22 September, 2006

da british n da romanz

hehe 2day has 2 b 1 of da funnist dayz dis term!!srlsy!lol N jst incase ur wndrin yup im in a better mood but it dsn't mean dat i've stppd bein pissd off @ dat 'persn'..
nwyz 2day v had our classicz n histry shared lunch..it was a shared lunch wif a twist!! da classicz class had 2 brng fud da romanz use 2 eat n da hstry ppl like me had 2 brng olden day british fud!OOOOoooooOO n v all had 2 dress up!!lol it was soo crck coz kat,devil,vaish n mstly all of da P.D crew had 2 wear bedsheetz n v all had 2 wear stupid dresses!!ahhhh wen i say v all it reali meanz da 1z hu culd fit in2 da dressez whch turnd out 2 b onli jess.s, mel.b n me!den v made cafey wear dis reali hussie-ish dress 4m bck den!!hahaha i put on dis reali stripy,multi-coloured dress!god did i luk like a dick,esp coz i was stompin round complainin wif my armz crossd!i lukd sooo stupid!den our histry class ran round outside,jumpin in2 bushez n takin picz lol!!!da ppl in da other classez must of been finkin wtf???OOOooo da funnist fing was dat our hstry teacher MAMMA R actually joind us!!lol
den v had 2 go bck in 2 class..den da classicz ppl as in tinaye made a sacrifice 2 da godz n jupiter i fink..den DA FEAST BEGAN..man it was weird eatin hw many diff kindz of breadz n cheese(s??)oOOOooo n da bread salad fing kat n me made yest was A REAL HIT!!lol it was funi coz wen v were mkin it v were like ahem letz not tell ne1 itz ourz..but MmmmmmMMm it was actually preti gud (considerin dat v were missin da mst imprtnt ingrdient lol) n every1 finshd it!!lol n courtz lil pastery fingz were sOOooOOO NICE!!mmmmm
last period on fridayz v got accountin but 2day i was actually lukin 4ward 2 it coz MRS BASHAM was actually awy!!i KNW lol..newyz dere was onli 4 (out of 10) of us in class!mel,sheetal,nia n me!v spent da WHLE HR tkin reali randum,hussie like picz..hahaha
awwwwwwwww 2day is da last day of da LAST TERM 3 I WILL HVE 4 DA REST OF MY LIFE!!!awwwwwww i is like soooooooo SAD!!i swear i wntd 2 cry wen i had 2 submit my dep head gurl article 4 da MAG!!i was like nooooooooooooooo jst let me live in denial a lil longer*n kat dn't u dare link da noooooo 2 da mr whippy incidnt lol*

