27 June, 2007

dance boiz,m8z n promises

well as most of u knw i've been teachin these 11-13yr old boiz i knw dis dance 4 da tamil show datz cumin up.OMG i swear these boiz r gona b da death of me, wordz i thort i wuld never ever say hve been cumin outta my mouth.i use 2 fink my dance teachr was crazy wen she use 2 threaten me wif dis line:"if dis dance is not perfct i will pull u outta da shw even if it is rite b4 u hve 2 go on stage" or wat bout this line:"if u screw dis up ima cum up on stage n beat the crap outta u in frnt of da whle tamil community"...well she finally got 1 of her wishes granted-she wishd dat 1 day i wuld knw xctly hw she felt n boi o boi do i get y she use 2 shoot her evilz my way wen i crckd up @ her nutty-ness!those xact threats hve cum outta my mouth so often in these 3wkz..i feel lyk ima kill 1 of those boiz if they so much as break a nail b4 dey go on stage!hehe 2 b honest it hsn't actually been dat bad,da boiz n i hve actually had a crck as tym!v spend most of da tym laughin lyk a bunch of gurlz n takin da piss outta each other but wen v finally put our mindz 2 it da dance came 2getha in a day!fingz kinda went dwn hill wen dey all got fevers n da prctises had 2 stp but im sure dat my lil nigganesez will kick butt n mke me dam proud!*o btw dis dance is nefing but lankan,itz soo kelston dat itz not funi..lyk it actually has da snap in it,da lean bck n yeah yeah mves in it 2!hahaha itz gona b crck seein da reaction of da lankan cultural-tite asses wtchin dis!MUAHAHAHA *o n it has da pankz dance in it 2*hehe
nwyz itz da hols now..mel n kat hve left 4 dur ski trip n im stuck in kelston all by myslf.well not totally by myslf as devil is here 2,been spendin long long hours bitchin wif her n crckin ourslvz up wif evil plots 2 tke over n destry da wrld!yea yea i hve a partner in my nuke guyz world!yipeeee!!it seemz dat reena is fully ova madhu so datz freakin osum!yet anther fing datz been tickd off my list,gotta ctch up wif aradhna but it seemz fingz rn't 2 gr8 dur either so it seemz datz sumfing dat i can never tick of my list!but ima sort dis priti fing out once n 4 all so dat can b tickd off.o n devil i will 4 sure put our plan in2 motion regrdin 'anna'.u gotta do wat u gotta do rite??lol i've finally caught up on all my readin n nw hve strtd writin da ten poems i owe da publishrz,ive done lyk 3 n da 10 is due nxt wk..hehe im sooo scrwd!but im all emotional wif all dis crap datz goin on in my lyf so im sure dat i will b pissd enuf 2 get sum crap on paper!
on2 da promises bit of da title..well promises r made 2 b kept ppl or so datz wat i thort!jst wanna say if u dn't intend on keepin dem,pls dn't mke dem wif me coz it jst leavez me hurt n fukd off (whch i admit reslts in amazin poetry) but i prefer not 2 feel dat way!so in conclusion PROMISES ARE MADE TO BE KEPT,NOT MADE TO BE BROKEN YOU BASTARD!n on dis lovin note i am off!hehe


Blogger JumpingBean said...

jst posted sumthin on my blog n saw ur comment... dunno if i still sound bad. kinda funny since i dun actually feel dat bad. oh yeah, i'm on my other 021, bt has no txt2000 so i dun txt as often...

lol, kill da lil boiz :P . j/k. if u gt rly desper8 wif dem u can always do a "Bring it on" !!!!

u go wif ur poems! since i'v lost aradhna's ph no. wif my ph, i can't gt in touch wif her, bt i hope she can sort it out soon... she hasn't had ne peace since uni started n she *SO* deserves sum.

hv fun rockin wif devil, n if u guys run out of ideas 2 destroy da world, i'm fully willin 2 help!!!!

28/6/07 3:12 pm  

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