29 July, 2007

first wkz bck

holy crap,neva thort i culd h8 a plce so much!buh hnstly i h8 uni,not coz of da wrkload either!well i wuld b lyin if i said dat dsn't cum in2 play..buh i h8 uni mure coz of all da crap dat goes dwn dur!itz da plce wea frndshpz break,relationshpz end,tearz start n da pain continues or growz!argh..k mayb im bein a tad dramatic!lol buh hnstly da 1st 2wks bck in uni hve been so freakin bollywud mvie dat i fink a lil bit of melodrama is calld 4 in my blog!:D (yes guyz,datz rite wen has my blog ever been melodramatic rite???hehe)nwyz bck on2 da point of dis blog post...da 1st wk of uni endd up wif me in tearz!surprise surprise *rollz eyez* even mure surprising is da person hu left me in tearz!*drum roll plssssss* da great GENTLE giant left me in tearz yet gain!he dsn't knw obviously,after our 1st meetin i ran off in tearz n left u guyz wndrin wea i was n wat da hell went dwn!buh yea i went 2 kickboxin ova da wkend n wrkd my butt off so i culd buy da rest of my txtbukz n jst avoidd tlkin 2 ne1 in general bout wat had hppnd btwn him n me!by da tym mon came round i was bck 2 normal n fngz were preti swt as 4 me,dfntly da calm b4 da storm huh???nwyz on 2nd wk;tues aftrnoon i met up wif pagal 2 get sum info on his frnd priv hu lykz farah, i jst was doin da whle chckin out his bckground fing lol..dn't xctly knw hw dat endd up wif me hvin a fracturd wrist!nwyz i prmisd pagal dat i wuld tell him hu da gurl was after he tld me all i wantd 2 knw..yes,duh i was cmpltly lyin thru my teeth lol!by da tym he figured dis out it was 2 l8 n he got pissd wen i bckd outta my wrd!so he throt he wuld b mature n steal my wallet n da letaz/poems dat were in my bag!he tuk off runnin n laughin @ me round da science centre n den dwn da stairs 2 da undrground parkin plce!da whle tym im swearin n punchin tryna get my crap bck!whle in da carpark area i punchd n kickd him a few tymz n he grabbd my hand n twistd it bhind my bck(u knw hw copz do 2 robberz in da mvies),i strtd screamin dat it hurt buh he thort i was pullin his leg lyk i use 2 do wen v use 2 play fite!buh nah i wsn't kiddin..after dis he ran off in2 da boiz toilets n left me outside huffin n puffin!god was i fukd off!he was behvin so immature n i h8d 2 admit it but he was beginnin 2 melt my heart all ova gain!so after lyk a few minz he cumz out n gve me bck my stuff n i strmd off n went home!dat nite i realisd my arm was swellin n txtd dat idiot 2 tell him dat he was a bully.da nxt mrnin i got up n it was even worse so i went 2 da uni nurse hu tld me dat my wrist miteb spraind..i was l8 2 class so i ddn't reali pay much attntion 2 her warningz.i got aradhna 2 bandage up my wrist while xplain hw da playfightin btwn ara n me had gone sooo wrng!all thru da day i ran in2 m8z hu flippd out @ da site of my hand cmpltly bandaged!i wsn't reali worid thou buh dat nite i went 2 my doc uncle n got a x-ray n datz wen he told me dat my wrist was "NEARLY BROKEN" (he was tryna mke me c da srsness of da whle situation i fink..hehe)2 put it in his termz,it was a fracture n he tld me dat i had 2 hve my arm in a sling n mst prbbly a cast!i refusd both sayin dat i hdn't even tld my rntz bout dis yet n dat i wuld cum bck,gain lyin thru my teeth lol!