27 June, 2007

dance boiz,m8z n promises

well as most of u knw i've been teachin these 11-13yr old boiz i knw dis dance 4 da tamil show datz cumin up.OMG i swear these boiz r gona b da death of me, wordz i thort i wuld never ever say hve been cumin outta my mouth.i use 2 fink my dance teachr was crazy wen she use 2 threaten me wif dis line:"if dis dance is not perfct i will pull u outta da shw even if it is rite b4 u hve 2 go on stage" or wat bout this line:"if u screw dis up ima cum up on stage n beat the crap outta u in frnt of da whle tamil community"...well she finally got 1 of her wishes granted-she wishd dat 1 day i wuld knw xctly hw she felt n boi o boi do i get y she use 2 shoot her evilz my way wen i crckd up @ her nutty-ness!those xact threats hve cum outta my mouth so often in these 3wkz..i feel lyk ima kill 1 of those boiz if they so much as break a nail b4 dey go on stage!hehe 2 b honest it hsn't actually been dat bad,da boiz n i hve actually had a crck as tym!v spend most of da tym laughin lyk a bunch of gurlz n takin da piss outta each other but wen v finally put our mindz 2 it da dance came 2getha in a day!fingz kinda went dwn hill wen dey all got fevers n da prctises had 2 stp but im sure dat my lil nigganesez will kick butt n mke me dam proud!*o btw dis dance is nefing but lankan,itz soo kelston dat itz not funi..lyk it actually has da snap in it,da lean bck n yeah yeah mves in it 2!hahaha itz gona b crck seein da reaction of da lankan cultural-tite asses wtchin dis!MUAHAHAHA *o n it has da pankz dance in it 2*hehe
nwyz itz da hols now..mel n kat hve left 4 dur ski trip n im stuck in kelston all by myslf.well not totally by myslf as devil is here 2,been spendin long long hours bitchin wif her n crckin ourslvz up wif evil plots 2 tke over n destry da wrld!yea yea i hve a partner in my nuke guyz world!yipeeee!!it seemz dat reena is fully ova madhu so datz freakin osum!yet anther fing datz been tickd off my list,gotta ctch up wif aradhna but it seemz fingz rn't 2 gr8 dur either so it seemz datz sumfing dat i can never tick of my list!but ima sort dis priti fing out once n 4 all so dat can b tickd off.o n devil i will 4 sure put our plan in2 motion regrdin 'anna'.u gotta do wat u gotta do rite??lol i've finally caught up on all my readin n nw hve strtd writin da ten poems i owe da publishrz,ive done lyk 3 n da 10 is due nxt wk..hehe im sooo scrwd!but im all emotional wif all dis crap datz goin on in my lyf so im sure dat i will b pissd enuf 2 get sum crap on paper!
on2 da promises bit of da title..well promises r made 2 b kept ppl or so datz wat i thort!jst wanna say if u dn't intend on keepin dem,pls dn't mke dem wif me coz it jst leavez me hurt n fukd off (whch i admit reslts in amazin poetry) but i prefer not 2 feel dat way!so in conclusion PROMISES ARE MADE TO BE KEPT,NOT MADE TO BE BROKEN YOU BASTARD!n on dis lovin note i am off!hehe

21 June, 2007

sing da hapi hapi hapi hapi song..