21 September, 2006


i've kinda been in a mehhh,watever trevor mood l8ly N on top of dis i've been a utter bitch 2 certain ppl...
im not xactly sure y i jst dn't give a dam but im guessin it has 2 do wif me crckin under all da pressure i've been under dis term..well got my xam rsltz bck n letz say dat i DAM WELL FUKD UP MAJORLY!!!!hmmm accountin n histry were preti gud but im still not hapi wif dem..n well statz ddn't go sooo letz not even go dur...n well eng,da jury seemz 2 b out on dis 1! Mrs D our englsh teacher dsn't seem 2 hapi even thou she basically hsn't mrkd ne of da major paperz BUT wen she lukd @ our unfamiliar txt she did hve 2 pop a lotta pillz n ALSO she split every single desk in our class apart..freakin hell was our class pissin demslvz n 4 sum reasn i jst thort dat dis was reali funi!!hmmm im guessin dat considrin i onli got as far as openin my folder 4 englsh i ddn't do 2 well but I SWEAR dis was da onli xam i wlkd out kinda confidnt haha
NWYZ i swear i keep gettin caught up in othr pplz crap!teesha n jigz keep invlvin me in da whle sunil fing!i mean goddam gurly if u even fink hez cheatin on u den dump him coz well u dn't trust him n u dn't trust ur relationshp...Y DA HELL DO U WANT PROOF??i mean if u r able 2 even jst FINK dat hez cheatin on u den ur relationshp is not wat u fink it is so watz da point in hangin on??i knw dat 4 real hez cheatin but i usually try 2 stay outta da indian shit dat goes dwn in our skool...but it seemz dat i cn't help but get invlvd..arghhhhh
OOOoOOOOooOo v fink dat farah got snappd wif her bf 2day @ lunch hahaha it seemz dat me complainin 2 Mrs Harvey did actually prompt da skool 2 tke action bout all da indian chickz dat hang round guyz carz in our skool unifrm like freakin HUSSIEZ...man culd dey act nemure desperate 4 a guy!
well as most of u al knw vaish is engaged,well not offically..shez got a reali preti ring but her rntz dn't knw yet!!!i get dat shez in luv but DUDE snap outta la la land wuld u!!!dis is like totally insane, i mean her rntz r gona kill her or dey r gona get her married 2 him da min dey find out..
OMG OMG OMG she ain't even legal yet..i dn't fink i hve ever been dis scared 4 a m8 of mine b4 BUT every min she wlkz round wif dis secret im silently xplodin. i guess im dis scared coz i knw dat NO MATTER wat im gona stick by her N i guess im worid wat dis mite actually lead 2 me doin...ahhhh da fingz i do 4 my gurlz!!but i luvv dis gurl n im glad dat shez hapi even if i dn't completly trust or like 'D' (her guy)! i jst hope dat i dn't hve 2 b a witness @ sum secret weddin or dat i hve 2 dig 4 her body under her house!!!lol (totally not funi thou)
NWYZ mstly all of u knw hu im pissd off @ n y im pissd off..i guess i will get over wat dis 'persn' said n i knw dat i hvn't even xplaind y im dis upset @ wat 'dey' said BUT da truth is i dn't even knw y i hve let dis get 2 me dis much...n YES i am jst as surprisd as ne of uz dat i am dis upset bout wat dis 'specific' persn said 2 me..till im in a better mood or in a shitter mood over n out..

15 September, 2006


jst got home 4m MARYZ 18TH ..fuk it was a blast!!it was sooo funi!!n jst incase ur all wnderin nah, dere was no strptease dance dis tym!!!*yup dat was totally directd @ ara*nwyz endd up convincin my mum 2 let me go whch was like WHOOOAAA a total surprse considrin she dsn't even knw mary, i jst pulld out da whle :"mum shez da head gurl' line haha..
newyz i made mum drp me off a few houses awy n lea wlkd me 2 da gate wea i met kalo,mirmz n dem!!laxd out till mary came outta da shwr..she was like "fukin hell i invite ya 2 my bday 4 FIVE yrz n u cum on da last yr y dn't ya??"lol.bummd round til mel came, den da gurlz all strtd pullin out dere drinkz..every1 was like yo neesh ur hittin dem wif us dis tym..OOOOooo n b4 mel came kalo cumz up 2 me n givez me a pulse, im like i knw itz not real alch but still NAH,total peer pressure man but i ddn't let dwn!
nwyz da gurlz r all sittin round drinkin whle mel n me drink our lil soft drnkz haha..v spnt our tym laughin @ da gurlz actin like reali ekkz n @ hayley hu kept bein real gumby!!!hehe den tonez turnz up rite wen da fud strtz so v all grab a feed n r sittin round jkin round n actin like real gumby asses!!den tonez disappearz n returnz hldin a bourbon in her hand, n im like dude datz sooo not urz coz she had jst tld me b4 dat she dsn't drnk.so she stndz dere 4 like 5minz tellin me itz herz n me bein me is like NIGGAR PUT UR MONI WEA UR MOUTH IS,i dared her 2 skull sum of it bck if it was "herz".OH MY FREAKIN LORD dat dumbass does it..n since rite b4 she did it she had said dat if she did it i had 2 do it 2..I WAS FINKIN OHHHH FUKIN HELL wat da hell hve i got myslf in2..nwyz since it was a dare i was like im not losin.....SOOOO yup i skulld sum bck..EWWWWWWWWW it taste like utter crap!!!freakin hell!!!i was like ewwwwwww...i dn't fink(lol) im ever doin dat gain!!lol nwyz v r all tkin picz posin wif da bottlez wen tonez n me fink of a reali cool pose: v were like 1 of us bendz over bckwrdz n da other "PRTNDZ" 2 pour da drink down her throat...sumhw i got trickd in2 bein da 1 bendin over,so nwyz im bendin bckwrdz n tones is hldin da bottle jst above my mouth,mel takez da pic n DEN tonez spillz most of da drnk dwn my throat!!dat lil poobum,i like snap up strait awy spittin da crap outta my mouth but not b4 most of it went dwn my throat!den it was tym 2 cut da cake n it came tym 4 me 2 split...said gudbye 2 all da gurlz n endd up tkin soo many randum picz b4 leavin.nwyz mel drivez me home n on da whle ride home im sittin in da car wif da camera takin picz of myslf n of mel drivin,den of me posin nxt 2 her drivin..HAHAHA da car bhind us most of been finkin WTF??coz all u saw was dis blindin lite n melz brklitez go off!!haha freakin hell da nite was soo shit funi,im like home nw hidin 4m my rntz coz knwin dem dey will jst "KNW" wat i got up 2 2nite!OOoooo im soo never doin dat..sooo never drinkin..ahem..lol
nwyz melz sndin me da picz..freakin hell dey r gona b soo crck..

