07 November, 2005

i swear if mr yapa says 6 more days once more im gonna strangle him wif my bare hands...everytime v walk in2 class he crosses off the number of days left till exams starts den he says it out three time:
Mr Yapa:"6 more days girls, 6 more days girls, 6 more days girls!!"
n everytime he gets da same reply
Class:"ohhhhhhhhh mr stop it, ahhhhhhhh shutup or so?"
preti sure he just does it 2 see every1 shifting in their seats and looking like death has walkd in2 da room..lol
i ended up applyin 4 head gurl n deputy head gurl...totally dn't fink i stand a chance especially since its da teachers who have da say...n lets just say im not very nice(understatement of da yr) 2 teachers!
OMG n i got my plam read, dn't ask me y considering i dn't reali believe in dat stuff...
so dis is wat my palm said: im smart but i dn't use my brain 2 its full potential (reali??lol)
i will b happily married wif 2 kids (sons...ahhhhhh), i wn't b rich but 2 me rich n financial stable r 2 diff fings..n i will pass school n uni wif preti top marks...he also said im a person who wil obey my husband n worship him like he is a god...my mum was like:"who her?" n i wil hve a gud job which i will LOVE!
so all in all my future sounds preti gud...but den i also believe ur future is wat u make it!
my bf is leaving 2 india soon coz he is playing in da wrld cricket cup...onli supposed 2 be gone 4 2weeks but he said he mite stay 4 da whole holidays...stupid ass preti sure he just wants me 2 admit dat i will miss him(i WON'T!)..ms mac (my comp teachr n my year dean) was like wat r u doin n i was like my blog n so i tld her 2 google my name n find it...lol
hopefully she dsn't not dat it has nefing bad bout her but i mean wuld u reali want ur teacher let alone ur dean 2 knw bout ur life..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Blogger Food Leader said...

OMG!!! i remember him doin dat 2 me man.. dat was seriously annoyin.. does he like want us to fail by telling us dat our first exam is luming (*dnt no how 2 spell it) closer and closer.. stupid bugger lol

13/6/06 3:44 pm  

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