10 September, 2006

Legal wooop wooop

yest was my 18th bday as most of uz knw...it was jst an anthr day basically coz i actd da same-yup immature n plain silly hahaha
v got 2 town round 11ish n it was freakin pourin down..lea n her m8z go of 2 imax 2 catch a movie whle kat,mel n me wlk round lukin 4 a post shop.v den met acca @ imax hu ditchd us 2 watch da movie wif lea n dem.so v wlk,well dey wlkd i hobbld 2 uni...v finally get 2 da freakin tower n realisd dat no1 was dere,so v hang round w8in 4 dharsi.v end up goin 2 da student help fing hu tell us 2 try da other entrace 2 da tower,so v were like ahhhh freakin hell fine wrth a try.kat n mel start (wat seemd like 2 me lol) power wlkin 2 da tower AGAIN,im like in my own lil wrld staring up @ da sky n txtin doin dis weird lil dance/wlk fing, i got dis reali weird feelin dat sum1 i knw was rite bside me but shruggd it off coz i get creepy feelingz like dat all da tym..i wlk in2 da tower n i get a txt 4m ara sayin "haha i jst wlkd past u".yup i totally ddn't notice nwyz kat n me finally shoved our scholarshpz under da door n leave whle i tell dem bout him snobin me!!so v go 2 da lib 2 meet dharsi,v r sittin on da green couchez tlkin den decide 2 leave,v get 2 da door n realise dat v r LOCKD in!!!haha me bein me thort bout fud strait awy n den basically yelled 2 kat n mel GUYZ DN"T PANIC lol..dey strtd crckin @ me coz i was like dude therez NO VENDIN MACHINE IN HERE!!lol finally v got let out n v r wlkin out of da lib wen ara was like i will meet u dere..so v strt wlkin bck in wen dis CREEEP touchz my neck,totally ddn't need 2 turn round 2 c hu dat was!yup nwyz kat n mel finally met hulky..den v caught up wif dharsi n kat n mel left us 3 so dey culd go shppin.dharsi n me had a LOOT 2 tlk bout but endd up bitchin da whle tym lol whch dat dam pagal seemd 2 enjy!finally acca txtz me n tellz me 2 save her 4m all da 15yr oldz lol so v strt headin bck 2 queenz.v were wlkin past dis fountain whch had bubblez in it n dharsi bein her obviously had 2 put bubblez all over me!!!so dis endz up bein a water/bubble fite whch randum ppl n hulky r wtchin!!man it was crck even thou i hve NO idea wat else was in dat fountain..endd up mure soakd den b4!!met lea n dem @ imax 4 lunch wea lea finally got her green lollipop*whch turnd out 2 b yellow,ekk!!!pagal den left 2 go "study" n dharsi n me culd finally do da gurl chat!den mel n kat came bck n v all left 2 acca'z place wea i straitnd up so mum wuldn't kill me wen i got home!!hahaha dharsi den left n v missd da bus,train n bus lol endd up getin lost on da way home coz v culdn't c da stopz haha ppl in da train kept laughin @ us!nwyz got home wif moviez,totaly rushd in 4 a shwr coz i smelt like fountain crap!haha den had dinner,strtd wtchin da moviez den i got MADE 2 cut da cake lol whch lea put a matchstick in as a sub 4 candlez!haha den mum yelld @ her 2 put in proper candlez whch turnd out 2 b 1 BLUE candle lol...n no i ddn't mke a wish lol
den acca left n i washd da dishez lol yup i still had chores on my bday!wtchd da moviez until like 4am n still wsn't sleepy..AWWWWW n my fone died,like offically died @ 3.30am!
waaaaaaa i is sooo sad!!!!den v got up cleand up had brky n went 2 katz 2 study whch reali ddn't wrk out well hahaha i endd up chattin on msn or on bebo da whle day!!wow i actually likd my carefree,tite group 18th, funi hw i thort i wantd a bash but i knw nw dat i actually prefrr da ppl i spnt it wif yup even pagal...oh n btw devil i did tell "anna"..u knw da issue v hve been discussin on da fone
4 sumtym nw!will tell all wen i knw all lol!!miss legal over n out!!BAHAHAHA


Blogger Food Leader said...

lol... was laughing because you were freaking out lol.. wouldn't you think it'd be me??? the one the eats the most to freak out about being locked under the library lol.. man.. just sooo funny

11/9/06 4:52 pm  
Blogger Kat said...

I can't believe I insisted on eating the girl in the green first... Heck, I can't believe I insisted on eating people in the first place...

12/9/06 7:52 pm  
Blogger Kat said...

Oh and too bad you're legal and can't do anything about it :)

tough luck matey!

14/9/06 8:10 pm  

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