14 September, 2006


ahhhhhhhhhh a WHLE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEK of xamz!!!ahhhhh do dey not care bout our brainz???well 4 those of us hu had brainz 2 begin wif....i hve never felt soooooo dumb or HYSTERICALLLLLL in my life,srsly i mean like im crzy but i dn't fink crzy even describz me dis wk ae.i fink im turnin in2 mel,im laughin like a dick @ every single fing even crap datz not even funi like me openin my statz paperz n not knwin utter jack!!well statz wsn't dat bad but i did open 1 paper n not knw a single fing in dat paper!!!srsly!!hw da fuk is dat possible?????den i had 2 ask 2 go 2 da bathrm coz i had dis urge 2 laugh like a lunatic!!!had accountin dis mrnin..freakin hell dat was like da onli xam like i srsly felt ready 4,i open da paperz n realise dat derez 1 mure dne i studied 4!!!dam i knw!!me bein an idiot totally 4got 2 study 1 WHLEEEE paper!!dn't even ask me wat hppnd my head is not even in dis wrld l8ly!nwyz i finshd all da paperz i did study 4 n preti shur i got mure den A'z but den i open da last paper i ddn't knw bout,5minz l8r da teacher callz TYMMMMMMMM..it ddn't help dat Mrs Basham (acc. teacher) kept starin @ my wrk over my shoulder n wlkin awy shkin her head,dat endd up wif me like crossin out most my wrk hahaha..dn't reali knw y bahahaha i asssumed i was wrng whch it turnd out i was!lol
had englsh in da aftrnoon.........oOOOoooOOOOoo was dis like 1 xam dat i hadn't even revised 4, like i opend my folder 2 study but dat was as far as i got in it.nwyz @ mac durin our 20minz brk im like tryin 2 cram da short storiez in my head but jst endd up givin up!get 2 da xam n aggy,cafey n dez r all freakin out so v mke a pact 2 leave 2getha lol.strtd da paperz n realisd dat i knw stuff whch was a preti awesum feelin!!but den i got 2 da Othello essay,freakin hell i culdn't member a single (real) quote,da onli quote or bit of a quote i knw was "4 da luv i bear 2 cassio" hahaha i dn't even knw if itz real but i finshd my essy n kat finkz itz passin material *niggar pls,she wuldn't fink dis if she read da quotez i made up :S* den lastly i pikd up da film essay n i culdn't even member whch FILM V WTCHD!!!!haha im like w8 was it othello or wat lol???endd up figurin it out den i culdn't member ne of da charactrz namez..so i strt writin da protaganist instead of da dudez name,finally click 2 his name bein maurice n strt callin da otherz maurice'z wife,sistr etc!!haha den i figurd out his sisterz name n strtd callin her daughtr CYNTHIAZ daughtr!!hahah freakin hell it was sooooo crck!!yup i was laughin like an idiot 2 myslf!den wen i stood up 2 go 2 da bathrm cafey,aggyz n dez all gve me da evilz coz dey thort i was bailin..but it endz up dat i left onli 25minz b4 da xam actually finshd wayyyy after aggy,cafey n dez!lol but i did finsh all da paperz,well i finshd dem but hu knwz if im gona passs..frankly im jst 2 tired 2 give a shit whch reali isn't me.n dis whle hysterical fng has actually got my peepz worid coz dey all fink dat derez sumfing deeper den xamz dat im dealin wif,n well yup dere mite b but meh watever rite..i jst need 2 pass 1/2 of my paperz or otherwise dis new-miss legal isn't goin 2 c daylite until her weddin day!!!!!bahahaha