(o n kat he culdn't force me 2 do it coz itz gainst da law,legally i can refuse treatmnt if i want :D o da joyz of bein legal!hehe)i hve been leavin home freakin early n goin home freakin l8 jst so i can hide dis whle fng 4m my rntz,dur gona flip n i hve no idea wat im gona say 2 dem!nwyz on thurs mrning i tld aradhna wat da doc said n she txtd ara all pissd off,wifout my knwldge course!whle v r sittin in da comp labz lukin up sumfing he cumz up 2 me n startz goin off!da wrdz i did pay attention 2 were:''BULLSHIT,I DDN'T DO DIS 2 U,WAT DA HELLZ WRNG WIF IT NEWAY,U PRBBLY FELL DWN DA STAIRZ OR SUMFING,BULLSHIT I DDN'T DO DIS 2 U".thruout his freakout i kept my mouth shut n aradhna got fukd off @ da way he was speakin 2 me so she told him 2 fuk off!i tld her 2 bck off n b4 i knw it dey startd goin @ each other!i stood up n tld her 2 shutup n den turnd 2 him n askd in tamil 4 him 2 bck off!he replyz wif dn't tell me,tell her n i turnd round 2 rad'z n tld her 2 fuk up n sit dwn,she spitz out fuk off 2 him n den obeyz my commandz.he turnz round n sayz hu knwz wat n stormd off!i got in a shit n ran off..i ran into da boiz hu tried 2 calm me dwn by buyin me a v bottle!sahil wlkz me bck in n i wrkd up da nerve 2 ask ara if i culd speak 2 him 4 5minz,he fully slammd me ae!i got even mure fukd n told sahil bhaiya 2 tke my stuff n dat i wuld cum bk 4 it l8r!i wlkd off in a shit n rad'z came aftr me wndrin if i was k (hahaha) i tld her dat i wuld lyk her 2 say sowi n she refused n i tld sahil dat ara n her culd bth get fukd!i ran in2 samira hu was so freakin confusd on wat she had jst stubbld cross buh i ddn't even stick round 2 xplain!i tuk off 2 elam 2 c kat so dat i culd tlk 2 rosh!da 5min tlk i wntd wif rosh turnd in2 well..agez n i had 2 xplain da romeo n juilet stry 4m da start!durin all of dis rosh was starin @ me arm wndrin if he had actually done it on purpose..so jst incase ne1 hsn't heard let me voice it loud n clear:"HE DID NOT INTENTIONALLY DO DIS 2 ME,IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!" nwyz i tld rosh 2 tke care of him coz i knw dat he was fukd off as hell,not jst bout da fite wif aradhna or da way v had all spken 2 each other buh i knw he wuld of been fukd off @ himslf.i tld rosh 2 tell him dat it wsn't his fault n dat he wsn't jst lyk my dad coz i knw dat scrtly inside dat he wuld b freakin out bout seein my arm lyk dat!i mean yea,itz tru mayb he cn't stnd 2 b round me nw buh he wuld neva want nefing bad 2 happen 2 me!so yea da jist of da chat bein pls luk after him coz i cn't b dur 2 do it n 2 tell him 2 stop givin a shit bout me so dat he culd mve on wif his own lyf n stp bein so angry @ da wrld!da 2nd wk also endd wif me in tearz as u can all tell!it reali breakz my heart 2 c hw v hve turnd out ae..i mean dis tym last yr v culdn't get enuf of each other n now v cn't or rather he cn't stnd 2 even c me round!i hve no idea hw v got 4m bein so freakin hapi 2 so freakin miserable!n i h8 2 say it buh neva in my lyf hve i eva felt dis unhapi b4!im srs,despite all da worse shit dat has happnd in my lyf i still was hapi (in da bigger picture) buh in da bigger picture dis whle year i hve been sooo UNHAPI!n it suxz dat sumfing lyk dis (sumfing dat actually does hve gr8,up pointz) culd potentially take me down..im tryin 2 fite buh im slwly runnin outta strngth.wen did all da lil fingz stp mkin me hapi ae..wea did dat simple day b4 colourz turnd in2 shadez go????

