25 May, 2006

frndz,sleepovers,life n crap
hmm well dis is jst gona b me goin on n on so feel free 2 exit dis nw lol..dn't u dare mel!!lol
i jst realisd dis wkend dat in da 5yrz i hve been wif my closest grp of m8z v hve never ever once done nefing gurly (datz xcludin lst wkend ara lol)...i mean wen v hve sleepoverz @ my house v play poker n jin,wtch movies whch mel n me dn't fink r scry enuf,eat utter junk fud,chuck fud @ each other n @ da tv,draw on melz face as she fallz asleep 1st n stay up all nite coz v r all 2 high 2 sleep...but i mean never ever hve v had an sleepover as in a SLEEPOVER!!u knw da american-blonde-model wannabz typez of sleepoverz..i mean v dn't paint toenailz,talk fashion,do each otherz hair,try diff makeup stylez or sit in a circle n tlk bout wat v done wif our bfz (not dat v had bfz back den haha) but srsly v dn't even swap clothez.now does dat mean dat dere is sumfing wrng wif us????or is dis totally normal???but den gain i guess mel,agnes n me were never dat gurly welll dat was b4 agnes did da 360 on us..none of us 3 ever actually did nefing gurly,da gurlst fing i did bk den was wear lipgloss haha (sumfngz change huh??) n 4 me dat was da gurlst i was gona get.i guess us doin ne of dat fake american crap wuldn't mke us mure frndz-ish so v r jst fine da way v r..4 those of u wondrin wat da way v r is let me brk it dwn:
1.v r da witty crew (or jst plain stupid remarkz)
2.defintly all @ da pinnacle of our maturity..hahaha well most of us
3.sportz isn't a word 2 us,itz da meanin of life..hmm gain most of us
4.da mall 2 us is a place 2 b stupid n shopz r there 2 b kickd outa..ae guyz??lol
5.skool is da place 2 b srs(ly stupid n anny da teacherz as much as possible oh n PASS)
6.hugz n ne kindz of gurly affection is a NO GO ZONE..i mean wtf r air kissz???srsly???
7.teasin each other in frnt of a crush is cnsiderd 2 b bst frnd material..n even bettr is pullin out stupid picz,soul frnd material ae guyz??lol
8.pushin each other in2 bushz n tripin each other up in public is cnsiderd 2 b very nice..hmm
9.all pitchin in 2 do da punjabi dance in mac (n mock pankz) is da bst 18 b'day gift ever..muhahah
10.N finally v r da drive by crew,ready 2 egg ne guy dat does ne of us wrng!!! ae jess???
i guess dat dis is mure den those fake-plastic americanz will ever have so THERE!!ha!! n i wuldn't change nefng bout my grp of bst buddiez if i got da chance..wait hmm..jury out on dis 1!!


Blogger Kat said...

actually agnes did a 180 not a 360...coz then she would be right back where she used to be...

*points two fingers in the air and dances the victory dance with Priti*

(you know what dance that is aye? :))

27/5/06 9:30 am  

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