been a long tym since i've smiled n meant it but 2day i had a blast!fankz u guyz,it reali helpd 2 hve u guyz round!well 2day v had melz bday party @ my plce..kat,devil,pankz (newly named pAmeLAAA),dom,mel*duhh* came over 2 wtch mvies n eat utter junk fud wif me!v wtchd saw3 1st whch obviously scared da crap outta pankz hu spent da whle tym cowering (nxt 2 mel) on da ground bhind a pillow.btw did i mention dat dis gurl wantz 2 b a doc n she dsn't lyk lukin @ gruesum stuff, i mean da gurl preti much scrmd out EWWWWWWW PUKKKKEEE (wavin handz bout lyk a sissy) wen jigsaw puked!hahaha v all crackd up imagnin her future bedside manner,boi is she gona mke a gr8 doc!lol ooooo n thruout da mvie mel ddn't laugh,i mean usually mel laughz lyk a loony @ demntd mvies but boi was she quiet BUT devil 4 sure made up 4 melz silence wif her high pitchd evil laugh whle tryin 2 plait my hair!dat idiot freakin made me luk lyk bob marley crossd wif a lite bulb (da big,brite smile lol),n im sure i lost a few brain cellz wen she kept tuggin @ my hair 2 mke it behave!meanwhle da mvies playin on in da bckground n melz sneakily tkin picz of us..
v finally got round 2 cuttin da cake after wtchin blood diamond,da bday song went retrdd as usual n mel blew da candlez out @ da wrng tym,pankz endd up feedin mel da cake in an attmpt 2 get sum on her face..i went nxt n managed 2 get sum in her hair whle she tried 2 threatn evry1 else wif da knife obviously whle laughn lyk an idiot!hahah v all strtd attckin da cake rite dur wif our forkz whle lea tuk picz, n wen she got 2 bck 2 eat dur was onli crumbz left.so lea bein lea n mel bein mel decidd 2 hve a crumb eatin comp.kat grabd da cam n i grabd my fone whle da comp began..da 2 idiotz strtd basically shovelin da cake bitz in2 dur mouthz,lea snortin lyk a pig n mel chokin after each silent laugh!hahaha freakin funi wtchin a 19yr old n a nearly 16yr old behve even mure immature den me!as usual mel won n lea ran off 2 da bathrm..i went after her worid n kat follwd wif da cam,lea cumz bargin out n kat askd da million dollar question-"how do u feel"..lea bein da islndr she is rplies-"nigga im still hungry"hahaha v all crckd up mkin ourslvz bck 2 da couchz,ready 4 anther mvie.so 2 pls pankz v wtchd mr n mrs smith (4 only da 100th tym 4 mel,lea n me).by da tym dat finshd it was 7.30ish n evry1 realisd dat dey had spnt a whle day in da bunker wifout even realisin.i went n drppd pankz off,dom caught da taxi 2 wrk n mel left wif her mum whle kat w8d 4 me 2 return so she culd leave lol.in dis tym she helpd my rntz wif dur dodgy plan whle gettin implicated in my fam crap!*sowi dude* i came bck jst in tym 2 rescue her n den she left obviously after cleanin up!hehe *fankz dude lol*
i was da hapist i hve been in a long tym,well da effectz of it ddn't last 2 long after kat left coz evryfng blew up @ home but itz k,ive got dis 2 hold on2 4 awhle.evrytym i seem 2 fall,i alwyz find uz pickin me up wifout even realisin dat uz r doin it!i dn't knw hw 2 ever shw u hw much it meanz,all i got 4 nw is a THANK YOU ALL!but netym dat u need me jst holla n i will b dur no matter da day,tym or weather coz itz da least i culd do!i luv u all n im sure i voice dat enuf but sumtymz i wonder if u all knw hw much i mean it!so here it is guyz- u guyz nxt 2 lea r da reasn im alive,u r da reasn im hapi, u r da reasn im holdin on n u guyz r da bst reasnz 4 me 2 do all i do!wrdz rn't enuf 2 xprss wat i mean but datz all i got 4 nw..v weren't frndz 4m da cradle but v sure as hell r frndz till da grave!

