15 May, 2006

hmmmmm srsly kelston ppl gota b 1 of da dumbst grpz of ppl i've ever met..jst realisd dat i hve not even once mntiond da strnge n darn rite fukd up shit dat happnz in kelston!!i wnder y???lol
firstly i fink i gota strt wif da UMBRELLA incidnt..N.B dis has nufing @ all 2 do wif klston gurlz,kelstn boiz crap!! newyz a guy got jumpd in da toiletz 1 lunchtym n got a umbrella stuffd up his ass...im not tlkin small umbrella im tlkin da HUUUUUUGGGEEEE 1z wid da reali pointy topz!!wel da whle pointy part got shovd up his u-knw-wat...n as u can guess dis ddn't go dwn well wif my m8 hu was goin out wif 1 of da guyz invlvd!!*n.b he did da shoving n she dumbd his ass strait awy!!*N can u blieve dat dis guy got dis dne 2 him coz he was 'suppsdly' gay n coz those stupid rugby-no braincellz-idiotz had nufing 2 do dat lunchtym!!srsly...
den therez da whle dope dealin-mking son-of-a-science teacher hu got snappd wif a 'P' lab in his hide awy..whch was da house he was rnting (smart smart!!) n mite i add gain dis was onli kelstn boiz..oh n letz not 4get da guy hu wlkd in2 a pole coz he was tryin 2 wlk cool or da guy hu was wlkin up hill n chukd a rubgy ball 2 his m8 onli 2 realise dat it wuldn't wrk wen it came hurtling bk n smackd him in da head or da guy hu said his m8z wankd a dog b4!!but i cn't say itz onli da rugby-sportz-no brainz 4m kelstn boiz dat gve kelstn a rep,itz also kelstn gurlz whch im sad 2 say..
kelstn gurlz has many namez..baby factry,whre house,dog house,druggz heavan..n there r prbbly sum i hvn't heard.n as u can imgine i no lnger say i go 2 kelstn gurlz wen askd whch skool i attnd coz all ne1 knwz bout kelstn is da 'P' mkin teacher,da umbrella,ohhhhhhh n yeaaa da guy hu was high on drugz n ran in2 our skool wif a gun a fewz yrz bk!!*fankfully wayyyyy b4 i wnt dere!!*lol
newyz as u can c im surrnded by complete n utter idiotz..but u gota agree wif me wen i say evryday in kelston is a dam rite intrstin 1!!!hahahahahahahahah


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