02 November, 2006


whoa been agez since i last wrote in here, wayy 2 dam busy wif all my internalz n gradz 2 reali hve tym 4 much.but da funi fing is even thou i had all dis crap 2 do i still found tym 2 wtch moviez wif kat n mel n muck round wif lea!!!lol well last friday v had our leaderz graduation @ da skycity,it was umm very intrstin 2 put it mildly hahah..
got ready wif kat n mel, went dur n met up wif da rest of da gang n strtd taken picz! after da speechz v got 2 eat n man was i hungry!!dur was dis indian waiter guy n i endd up makin dis reali bad crck bout him n priti whch resultd in our half of da table hearin n MOCKIN her all nite!! yup i soooo endd up in da dog house after dat crck so 2 get in priti's gud bookz i made crckz @ pankz all nite long, whch meant every1 was hapi coz da rite order of da wrld was restord (well da order wen vaish is not dur haha). den after dessert v all strtd tkin reali randum picz BUT da crck fing was dat even thou v were wif da B.O.T n da principlez n stuff v ddn't get in truble 4 bein skankz...WORSE even da teacherz n all joind in BUT da funist had 2 b MRS HARVEY..hu wuld hve guess dat she wuld of liftd her skirt 2 shw off her legz wif us!!hahah.after dis v all ditchd da dinner n ran round outside tlkin real hoe-ish picz..v as in kat,mel,tonez,cafey,dez n me!!v endd up goin 2 da grand hotel n borrwin dur luggage trolley 2 take picz wif!!den cafey n me wlkd round wif accentz, prtndin dat v were nu 2 NZ haha n cafey den actd as da tour guide!! den kat, mel n me ditchd dem n strtd tkin even mure skanky picz wif devil n crew..I SOOO DDN"T ACCOST NAT *devil'z wrdz lol* meh n after dat v basically left home..
hmm dis tuesdy v had our zeal leadershp grad....awww melly n kat lukd soo preti!!!n well yup i got dressd up 2; in my polka dot dress n i even got my hair curled!!argh all i needd was a ring of daises round my head n i wuld of lukd like a freakin 11yr old!!!my speech was ritin on da way dur n it was actually preti gud,like da crwd actually laughd!lol EWWWW met 2 creepi men hu wuldn't let go of my hand after da handshke!n 1 acutally rubbd da bck of my hand, MUMMMY lol oh n bth men cmmntd on my smile..1 even used da wrd sexy!!MUMMY lol n wat did i do?? i jst said fankz n sidestppd away fast!lol my fam came so da picz v took were preti laxd n respctable..courtz got da character award,megan n tishkar got da courage award n kalo got da overall leader award!!hmm durz 2 all of us hu bet dat tonez wuld win..but boi o boi did sum randum ppl win prizez lol totally bloatd after all dat eatin ae...gym any1???lol


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