04 October, 2006


awwwwwwwww onli a few dayz left of da hols..sooo sad!waaaaaaaaa
hmm wat oh wat hve i got up 2??? well da 1st wk i spent playin tamil wifey..argh i ddn't hve a choice or blieve me i wuld of run 4 da hillz!!!i spnt dat whle wk cookin freakin vegie curriez, mkin tamil dessertz n doin poojaz n letz not 4get goin 2 da temple a LOT!!KILLL ME!!n my dad has da nerve 2 tell my mum mayb itz tym dey sent my pic overseaz.........arghhhhhhhhh u knw wat dis meanz,freakin groom pickin tym, gain dn't fink i got a choice BUT u all knw wat kind of anticz im gona pull out!!lol OH n my mum tld my dad dat i am 2 immature 2 get married netym soon,i jst luv my MUMMY!lol
den on sat i tld my rntz dat i was stdyin @ katz n her n me snuck off 2 wtch a movie!!man step up like totally rockd!!hw can sum1 b sooo gud lukin???n hw can a whte guy move like dat lol..den v shppd round 4 her desgn stuff n tlkd bout life in general...den spnt da wkdayz over @ her house 'stdyin',well i got all my hstry n accountin done so im hapi!!lol hvn't even got close 2 strtin my englsh internal!!freakin hell,cn't b bthered!!
newyz 2day mel n me went 2 play tennis, oh freakin hell,i've lost my ACE servez!!dey r like gone!!n u knw me, im sooo like" y serve if im not gona ace??" lol..so i spnt da whle game reali pissd off coz i kept faultin!!argh..n my slicez r gone!!like pooooof..gone!!so shitty, i culd hear all my ex coachz yellin @ me in my head!!yup datz hw bad it was, i was hearin fingz!!lol
mehh i guess i shuld b hapi dat i still got my mean as smashz (oooo n i hit mel gain haha fink it hurt ae lol) n i still got my mean as forehandz so i guess all is not lost, JST lucky i pulld out of da summer pro gamez, holy shit man,i wuld of been da laughin stock of da whle comp!!stpd shit ankle reali scrwd up my game!!
after our wrk out (ahem) v went n got out take da lead n da hillz hve eyez!shit dat movie was dementd, u all knw mel n me alwyz laugh @ scary moviez n hvn't found a movie dat scarez us yet..BUT dis movie was reali scrwd in da head man!!esp wen da guy rippd da parrotz head off n drnk itz blood (yes i thort of all my birdiez!!) n wen he sntchd da baby, @ dis point i wantd 2 turn it off n mel totally agreed n well lea was screamin her head of, hidin bhnd a pillow n clingin 2 me so v assumd dat she was shittin herslf n totally agreed..BUT mel n me culdn't handle a horror movie gettin da better of us soo v clnchd our teeth n wthcd da whle fing!!argh i wntd 2 kill da demntd ppl everytym da baby cried!!leave helpless,reali cute babiez alone!
nwyz datz all dat i've been up 2 minus all da reali funi, mind scrwin convoz i've had wif ppl, katz intr. m8z all fink im shit scary nw n certain ppl mite b fallin 2 my charmz (ahem haha)!!im luvin all dis POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!muhahaha


Blogger Food Leader said...

lol.. ok.. that movie.. was not scary..nuclear demented ppl eating other ppl??? it was sooo gruesome though but man did we choose the right people.. da wusses, da baby, da dog and da chick survived lol.. it's still funny how we're all screaming at the screen going kill da bastard, oh c'mon and all dat..man bad decision waiting until leah got back 2 watch hills hav eyes lol.. bad choice..

4/10/06 11:46 pm  
Blogger Kat said...

woohooo! the dog lives!

I want to see a movie now... :(

5/10/06 3:45 pm  

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