22 September, 2006

da british n da romanz

hehe 2day has 2 b 1 of da funnist dayz dis term!!srlsy!lol N jst incase ur wndrin yup im in a better mood but it dsn't mean dat i've stppd bein pissd off @ dat 'persn'..
nwyz 2day v had our classicz n histry shared lunch..it was a shared lunch wif a twist!! da classicz class had 2 brng fud da romanz use 2 eat n da hstry ppl like me had 2 brng olden day british fud!OOOOoooooOO n v all had 2 dress up!!lol it was soo crck coz kat,devil,vaish n mstly all of da P.D crew had 2 wear bedsheetz n v all had 2 wear stupid dresses!!ahhhh wen i say v all it reali meanz da 1z hu culd fit in2 da dressez whch turnd out 2 b onli jess.s, mel.b n me!den v made cafey wear dis reali hussie-ish dress 4m bck den!!hahaha i put on dis reali stripy,multi-coloured dress!god did i luk like a dick,esp coz i was stompin round complainin wif my armz crossd!i lukd sooo stupid!den our histry class ran round outside,jumpin in2 bushez n takin picz lol!!!da ppl in da other classez must of been finkin wtf???OOOooo da funnist fing was dat our hstry teacher MAMMA R actually joind us!!lol
den v had 2 go bck in 2 class..den da classicz ppl as in tinaye made a sacrifice 2 da godz n jupiter i fink..den DA FEAST BEGAN..man it was weird eatin hw many diff kindz of breadz n cheese(s??)oOOOooo n da bread salad fing kat n me made yest was A REAL HIT!!lol it was funi coz wen v were mkin it v were like ahem letz not tell ne1 itz ourz..but MmmmmmMMm it was actually preti gud (considerin dat v were missin da mst imprtnt ingrdient lol) n every1 finshd it!!lol n courtz lil pastery fingz were sOOooOOO NICE!!mmmmm
last period on fridayz v got accountin but 2day i was actually lukin 4ward 2 it coz MRS BASHAM was actually awy!!i KNW lol..newyz dere was onli 4 (out of 10) of us in class!mel,sheetal,nia n me!v spent da WHLE HR tkin reali randum,hussie like picz..hahaha
awwwwwwwww 2day is da last day of da LAST TERM 3 I WILL HVE 4 DA REST OF MY LIFE!!!awwwwwww i is like soooooooo SAD!!i swear i wntd 2 cry wen i had 2 submit my dep head gurl article 4 da MAG!!i was like nooooooooooooooo jst let me live in denial a lil longer*n kat dn't u dare link da noooooo 2 da mr whippy incidnt lol*


Blogger Kat said...

what the...I wasn't even going to mention the fact that you always run out to Mr. Whippy but he always drives away with you running in the truck's dust!

sheesh. I'm far nicer than that!

22/9/06 10:37 pm  

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