10 September, 2006

Legal wooop wooop

yest was my 18th bday as most of uz knw...it was jst an anthr day basically coz i actd da same-yup immature n plain silly hahaha
v got 2 town round 11ish n it was freakin pourin down..lea n her m8z go of 2 imax 2 catch a movie whle kat,mel n me wlk round lukin 4 a post shop.v den met acca @ imax hu ditchd us 2 watch da movie wif lea n dem.so v wlk,well dey wlkd i hobbld 2 uni...v finally get 2 da freakin tower n realisd dat no1 was dere,so v hang round w8in 4 dharsi.v end up goin 2 da student help fing hu tell us 2 try da other entrace 2 da tower,so v were like ahhhh freakin hell fine wrth a try.kat n mel start (wat seemd like 2 me lol) power wlkin 2 da tower AGAIN,im like in my own lil wrld staring up @ da sky n txtin doin dis weird lil dance/wlk fing, i got dis reali weird feelin dat sum1 i knw was rite bside me but shruggd it off coz i get creepy feelingz like dat all da tym..i wlk in2 da tower n i get a txt 4m ara sayin "haha i jst wlkd past u".yup i totally ddn't notice nwyz kat n me finally shoved our scholarshpz under da door n leave whle i tell dem bout him snobin me!!so v go 2 da lib 2 meet dharsi,v r sittin on da green couchez tlkin den decide 2 leave,v get 2 da door n realise dat v r LOCKD in!!!haha me bein me thort bout fud strait awy n den basically yelled 2 kat n mel GUYZ DN"T PANIC lol..dey strtd crckin @ me coz i was like dude therez NO VENDIN MACHINE IN HERE!!lol finally v got let out n v r wlkin out of da lib wen ara was like i will meet u dere..so v strt wlkin bck in wen dis CREEEP touchz my neck,totally ddn't need 2 turn round 2 c hu dat was!yup nwyz kat n mel finally met hulky..den v caught up wif dharsi n kat n mel left us 3 so dey culd go shppin.dharsi n me had a LOOT 2 tlk bout but endd up bitchin da whle tym lol whch dat dam pagal seemd 2 enjy!finally acca txtz me n tellz me 2 save her 4m all da 15yr oldz lol so v strt headin bck 2 queenz.v were wlkin past dis fountain whch had bubblez in it n dharsi bein her obviously had 2 put bubblez all over me!!!so dis endz up bein a water/bubble fite whch randum ppl n hulky r wtchin!!man it was crck even thou i hve NO idea wat else was in dat fountain..endd up mure soakd den b4!!met lea n dem @ imax 4 lunch wea lea finally got her green lollipop*whch turnd out 2 b yellow,ekk!!!pagal den left 2 go "study" n dharsi n me culd finally do da gurl chat!den mel n kat came bck n v all left 2 acca'z place wea i straitnd up so mum wuldn't kill me wen i got home!!hahaha dharsi den left n v missd da bus,train n bus lol endd up getin lost on da way home coz v culdn't c da stopz haha ppl in da train kept laughin @ us!nwyz got home wif moviez,totaly rushd in 4 a shwr coz i smelt like fountain crap!haha den had dinner,strtd wtchin da moviez den i got MADE 2 cut da cake lol whch lea put a matchstick in as a sub 4 candlez!haha den mum yelld @ her 2 put in proper candlez whch turnd out 2 b 1 BLUE candle lol...n no i ddn't mke a wish lol
den acca left n i washd da dishez lol yup i still had chores on my bday!wtchd da moviez until like 4am n still wsn't sleepy..AWWWWW n my fone died,like offically died @ 3.30am!
waaaaaaa i is sooo sad!!!!den v got up cleand up had brky n went 2 katz 2 study whch reali ddn't wrk out well hahaha i endd up chattin on msn or on bebo da whle day!!wow i actually likd my carefree,tite group 18th, funi hw i thort i wantd a bash but i knw nw dat i actually prefrr da ppl i spnt it wif yup even pagal...oh n btw devil i did tell "anna"..u knw da issue v hve been discussin on da fone
4 sumtym nw!will tell all wen i knw all lol!!miss legal over n out!!BAHAHAHA

