17 November, 2007

welcum 2 bumville

ello ello my fellow citizenz of bumville,hwz itz????lol

aitey..dat was my weirdness 4 da day i fink lol..buh srsly im a BUM,such a BUM.i've done nufing useful or remotely intelligent in a few wkz!!!itz soooo weird..buh xtrmly OSUM!!!!!! :D i neva culd understnd hw ppl culd jst sit round long enuf 2 actually get bored,da whle sittin round concept neva reali xistd in my wrld.it was alwyz wrk wrk wrk,skool skool skool,fam fam fam n sumwea in btwn all of dat i fittd in a few laughz n parties!eva since i'd finshd my last xam it was home,bedroom n bed 4 me!!!srsly,dur was a few dayz wen i ddn't even leave my room (xcpt 4 da essentials course lol)!!!i was such a bumming-round virgin dat i actually ddn't even knw hw 2 do it 4 da 1st couple of dayz!!hehe datz sooo true,i dn't care hw gumbi i sound!lol nwyz mving on 4m bumville, dur was a few dayz wea i actually pluckd up da courage 2 leave home (let alone my rm lol) n dis is wat i've been up 2:

*devil came home so i poppd by 2 continue our world domination plots (yes dis does invlve my nuke guyz slogan hehe).all in all v got nufing done..sat round n listend 2 music n swappd randum drukin stories!devil needz srs AA help bahahaha (along wif a few otherz i knw lol)
*dom,kat,mel,matt,devil n me had a pizza feast in albert park.dis was followd by asian ICE-cream(well it was shaved ice wif flavourin whch lukd lyk icecream lol),den obviously v had 2 finsh wif our fotopicz,wea i happnd 2 get chokd 2 death by my swt lil nangi kat!(fuk shez 1 dangerous chick!!!!)
*went 2 a lankan guy fawkez party..it was preti eventful!strtd wif da boiz thrwin lit firwrkz @ us whch da kid in frnt of me stood on!i grabbd her pushd theebz n thuli outta da way coz da stupid dickheadz proceedd 2 chuck mure @ us n pushd my way thru da crowd (total rugby stylz-hand out in defence n da gurl was my ball 2 protect lmfao) managin 2 save us 4m further burnz!whch ddn't last long coz da idiotz lit 1 firewrk close 2 da firewrk box n evryfing xplodd sendin sparkz evrywea.thuli was rite nxt 2 da other box whch was bout 2 ignite so i sprntd 2 her,grabbd her arm n proceed 2 yank her awy 4m it!she tld me she owes me 1 buh im hpin i neva hve 2 call dat near-death fav in!da eventful nite endd up wif a b-ball game,gurlz vs boiz.dam was dat 1 nasty game,lea n me wantd revenge 4 da firewrkz stpidity so boi o boi did v attack buh i endd up gettin taken out by lux (thuli'z bro) whch resultd in a chunk of my elbow bein gone!
*went 2 jay'z plce 2 ctch up wif da otherz n wtch mvies in his projector rm!did i mention dat dis guy is loadd 2 da core!!endd up wtchn a crck mvie coz jess got scard easily n jay refusd 2 even sit in da same house where a scry mvie was playin n cnsdrin it was his house v were outvoted!lol den v all endd up sittin round in da sun chattin!did i mention dat jay cookd up a feast whch i sadly culdn't eat much of coz i was vegie!!buh OMG,hez freakin amazin in da kitchen..v r plannin 2 bake a few fingz 2getha sumtym dis holz!wow,jst realisd hw gay dat soundd lmfao! :D
*lastly dom'z cya party was on fri.kat,mel,dom n me went out got mvies dat v wantd 2 c gain (transformerz,resident evil2 n stomp da yard),bought pizza n stockd up on junkfud n headd bck 2 katz.den v basically spnt da whle day in frnt of da tv wtchin da dvdz n piggin out,whle obviously hvin randum goss sessionz in da mid!it was osum 2 jst lax out wif dem, dur was no xpectations, no stress n dfntly no pressure 4 intelligence-->(ae dom bahaha)!dn't u jst luv dayz wen u get 2 hang out wif ur best m8z n jst b cmpltly blah,coz frnkly i live 4 thse dayz!!!!

datz preti much hw uneventful my lyf has been buh im finally relievd @ da lack of drama!!itz osum 2 jst not care bout much else den myslf,itz bout tym i realisd i cum 1st i fink (yes dharsi dat was an understatement!lol).OOOOO btw if u hvn't read da 2mo series by john marsden den u sOOOOOooo freakin shuld!yes evry1 im a nerd,buh im a dam proud 1!!!! :D

so 4m da land of bumville- Happy BUMMIN! :)