15 October, 2006

skool n diwali

well was da 1st wk of skool intrstin, 1st day bck saw aggy n da rest of da fiji gurlz, got filld in bout all da crap dat went on dur by aggy..hmm seemz our gurlz r very diff 4m hu v fink dey r!!!lol OHHH n i did da blndst fing, vaish n me had our usual catch up chat @ intrval n i totally 4get v had tut. 2getha nxt period n was like: CALL ME n vaish was like k 2nite...n den v bth wlkd off 2 our classes onli 2 turn up 2 da lib n stare @ each other like DUHHHH*whle im crckin up hpin dat mel n kat dn't realise but of course dey do n mock me all day bout it* IDIOTTTTT i knw lol
nwyz den thurs was vaishz bday n i went hardout heart-ish n mushy on her presnt coz well i hve offically knwn her 4 10yrz nw,coz i luv her 2 lil bitz N mstly coz i wantd 2 kick D'z pressie HAHA
whch i did coz she huggd me 2 death!!n da amazin fing was i HUGGD her BACK, i knw i knw, i ddn't even feel da need 2 smack her (well mayb a lil) n den she had tearz in her eyes wen saw da heart felt part of my pressie so it was wrth it n it did take her 4EVERR 2 read my 2pg letter lol
nwyz da rest of da wk was uneventful xcpt 4 da hardout debate our form class got in2 on fri mrning bout da yr13 trip, endd up wif juile n aggy hardout stickin up 4 my idea against all dere gurlz WHCH was good coz i was 2 dam tired 2 defnd myslf lol..seemz dis btch fite is gona b worse den da ball 1'z!!argh..i give up n it hasn't even startd lol
went 2 diwali yest wif kat, mel n lea..had ourslvz a crck up tym.got dur n went strait 2 da foodstallz endd up eatin most of da day!!!den v stood 4 agez n wtchd da bollywood dance...OMG OMG da gurlz were like HARDOUT but sum of dem were soooo dam gud.sum of da guyz were SOOOOOO dam SCARY!!ewwwwwww wearin tite-short as topz,shakin dur hips like gay guyz,wearin makeup n TOUCHIN demslvz!!!N I got it all on camera!!lea n me brke out in2 randum dancez in btwn all da breakz, thort kat n mel wuld b use 2 it but im sure dey wantd 2 run n hide lol N im sure every1 else dur wishd v wuld run n hide!v were stndin up frnt screamin 4 da reali hot guyz 2 TAKE IT OFF as in dur topz not nefing else haha, den v shpd,well kat shpd n mel n lea sat dwn whle i tried 2 help kat!lol went 2 stnd in da line 2 get henna done but da linez were 2 dam long n v were 2 dam tired 4m our tennis gamez 2 care so v headd home...kat n me missd kelstn 2 dam much lol
got home n acca was dur wtchin sumfing sumfing so i spnt most of da tym transltin da mvie 4 kat n mel n V ate all da tamil food my mum was cookin den v wtchd elektra.aftr all of dis dey headd home n i went 2 bed BUT not b4 wtchin my video clip of da creepy purple wearin guy N pissin myslf laughin. preti gud wk BUT itz bout tym i strt gettin my act 2getha i fink..


Blogger Kat said...

"call me okay?" *mimicks holding phone to ear*


oh admit it aye..you love the purple vest dude.

20/10/06 8:22 pm  

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