21 July, 2007

dear pagal

I 1st saw u in dec @ da beach.in a group of 10 or so guyz u stood out,i lykd u immdtly!dn't even knw y dat is buh datz hw our story begun.formally got intro'd 2 u @ da start of jan @ a netball game n u knw me as da midget crazy gurl,whch 4 sum reason ddn't bother me.it wsn't till da mid of jan dat i learnd u were m8z wif my lil sis,i was curious 2 knw y sum1 of ur age wuld b txtin my lil sis so i stole ur # 4m her fone n prntdd 2 b sum chick huz nickname was pinky!it wsn't long b4 u figured out hu i was thou,da 'u suck @ volleyball' clue 4 sure gave it away as i had loudly voiced my opinion of ur volleyball skillz @ da beach wen i 1st saw u.4m dis randum txtin convo v bcame 'hey-gudbye' m8z, 4 me dis start was enuf coz my weird mojo feelinz told me dat sum day soon v wuld mean preti much da wrld 2 each other.in btwn us gettin 2 knw each other my fam fell apart n my whle wrld got turnd upside dwn, i wsn't even legal yet n i had: 3jobz,fulltym skool duties,fam issues,n on top off all of dis i had our community goss 2 wori bout.i had very lil strngth left 4m evryfing i had been thru buh dis was my fam n i had 2 do evryfing 2 keep us alive n 2getha.my m8z had constntly been dur 4 me even wen dey had no idea wat i was goin thru buh i decided dat dis yr;our final yr of highskool dat i wuld let dem all live seprte livez 4m me so dat dey culd enjoy our last highskool momentz.so itz coz of dis decision i bcame close 2 u.i needd sum1 2 replce da hole in my heart i had created by isolatin myslf n u seemd a safe enuf bet.i slwly let u in,not knwin if i culd trust u 1stly since u were a guy (da very xistnce i h8d) buh 2ndly coz u were lankan.u took it all preti well,it must of cum as a shock 2 u 2 knw wat reali was hidden bhind my cheeky smile n childish laughtr buh i was surprised @ ur strngth.u got in2 my head n wen i was tlkin 2 u i was distrctd 4m da darkness dat surroundd me buh sumtymz even u weren't enuf n i strtd drinkin,partyin n jst bein plain stupid wif my lyf esp wen it came 2 da whle liver fing.it was round da mid of june wen u strtd bein a lil diff wif me n i realised dat even i was a lil diff wif u,dur were momentz btwn us n i was a lil worried 2 wea dis wuld lead.sept hit n still neither of us was willin 2 give in 1st n admit wat was goin on,my 18th b'day came round n my m8z met u 4 da 1st tym.dey knw me well enuf 2 read btwn da linez or in dis case da insltz i threw @ u,dey knw hw much u truly meant 2 me even thou i prbbly had given u other signalz.on da way home dey convincd me 2 tell u hw i felt so 4 da 1st tym in my lyf i did sumfing 4 me,sumfing dat i truly wantd,it turnd out 2 b a lot mure complic8d den i culd of imgnd n it resltd in our 1st fite!u admittd u felt da same buh also statd dat dis culd go nowea.dis went on til da strt of nov,u had uni xamz n i had my finalz.lyf @ dis point was preti shit 4 both of us n u tld me dat u were goin 2 da temple by urslf 2 pray n askd me if i had sumfing i wantd so dat u culd incld dat in ur prayerz,datz da 1st momnt in my lyf i fell 4 u.i had alwyz tld u i cared bout u buh u had neva reali xprssd hw much u cared until dat momnt,datz da 1st moment u got in2 my heart n it was in dat momnt i realisd i was doomd!lyf went on 4 both of us lyk dis all summer holz,fingz got a lil mure intnse wif da all da meetin up n fone callz.v tlkd 4 hrz bout all da lil fingz dat matterd n u finally began 2 trust me,i found myslf hopin dat i had gottn in2 ur heart 2.uni den strtd,it was da perfct xcuse 4 me 2 ctch a glimpse of u nearly evryday!dat thort was 1 of da 1st evry mrnin i