15 June, 2007

a lil heartache

argh,i h8 dis stpid emotional heart crap!now i knw y i never had ne feelingz n stuff b4,itz jst 2 dam complicated!!!i h8 dis,i h8 feelin dis way..it suxz major pooppiez!!!(leaz wrds lol)
well i stil hvn't reali dealt wif dis whle ara crap obviously, n my freakin heart n head tkez dis tym *XAM TYM* 2 member evryfing bout da whle us fing.funi ain't it how i'd 4gttn all da gud stuff,dat made it easier 2 get over it or so i thort.i jst did wat i alwys did whch was block it all out,prtnd it never happnd n act lyk im da happist person alive!it turnz out dat itz not my britest idea out!lol all of a sudden i hve all these momentz i member,i thort dat i had fallen in luv wif him blindly, i was beginnin 2 fink dat i made him up,well da him i fell 4.dur was nufing gud bout him or us, well datz wat i had convinced myslf 2 blieve. but den aradhna or reena wuld ask me hw he was n i wuld find myslf caring gain,tellin dem dat sumfing wsn't da same bout him..dat he wsn't da guy i knw.dis wuld obviously lead 2 da hu was he b4 question n datz hw it wuld strt.i wuld strt membrin da funi n totally randum convoz v wuld hve (unleash da beast,member devil hahaha), i wuld member da tymz i had calld him in tearz or txtd him wen i was on da edge,i memberd all da stpid fingz he wuld say 2 mke me smile,take 4 eg dis convo:
me:hw imprtnt am i 2 u?
ara:is dur a scale i dn't knw bout?
me:jst say da 1st fing dat came 2 ur mind smartass
ara:well if i was eatin a kitkat bar i wuld give u half...hehe
utterly stpid hw sumfing dat silly culd mke me blieve dat 2mo wuld b swt as huh..i'd chosen 2 4get hw gr8 he reali was, i was convincin myslf 2 h8 him by sayin dat he was a complete ass,hu had used me n 4gtten bout me da nxt day.BUT u knw wat i cn't h8 him,mayb datz weird considrin he rippd my heart in2 shredz..mayb i was wrng wen i said dat he was lyk every other guy on da planet (i knw,me wrong??wahh?lol), he wsn't n isn't lyk evry other guy i knw.hez spes in mure wayz den wrdz can describe...he cared bout me enuf 2 mke me hold on, he cared bout me enuf 2 mke me realise hw truly amazin lyf was, funi ain't it hw i culdn't stnd guyz but it was a guy hu gave me a reasn 2 live..lucky i luv ironyz huh??hahaha
i dn't miss wat culd of been, i mean i wish it culd b but me bein me wn't hope 4 it *sowi aradhna,hpez a waste of tym* i just miss my friend-i miss da funi mind-scrwin convoz, i miss da crap advice, i miss da sound of his voice on da fone tellin me 2 stp bein dramatic,i miss da immature fitez, i even miss him laughin n tkin da piss outta me!lol i just miss da closenss v had!i knw it wn't ever b da same but i was hopin da dis tym round dat v wuld get da boundaries str8, lyk actually knw wea da line is n mke dis frndshp even better.i kept prayin dat he wuld b rite (i knw i knw shutup lol):he once told me dat tym culd heal all woundz n i tld him dat tym culdn't heal sumfingz,he told me dat he wuld prove it 2 me 1day..i keep wishn n prayin dat he is rite,i want him 2 b rite, i need him 2 b rite..itz da onli way 4 me 2 knw dat v will b k.i want him as my frnd despite evryfng datz gone dwn, i knw dat mst of u xcpt 4 mayb kat wn't understnd dis but he held my hand litrlly n figrtivly wen i went thru da wrst tymz of my lyf last yr n dis yr!!i reali want 2 wrk dis out wif him n if itz beynd all mendin den i want 2 end it better..i want 2 walk away n still want 2 member da gud stuff..a lil heart ache hsn't killd ne 1 b4 rite??

01 June, 2007

nobdy mve i hve lost me brain

dom is werid..reali reali weird..but den gain v alrdy knw dat rite!she lykz green bananaz n pink icecream n wobbly jelly mkez her scream,she lyk spagetti n cocoa popz BUT fish n chips r da topz!!bahahaha
if u hvn't been able to tell dom n me is a lil high..jst a lil i is prmise!!v r sittin in da comp labz rite nw jst bein randum..v knw dat v wantd 2 do a blog post but v ddn't knw wat v wantd 2 tlk bout.well 2day..hmm..2day..da interstin fing bout 2day is..errrrr *turnz 2 dom n frantically searchz 4 answers*,***dom proceedz 2 laugh lyk an idiot n holdz out scribbled notez bout stickin forkz in da toaster*** i then,finally turnin away,realise no answers can b found dur..
comp nxt 2 us sayz wat do rabbits,pinecones and daises all hve in common????now isn't dat a very provokin thort..ne1 knw da answer 2 dat..btw datz off a math 109 paper,whch can b taken as a general ed *hu da fuk does dat...w8..datz rite dom bahahaha*
newyz 2day is da last 1st semster i shall ever have, petal here 2 report bck on uni lyf:
reporter petal askz uni petal:hw do u find uni?
uni petal:uni..i hve many mapz n find it easily..*reporter petal smackz uni petal over da head n demandz her 2 b srs* ***uni petal complainz bout her muishy head***
reporter:hw is da uni social lyf?
uni petal:i have no uni social lyf unless sittn outside da science centre (rain,hail or shine) countz?
reporter:hw r ur markz in uni?
uni petal:markz..hmm..topside down..or downside up..or briteside dwn..or dwnside up..depndin on hw u luk @ it..
reporter:has uni made u smarter?
uni petal:gain itz hw u luk @ it,either half full or half empty..so yea either way i fink im screwed coz i will b missin a half.
reporter:fankz so much 4 ur tym
uni petal:so itz tym 4 da free feed u promised me???

hahahaha as u can all tell i hve had quite a lot of sugar n caffine n hve offically lost my PEANUTZZZZZ hahaha..so yea..ima go nw b4 most of u get scared n stp bein my frnds..dom sayz bye n me is say "I'll be back nigganese"