05 September, 2006


well i alwyz seem 2 get tld dat fear factor is my game n well it seemz like it is!!lol nwyz 2day v had our zeal trainin practim (as mamma T sayz),instead of da amazin race v had FEAR FACTOR! n considrin da fact dat im kinda muntd @ da momnt i ddn't get chngd 2 do it in.
da first task endd up wif jess,anna n cafey blindfoldd n i had 2 guide dem wif instructionz thru dis course filld wif eggish crap,dishwashin liquid n other crap..dey had 2 do randum shit like skip n put on stockinz n put ballonz in dem n pop it lol.dat task was based on trust coz dey had 2 trust dat i wuldn't scrw up or lie LMFAO i knw me lie??huh?lol
da 2nd task left me starin dwn a bowl filld wif brwn liquid n lumpy crap @ da bottm. da liquid was RAW malt vinegar n da lumpy stuff well dn't reali knw da full story of wat it was BUT i do knw dat i had 2 search 4 raw whitebait wif my mouth!!ewwwww did i mention dat my version of seafud is crabz n datz bout it!!lol newyz v get given goggles whch endd up bein 2 big 4 my head (even thou were kiddie size LMFAO)..newyz v start n im up gainst tonez,mel n joe!joe pulld out aftr da 1st go or so she tld me...mel was goin hardout n tonez was tryin.my goggelz totally fill up wif vingear da min i put my head in da bowl,i wsn't prepard 4 dat n freakin hell did dat hurt. i pull my head out wif all dis whitebait n other shit in my mouth n spit in2 da container whch i totally missd n spat it out on anna!!nwyz im like i cn't do dis n annaz like 4 da team..so i yank off my gogglez n chuck dem drmaticlly sumwea n den jst shove my head in2 da bowl n den spit out watever crap i manage 2 get in my mouth..i've got my eyez shut titely as but i can feel da sting of da freakin acid.da last 10secz i put my head under n complty 4got dat i hvn't breathd yet n wifout realisin dat im in basically pure acid i breath in thru my nose coz i had all dat crap in my mouth..endz up wif me wantin 2 scream n swear my head off!!fukin helll!!!my nose felt like it was on fire..i wantd 2 scream so stupidly i swallowd everyfing dat was in my mouth!!whch was a mouthful of vinegar n whitebait!!!ewwwwwwww..nwyz mamma T yellz tym out..i cn't c soo jess helpz me rush or rather helpz me hobble 2 da bathrm wea i puke my heart out wif tonez!!!i cum out wen task 3 is under way,cafey has 2 gulp dwn dis yellow ooey gooey kind of froth lukin fing wif brwinsh lumpz in it!!if dat ddn't luk bad da fact dat it was in a potty did!!but cafey did it!!den da 4th test was da wit fing wea v had dis general knwledge quiz whch i finshd in a huri n den ran in2 da bathrm 2 puke!!v all had a feed whch i had 2 force myslf 2 eat coz it all smelt n tastd like VINEGAR!!!!tonez told me 2 sniff up water thru my nose (yup like P lmao) coz it mkez da burnin vinegar sensation go awy..but i was 2 wussy 2 do dat whch dharsi thort was funi coz i easily sniffd up vinegar!!LMFAO nwyz aftr da feed mel drpz me off home..i wlk in2 my rm n den jst pukd!!!i chuckd all my stuff across da rm n sprintd/hobbld *haha* in2 da bathrm wea i've preti much spent da whle tym after skool..PUKIN MY GUTZ OUT!!freakin hell,i feel like i've had raw vodka shotz!!*dn't ask me hw i knw wat dey feel like LMFAO*my throat,nose n ankel r on fire!!!u all knw hw im in luv wif salt n vinegar chipz well i frankly never wanna c dem EVER GAIN!!!FEAR FACTOR TAKE DAT I JST WHIPD UR FLIMSY ASS(ahem..)!!HERE I CUM SURVIVOR..lmfao