got up!v met up randumly sumdayz,grabbd lunch or icecream,wlkd thru da park or jst loungd round in commnz.it was round dis tym da line in our frndshp was blurrd n neithr of us culd of guessd wat wuld hit us!finally i got sick of all da beatin round da bush so i apprchd da topic of us wif u gain in da 1st leta,u had ur usual answr:'yes buh no'.i was hurt buh i was a fightr n i wantd dis so bad so i kept pushin n evntually u strtd playin 2 my tune.dis was prbbly da biggst mistke i've ever made buh despite hw v hve turnd out i dn't regret it.i had u,even if it was onli 4 a few momentz.my heart brke in2 pieces wen i wlkd away 4m u buh i knw dat i had 2 do dis 4 ur sake,u ddn't hve da strngth 2 break my heart even thou u culdn't stay.da darkness u had kept 4m consumin me 4 da past yr or so finally caught up n i was so lost.i culdn't comprehnd wat had jst hppnd,i had gone in2 dis whle fing finkin dat u culdn't break sumfing dat was alrdy brken buh in da darkness i realised dat da mst imprtnt piece of my heart was missin n dat i culdn't b complete wifout it bck.i knw da onli way 2 mend my heart was 2 hve u bck,i went bout it in all da wrng wayz n finally u got sick of it n wlkd away.in dat momnt da lil gurl i kept hiddn inside of me brke,finally,she wept n wept 4 all she had lost in her lyf!my dayz ddn't seem da same wifout u buh i was willin 2 blck out da pain so dat i culd b dur 4 all da gurlz i luvd.i riskd so much 2 hve u buh da brken heart u left bhind bought bck da old"nuke guyz" part of me.xamz hit 4 both of us n v had barely had a conversation in monthz n it was round dis tym dat my blockin hw i feel powerz ran out!hw much i missd u,not as da guy i fell in luv wif buh as my frnd hit me n i fukd up my xamz!da holz came bout n i knw i had 2 sort out my head n try 2 mend my heart.da distnce btwn us got lnger n lnger n it hurt so much buh i knw deep dwn dat dis was a gud fing 4 both of us.i rote u da 3rd n final leta in da holz,i told u y i tuk dis whle fing hard!i felt lyk u had betryd n used me despite knwin hw i felt bout da wrld esp guyz n finally i was ready 2 put dis whle fing bhind me!it had been months since v have had a face 2 face convo n it had been preti much a month or so since i had seen u.2nd sem strtd n on da 1st day bck i ran in2 u,i was smooth as i culd hve been buh even thou da woundz had heald in2 scarz i still felt da stingz!da nxt tym i saw u i gve u da leta,n dis lead 2 us finally tlkin.wat i realised wen u met me 2 tlk is dat sumfingz reali hvn't chnged buh da diffrnce is dat i hve!mayb it ddn't seem dat way 2 u buh i reali am ova dis whle fing, u will alwyz b worth da pain n da tearz buh my heart is neva gona b ready 2 go dur gain.i dn't fink u r over it thou,u fink dat blockin it out n not finkin bout it meanz dat u r ova it buh i knw better!i lived in dat blockin wrld my whle lyf,fingz were dfntly easier dat way buh da minute sumfng else happnz it all getz 2 much n wen it does finally hit u,da pain is intensfied a million tymz coz u hve so much 2 deal wif @ da same tym.i am ready 2 b ur friend n my heart is pieced bck 2getha coz of dis move.da woundz hve heald lyk i hve said buh dur r momentz wen da scarz hurt!dis dsn't mean dat im not ova u,it jst meanz dat onli tym will ease wat lil luvin u left behind.i hpe 1 day,soon dat is, dat u will deal wif dis 2!lyf can b a bitch n i mure den most ppl knw 2 wat xtent fingz can sux buh 1 nite stndin outside in da storm listenin 2 pinkz song 'hu knw' told me dat i wuldn't xchange a single fing dat has hppnd!n it was dat nite dat i fully embraced my lyf n hu i was coz of it!

