09 November, 2005

wow i wuld not hve thought yesterday dat i wuld b called a local hero...considering da fact dat im da local nuisance in my neighbourhood...lol
newayz ur probably wonderin wat im on bout so let me get bak 2 da beginning...on monday @ around 7:40pm..im sittin in da lounge wif my mum who is testin me on accounting..den all of a sudden u hear dis loud POP!! den u hear da sound of a car crash...im mean u hear dis freakin big CRASH den BANG..den u hear da sound of kids screamin n cryin their lungs out..so me being da hero i am(wateva) jump off our stairs(wif my spraind ankle) n start running 2wards da crash...so i end up being one of da 1st ppl on da scene.
so we start pulling out da kids n put dem on da grounds..so i pick da lil boy up n give him a hug...den da lil gurl starts screamin bout her arm so i check it n im like its only whiplash n she has a huge burn 4m da seatbelt on her neck..so da ambulance turns up n i start tellin da dude dat da gurl has (all dis medical jargon which i can say n cn't spell) so he asks me if i am da registerd nurse or med student dat every1 was tlking bout...n im like "NO"
so i find out dat every1 @ da scene didn't want 2 call da ambulance coz dey thought i was a registerd nurse...OMG can u believe dat??? ppl r totally nuts....lol
newayz wen dey find out im not...dey r like "nice job KID"n im like " can v go bak 2 registerd nurse..lol?"
so dats wif da title...da local hero is in major crap wif her prnts n has 2 get off da net..

07 November, 2005

i swear if mr yapa says 6 more days once more im gonna strangle him wif my bare hands...everytime v walk in2 class he crosses off the number of days left till exams starts den he says it out three time:
Mr Yapa:"6 more days girls, 6 more days girls, 6 more days girls!!"
n everytime he gets da same reply
Class:"ohhhhhhhhh mr stop it, ahhhhhhhh shutup or so?"
preti sure he just does it 2 see every1 shifting in their seats and looking like death has walkd in2 da room..lol
i ended up applyin 4 head gurl n deputy head gurl...totally dn't fink i stand a chance especially since its da teachers who have da say...n lets just say im not very nice(understatement of da yr) 2 teachers!
OMG n i got my plam read, dn't ask me y considering i dn't reali believe in dat stuff...
so dis is wat my palm said: im smart but i dn't use my brain 2 its full potential (reali??lol)
i will b happily married wif 2 kids (sons...ahhhhhh), i wn't b rich but 2 me rich n financial stable r 2 diff fings..n i will pass school n uni wif preti top marks...he also said im a person who wil obey my husband n worship him like he is a god...my mum was like:"who her?" n i wil hve a gud job which i will LOVE!
so all in all my future sounds preti gud...but den i also believe ur future is wat u make it!
my bf is leaving 2 india soon coz he is playing in da wrld cricket cup...onli supposed 2 be gone 4 2weeks but he said he mite stay 4 da whole holidays...stupid ass preti sure he just wants me 2 admit dat i will miss him(i WON'T!)..ms mac (my comp teachr n my year dean) was like wat r u doin n i was like my blog n so i tld her 2 google my name n find it...lol
hopefully she dsn't not dat it has nefing bad bout her but i mean wuld u reali want ur teacher let alone ur dean 2 knw bout ur life..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

04 November, 2005

supposedly im a evil wicked child...wait let me get back 2 da beginning.
i was in last period yesterday (english, da jansonator!!)
da class was answering sum 2.6 questions,every1 was crapping their pants coz da jansonator was asking sum1 2 tell her wat a metaphor was...all around da room u c heads lukin down or around da room (avoiding da jansonator's eyes..lol).
kat starts slient laughing (creepy like mel does..) n i was laughing @ her coz well she was being immature (no surprise there..lol.all of a sudden da jansonator turns her eyes of power on me n says
me: i wasn't laughing (laugh laugh) @ u ms (laugh) i SWEAR (laughing still)
me: but..but..
(whole class laughing @ me while kat has shut her mouth,giving me da shame on u luk)
all of dis took a space of 3mins but it seemd like 4eva...da funi fing is 4 once i wasn't actually laughing @ her...lol
neways dats wats wif da heading...back 2 2day, every1 is tellin me i should go 4 head gurl or dep head gurl but im not sure...most teachers dn't have a lot of nice fings 2 say bout me..(wonder y?)
got accounting next...i hvn't studied 4 da test..so doomed guess anothr detention is calld 4..lol
comp has got interesting wif me actually doin somfing dat will benefit not only me but others out there wif no life(not a stab @ a person reading dis nw)...i wonder if i can write dis down in the scholarship application where it asks if u hve done any work dat has benefited da community.....

03 November, 2005


yet anothr day @ skool...totally bord, shouldn't b thou since exams r in like a WEEK..ahhhhhhh
hvn't startd studying n im not even worried(well not really..lol)
didn't get the first foundation scholarship but im not (2) disppointd, i tried my best n datz all i can do...mufti day 2day, da highlite of da skool yr i fink.
cannot wait...skool ENDZ in a week.........YEAH!! there is light @ da end of da tunnel...lol
every1 seems 2 knw wat they r doing...dn't knw y im da onli 1 lost!!
i've been such a *itch l8ly...take 4 exmple wat i said 2 agnes yesterday

me: i swear my prnts droppd me on my head wen i was lil
agnes: yea a lot of times!!!!!!
me: well ur prnts didn't even pick u up wen u were lil!!!(daggers shooting out of my eyes)

n yet anothr example..dis time to kathryn

me:we should come @ lunchtime 4 help on maths
Kat: "WE?" i dn't need help!
me: yeah u dn't need help in dis but in other areas of ur life u do!!!!(smirk on my face)

dn't knw wat is up wif me being a total *itch but i just cn't seem 2 help it, so far my lovely (rolling my eyes) frnds r putting up wif it...i fink dey fink its PMS...its NOT!!
gota get round 2 telling dem bout my blog...will wen i get time in btween my insults..
got accounting next hvn't studied guess its anothr lunchtime on detention......

02 November, 2005

dn't knw y i startd a blog...was totally bord in comp..sick of googling myself..lol
i guess my frnds luv hearin bout my oh so... umm interesting life (undrstatemnt of da yr), i thought i wuld advertise it 2 da wrld..lol
my life has been even mure intersting l8ly...mayb coz of da guyz in my life
i swear guyz r da biggest annoyance in da wrld!!!
ahhhhhhh..itz like dey like wat dey do 2 us chickz!!
my oh so lovely bf is drivin me insane..i swear if he getz any nicer i fink im gona kill him!!
i knw so many gurls want a sweet luvin guy..i mean so do i but i dn't want a guy who takes everyfing i say like its 4m da BIBLE!!
then therez niru..dis dude i met on da net who kinda askd me 2 marry him...yea i mean marry like ring, wedding, crapy in-laws marry!! i mean WTF??
then therez jonty dis dude who randmly txt me...every1 finkz dat v r PERFECT 4 each othr coz v both like screwing wif ppls heads but ahhhhhhhhh..he drivez me INSANE..
dn't say wat all my frndz hve been sayin..all h8 leadz 2 luv...bull!!lol
well i fink datz enuf 4 2 day..n my prnts r stalkin me (da usual)lol