilet stry 4m da start!durin all of dis rosh was starin @ me arm wndrin if he had actually done it on purpose..so jst incase ne1 hsn't heard let me voice it loud n clear:"HE DID NOT INTENTIONALLY DO DIS 2 ME,IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!" nwyz i tld rosh 2 tke care of him coz i knw dat he was fukd off as hell,not jst bout da fite wif aradhna or da way v had all spken 2 each other buh i knw he wuld of been fukd off @ himslf.i tld rosh 2 tell him dat it wsn't his fault n dat he wsn't jst lyk my dad coz i knw dat scrtly inside dat he wuld b freakin out bout seein my arm lyk dat!i mean yea,itz tru mayb he cn't stnd 2 b round me nw buh he wuld neva want nefing bad 2 happen 2 me!so yea da jist of da chat bein pls luk after him coz i cn't b dur 2 do it n 2 tell him 2 stop givin a shit bout me so dat he culd mve on wif his own lyf n stp bein so angry @ da wrld!da 2nd wk also endd wif me in tearz as u can all tell!it reali breakz my heart 2 c hw v hve turnd out ae..i mean dis tym last yr v culdn't get enuf of each other n now v cn't or rather he cn't stnd 2 even c me round!i hve no idea hw v got 4m bein so freakin hapi 2 so freakin miserable!n i h8 2 say it buh neva in my lyf hve i eva felt dis unhapi b4!im srs,despite all da worse shit dat has happnd in my lyf i still was hapi (in da bigger picture) buh in da bigger picture dis whle year i hve been sooo UNHAPI!n it suxz dat sumfing lyk dis (sumfing dat actually does hve gr8,up pointz) culd potentially take me down..im tryin 2 fite buh im slwly runnin outta strngth.wen did all da lil fingz stp mkin me hapi ae..wea did dat simple day b4 colourz turnd in2 shadez go????


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm..u hav quite an interesting blog..

just wanted to tell u dat there are bigger things in life apart from a guy who cant see how much he means to u..i dont think you should waste your tears and be unhappy because some other person who has other priorities now all of a sudden cant see the nice person in YOU.
Hold on to your self respect and deal with this like any mature person would do..save your emotions for a person who may deserve it someday. Looks like you have quite a number of friends who are willing to stick up for you no matter what.

Since u complain about your Uni, your lucky that you have a Uni to go to. U have friends to talk to..there are people who you probably dont even consider a true friend but if u sincerely go up to them during hard times..even a random person would care enough to help. All i want to say is, ur not alone. Tears, depression etc is not uncommon..it takes a LOT..to see beyond all the crap thats going on in your life and look at the positives that do exist..and that actually matters. wen u turn back and look at life..ul be proud of how u handled things. wen ur low..and feelin like crap..u may think nothin good exists..but regardless of anythin..it does exist..keep telling urself that. because its true. Make a difference in someone elses life..maybe a friend's..maybe in yours? maybe at home?

Life is so precious..10years from now if you look back..these problems would seem so small..look at the bigger problems out there..whether your dad hurts u..or your home seems unhappy..at least u know who your dad is..at least u have a HOME..and whether he is a good person or not..he is ur father..imagine losing your entire family overnight for some weird reason..its happened to people before..im not saying your problems are small..it must be hard..and it must hurt..but do everythin u can to look beyond everythin no matter what happens..if anythin all these problems are just making u a stronger and a better person :) something good comes out of everything. its true.

31/7/07 2:38 am  

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