09 July, 2007

dance,leaz swt 16th n other crap

okay,itz been ages n i hve so much 2 ctch u all up on..wea o wea 2 strt,guess da beginnin wuld b helpful ae!lol so here it is:
firstly my dance boiz,boi o boi did dey hve me worid dur 4 awhle!!i honstly blieved dat dey were gona scrw up lyk hell,i knw i shuld of had mure faith in dem buh blieve me if u all had seen da way dey prctisd u wuld of had ur doubtz 2!rite b4 dey were due on stage rubez (ruben) strtz hvin dis break dwn...hez all-"acca i cn't do dis, u go on..omg im gona puke",i swear 2 god he was shakin so i jst pulld him in2 a bear hug n tld da boiz dat i luvd dem n dat i was proud of dem n dat it wuldn't matter if dey scrwd up (smilin of course).n mr negative (abbi) tkez dis tym 2 point out dat i had threatn 2 beat da crap outta dem if dey scrwd up!it made da boiz crck up @least!dey went on stage n RIPPD IT UP DUDEZ!!I hve never in my lyf been so proud!i sat on da ground rite up front in my skirt n shuffld along wif da mves!da crwd went so nutz!rite as it endd i sprintd off bck stge (in my heelz!lol) n jumpd up n dwn wif da boiz,it lukd lyk a mini mosh pit wif all da mumz n siblingz joinin in 2!lol mr crck up (keru) n mr smart ass (keeran) den tuk dis tym 2 ask me wen v were strtin prctise 4 dur nxt dance!hahahah dharsi n sum of da uni gurlz turnd up n it was sooo osum coz dey got 2 c wat kelston is made of!!HA!nigga pls,buh yea evry1 else is w8in 4 our nxt creation so i guess v did aite ae!hehe o n v kickd nirupaz dance!!wooop wooooopp!!dam str8 nigganese!!hahaha not dat it was a competition or nefing lol
on2 da nxt fing,it was leaz swt 16th dis wkend,v had a mean as bash @ our place.her nigganese m8z turnd up n ate all da fud!haha nah,it was crck v wtchd a whle dam lot of mvies n ate a whle heap of JUNK FUD 2 da point wea sum of us were sick!yes me lol..den v went 4 a wlk 2 fudtwn 2 get sum mure junk n tuk reali randum picz on da way,invlvin bushes,trees n sign post of course,usual kelston stylz!hehe dharsi came n v danced up a storm dwnstairz wif da disco litez on!it was crck coz da lil 1z were so inncnt until dey saw dharsi,acca n me pull out our clubbin mves!!haha mel tuk picz 2 prve da dodgyness lol!poor lil creaturez got scared outta dur mindz i fink lol,scard 4 lyf 4 sure!lol da party carried on in2 da nite n all wkend basically.2day da lankan gurlz (n guy) came over..endd up wtchin da rest of da mvies n mum made a whle heap of fud whch she kept loadin on2 our platez!poor brin,she tried 2 gap it 2 da bin n got snppd majorly n endd up gettin her 3rd fill up ae!!hahaha it was 2 crck coz sajeev was tryna cry 2 get outta it!ddn't end up pullin it off thou n got his plate filld 2, n thuli tried da whle tamil spkin-"aunty ur a gr8 cuk n i luvd ur fud buh im full fing" whch also ddn't wrk!hahaha n str8 after it mum made us hve dessrt coz dey had 2 go soon n v all strtd moanin our headz off n logi was lyk i fink i gotta go puke n ran off 2 da bathrm!yes,datz hw much my mum made her eat!lol buh yea v endd up eatin all of da dessrt n den plyd caarum whch endd up wif logi kickin our buttz!n dat gurl actually refusd 2 play @ da strt sayin she had no aim wat-so-ever!liar!!all in all it was a crck tym n thuli finally gve me da letter shez b meanin 2 give me ever since da shw,dat gurlz crckd in da head buh tlkin 2 her bout watz been goin on in my lyf has actually made me feel better!shez a lot lyk me,esp da whle bitchynss n i cn't w8 2 ctch up wif her 4 our drink up!hahaha
apart 4m these major eventz i've gone 2 c transformers wif mel,her lil bro n lea!itz a mint mvie!!absolutly luvd it!!!cn't w8 till it cumz out on dvd so gona buy it!lol devil had a lil get 2getha @ her plce whch i went 2 whle i was kinda groundd n got snppd majorly n endd up even mure groundd den b4 (if datz poss lol) so i wsn't allwd 2 c her b4 she went but it seemz dat shez aite after her drnkup lol!da rest of my rsltz r due out soon..argh nervous as hell buh @least i got dat drink up wif thuli,hahaha n dat gurlz lyk 14 or 15 ae,not even legal yet n shez askin me 2 go out wif her!bahaha dam our generation is doomd lol!lyfz aite-ish rite nw..nufng mure or less 2 say.. :)